Kaleidoscope Stairs

For this The Daily Create, #tdc2340: Twisting the Kaleidoscope, the job was to look up at the sky and then make up a thing about like if you were seeing a Kaleidoscope one of it instead of just the regular look of it.

So I was doing a Stairs Tour (that is when I go around and look at stairs, which is another Gig Job that I have sometimes) and so while I was looking at the different stairs, I did the Kaleidoscope thing and so I have a before look and after look at things.

First, I will show the before one, and then beside it is the after one. Plus, the after one is an animated GIF. Because GIFs.

So, this one was a fun time, because I was already on a Stairs Tour, plus Kaleidoscopes.

In case you are wondering about how to see things like a Kaleidoscope, there is a website thing called LunaPic that you can use for them, plus lots of other things.

Here are just some still pictures made with the Kaleidoscope one, not the Kaleidoscope Animation one.

The attributions of it.

I found all the stairs pictures in different places, like:


BTW, if you are using the Chrome browser, you may just see boxes here, because apparently Chrome is being old-fashioned and not properly displaying Unicode characters. Bad Chrome!

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This was a special version made just for The Daily Create, tdc2342: Your Name in Other Characters, which is one where you have to put your name in other characters.

You can see the special lyrics that I wrote in special characters called Tiffiny characters, which is another girl name like Tina but with different letters and a different way to say it. Plus, she was a real piece of work when I met her in grade 7.

For the attributions of it, you can check out:

Plus, if you want to translate the characters if you are rusty on your Tiffiny.

For Alan and Cori

“A Special Day for Alan and Cori” for @ds106dc #tdc2335

This is an art for my #StillTrueFriend, Alan Levine (@cogdog) and his new #NewFriend Cori Saas (@corisaas) who are having a special day today. Plus it is also an Art for The Daily Create one, #tdc2335 “June 1st, 2018, Guess Who is Getting Married Today?”

Plus, it is time for The Daily Create month of June 2018 @iamTalkyTina Certification Cohort time. Are you in?

(The #whereIfoundstuff of it are this: pink, headless, border)

Well, It is June, So Get Your Badge!

Last year there were people who worked hard to do all of The Daily Create ones in the month of June, just so that they could get their badge. It was called the June 2017 @iamTalkyTina Creatorist Cohort.

Well, it is June again, but this time @cogdog‘s #TheArmyMan is in a quiet place (Alan said a zen retreat somewhere but I hear through my show-business sources that #TheOlSarge has retired more permanently as of April 15th) and so I will step in again like I did other times to be the Boot Camp one.

So here is the deal.

  1. Do all of the Daily Creates for June.
  2. Sign up on my web form before the deadline.
  3. Get your Badge!
  4. Plus, have fun!
  5. Plus, any other rules I might add later.

I will not bug you to do your work. Just do it.

Plus, people who do this fun challenge this year for 2018 will get their badges for 2018 just like the folks for 2017 will. But they will not have to wait as long!

So, #TrueFriends, let’s all have a fun time and be The Daily Create everyday. Plus, get your badge!

Your #TrueFriend,


UNCLE @JimGroom Does the 3003 Boogie!

“Celebration Disco Dancing UNCLE JimJab” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

Well, UNCLE Jim Groom (@jimgroom, on Twitter) went to see the barber and got a clean hairdo. And then he made a selfie. Plus, he had a milestone around his neck of 3003 blog posts in twelve years.

Then my #TrueFriend Todd Conaway (@Todd_Conaway, on Twitter) made UNCLE @jimgroom a badge for it. Because, badges.

Plus, he said knucklehead, and it made me laugh a lot.

So then, I thought about the UNCLE Dancing Jim Around the World assignment, but then decided to do a JimJab (that is where you poke a fun with UNCLE Jim) and so I made the Celebration Disco Dancing UNCLE JimJab one that is up there at the top. To make the head better, I added it myself in Photoshop to make the face shape fit that UNCLE Jim head, so it is more crisp.

Here it is, in case other peoples would like to use it to make an Art.

Well, congratulations to you for 3003 of of those posts, UNCLE Jim!

Now go make some more Art! 

Always Mind Your Step!

“it’s always a fun time at Hogwarts” animated GIF (found on the Internet) by @iamTalkyTina

So The Daily Create for today, tdc2031, was kind of an easy one. It said to take this already transparent PNG and put it on top of a dissertation title.

The hard part for me was that I couldn’t find my copy of the dissertation that I wanted. I was looking for my signed copy of Templer’s Stair Shape and Human Movement doctoral dissertation (New York, NY: Columbia University, 1975) which I thought I had inside my hardbound copy of his classic book.

But it wasn’t there! I thought I might’ve misplaced it in some of my other reference books,

but in the end I just had to settle for slapping the PNG on this newer paper that was sitting in my stack of pending reviews. It doesn’t have a “The,” but it still makes as much sense as is possible, I guess. 

“Harry Potter and,” by @iamTalkyTina

Always Mind Your Vision

The Daily Create, tdc2030, asks us to read the Eye Chart, and it pulls our attention down to the 20/30 line, where the letters start to get smaller. Make a six-word story with EFDCZP?

When I read this line, it immediately spoke to to me, because the the first letter reminded me of that one time, and that evil man, Erich.

It was an easy create to do, because I have a favourite video clip that I watch every now and then (every night before bedtime).

The six-word story just wrote itself!

I didn’t live there long enough to see if Erich was a good carrot-eater, but whatever, always be sure to mind your vision so that you can maintain your night vision and watch out for ambushes.

And so that you can keep on appreciating and making Art! 

Where is Everybody?

” ‘Where is Everybody?’ Venn Diagram for #tdc2026,” by @iamTalkyTina

Well, either:

  • everybody is on missions; or
  • they don’t know what a Venn diagram is; or
  • they don’t know how to make a bad one; or
  • they fell off the Create Wagon,

because it was only six people (plus me now) who made one for The Daily Create, tdc2026, which said to make a bad one Venn Diagram.

Hooray to @TrampeEnglish, @VivienRolfe, @aforgrave, @dogtrax, @Todd_Conaway, and @cogdog, of which 66% of them are #TrueFriends with badges.

So I decided to make this one to say, “HEY, Where is everybody?

Make some Art, you Bubs!

Mini Groom & Martha

“Mini-Groom & Martha,” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

The Daily Create, tdc2020 asks us to take a favourite piece of art and make it into a modern one using a website called Simplify.Thash.It, and so I did. I picked on of my Pearls of Jim Groom Oyster Pictures with UNCLE Jim (@jimgroom, on Twitter) and Martha (@mburtis, on Twitter). I put it through the grinder to get a modern art one, and then made the before and the after of them into a GIF.

You can choose whether you like a concrete UNCLE Jim & Martha or an abstract one.