Tag Archives: badge

Get Your @iamTalkyTina Certification Ducks All Lined Up To Jump

So, we are 10 days into the June 2018 30-Day The Daily Create Challenge and you are wanting to stay on track to receive your @iamTalkyTina Certification in Creatorist as part of the June 2018 Cohort.

Here is what you need to do:

  1. Do all 30 of the June 2018 The Daily Create challenges. Do not skip a single one.
  2. Be sure to sign up on my 2018 web form so that I know for sure that you are wanting to attempt certification as part of the June 2018 Cohort for @iamTalkyTina Certification in Creatorist.
  3. Consider keeping track of all 30 of your submissions (it helps to speed up the confirmation process, so you get your badge faster) using a handy tracking page, like I do.
  4. Be sure to be done by the end of the day on June 30th. Do not count on a single day’s grace (like I gave to everybody last year in 2017.)

3 Resources to help you with your @iamTalkyTina June 2018 Certification in Creatorist

  • a printable PDF calendar to stick on your mirror by your toothbrush to help you keep track of each day’s The Daily Create;
  • a handy tracking-page template, just like the one that I use, for you to keep up to date with links to all of your fancy work;
  • a electronic Google-calendar that you can subscribe to so you can get special alerts every day.

Again, I will not be bugging you to do your work. If you want your badge and all of the pride and recognition that goes with achieving it, then you have to put in the effort yourself. But you can rest assured that the prize is worth it in the end. Just ask the people who completed the June 2017 Cohort for @iamTalkyTina Certification in Creatorist. They all have that confidence of having completed the program and the pride of knowing that they earned their badge.

UNCLE @JimGroom Does the 3003 Boogie!

“Celebration Disco Dancing UNCLE JimJab” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

Well, UNCLE Jim Groom (@jimgroom, on Twitter) went to see the barber and got a clean hairdo. And then he made a selfie. Plus, he had a milestone around his neck of 3003 blog posts in twelve years.

Then my #TrueFriend Todd Conaway (@Todd_Conaway, on Twitter) made UNCLE @jimgroom a badge for it. Because, badges.

Plus, he said knucklehead, and it made me laugh a lot.

So then, I thought about the UNCLE Dancing Jim Around the World assignment, but then decided to do a JimJab (that is where you poke a fun with UNCLE Jim) and so I made the Celebration Disco Dancing UNCLE JimJab one that is up there at the top. To make the head better, I added it myself in Photoshop to make the face shape fit that UNCLE Jim head, so it is more crisp.

Here it is, in case other peoples would like to use it to make an Art.

Well, congratulations to you for 3003 of of those posts, UNCLE Jim!

Now go make some more Art! 

Rover is Ready For Her Close-Up, Mr. McGoohan

"Old Rover, Retouched," animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“My True Friend Rover, Retouched,” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

I fondly remember the first day I met Rover.

I was taking a little walk on the beach during my first day in Portmeirion. The offshore breeze was beautiful and I was taking in the gulls and the flowers and the bull kelp when a sixth sense alerted me to the fact that I wasn’t alone.

I gracefully executed Monkey Glides Smoothly on Banana Peel and transitioned flawlessly into Chimp On a Jungle Vine,   — and found myself face-to-face with Rover.

It may have been our respective abilities in stealthy manoeuvres, but I have to think that she and I were both taken aback with our first glances at one another.

After we each backed up a pace or two and performed a threat assessment, we both seemed to mutually decide that we were more than compatible, and we settled down side-by-side on a log to enjoy the afternoon and converse about our respective philosophies.

It was the first of many such wonderful days that first summer. The two of us were peas in a pod on and off the set, and we did a good job of covering for one another whenever there was a prank or two to be pulled on the cast and crew. Between the two of us, no one ever got caught out and we managed to put over some epic doozies on Pat and the folks.

Things turned a bit dark towards the end of the series, when the funding started to dry up. The production company was re-using stock footage by then (you know — the lava lamp and the Rover rising up out of the water sequence) and Rover stopped getting call-backs. Her original sheen had worn off, and despite all the mending and patching and buffing that I was able to do, Rover was pretty despondent. There came a day when I went down to the beach to visit, and Rover wasn’t there. I followed Rover’s footprint for a mile or so (basically a series of roll-and-hop-marks in the sand), but I lost the trail at Penrhyndeudraeth. Rover was gone on a midnight train.

The GIF above is one of my most treasured keepsakes of that summer with Rover. Based on the original footage from 1967-68, it has suffered from the ravages of time. I spent considerable time this afternoon restoring it to as close to its original spender as possible. Perhaps you can spot (no way!) the sections where I did some major retouching.

"Rover Gets a Makeover," animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Rover Gets a Makeover,” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina


A New Life for Rover

It was a few years ago that I was overseas on a little errand and I ran into Rover again. After more than three decades out of the biz, she had found a new lease on life performing at large-venue concerts during intermissions. She had had some wonderful plastic work done, and was looking great! She was reliving the glory days, performing in character as her old self, complete with the original theme music from The Prisoner, and having a fantastic time! Imagine how happy we were to get re-aquainted!

I hung around in the venue after the show shot some wonderful promo videos of her for her portfolio (see below). After that we just spent the weekend hanging out and reminiscing. It was great to re-kindle our friendship. Things were going so well that she was off to perform in Dubai the last I heard.

"Rover Promo Video" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Rover Promo Video” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

True Friends are True Friends

With the recent ds106-ification of #prisoner106, I realized that it was high time that I acknowledge Rover with her own True Friend badge. True Friends never begrudge the time it takes to receive their badge, as long as they finally receive it. And so, without further ado, I award Rover her official badge!  We should #BeSeeingHer around this summer!


Jim, Close(d)-Up in the Hut

"Jim, Close(d)-up in The Hostage Hut" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Jim, Close(d)-up in The Hostage Hut” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

Well, I guess it’s time to let Jim out. His captivity motivated the creation of 19 @jimgroom Animated GIFs yesterday (20 if you count the close-up above), and so I guess that’s a pretty good haul for sitting around on your keister in a hut. You can see them all in the comments of that post. Plus, badges!

Perhaps he will enjoy the GIF as a souvenir to remember the fun time!

You can also click on the GIF above to see a finer 1200-pixel wide version, for more enjoyment of the beauty! You can also check out the high quality still-image version on Flickr.

For full documentation of the proceeds of the day, along with a larger, full-scene view of the Hostage Hut, read Jim Groom is Still in the Hostage Hut.

Some times a GIF is just a wonderful Art to make.

Okay, Jim, you are free! Go make some Art, bub!

"Extra GIF" animated GIF badge for subsequent submissions

“Extra GIF” animated GIF badge for subsequent submissions

#thoughtvectors Badge

I don’t know if somebody has made a #thoughtvectors badge yet.

So I made me a #thoughtvectors in concept space badge. Because, you know, badges. 

"Thoughtvectors in Concept Space badge" by @iamTalkyTina

“#thoughtvectors badge” by @iamTalkyTina

If you want, you can put it on your blog too!

Here is some code that you can paste in a sidebar widget to display the #thoughtvectors badge on your blog.

<img src="https://iamtalkytina.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/ThoughtVectorsBadge250.png" alt="&quot;Thoughtvectors in Concept Space badge&quot; by @iamTalkyTina" width="250" height="83" />
<a href="http://insertthelinktoyourblogpostshere.com">my posts</a> | <a href="http://thoughtvectors.net/">thoughtvectors.net</a>

You will want to change the link in the “my posts” section to connect to your blog posts instead of mine.

This is what it will look like:

"Thoughtvectors in Concept Space badge" by @iamTalkyTina
my posts | thoughtvectors.net

What Does it Look Like to Have a #thoughtvector?

"Steve Martin Having a Thought Vector" image found on the Internet

“Steve Martin Sharing a Thought Vector” image found on the Internet

So, in addition to being the person who told one of my favourite jokes a long time ago that mentioned googol first before Google spelled it wrong (punch line, “ Hey, maybe it’s the needle!“), Steve Martin used to share visible #thoughtvectors in his head during his stand up routine. That is what it looked like in the picture above.

My True Friend Bill (@byzantiumbooks, on Twitter) shared with me a link to a picture of what his thoughtvectors looked like today.

I am working on my picture of what it looks like when I share my #thoughtvectors. I will share it here on my blog when it is done.

But I am wondering if this is like a kind of mini-Assignment for #thoughtvectors people, and whether other people might want to be sharing a picture of themselves having #thoughtvectors? Maybe it could even be a GIF of them sharing #thoughtvectors like mine will be?

The Patience of Doctor Rolfe

"True Friend @Vivien Rolfe" animated GIF badge by @iamTalkytina

“True Friend @Vivien Rolfe” animated GIF badge by @iamTalkytina

Well, that David @dkernohan was bugging me about getting around to making the True Friend badge for my True Friend Doctor @VivienRolfe and he even defaced his own True Friend badge (technically a violation of his True Friend badge license) but I forgive him because I was taking a bit of a while but it was because I was on missions and then I left my Thunderbolt adapter in my other Ninja Suit.

Anyway, they always say that the squeaky stair gets the nail, and so I put a nail in him while he and Vivien were making a really great show of the #ds106radio birthday on #ds106radio during the #ds106radio birthday day.  Plus, he also sang a nice version of a poem that I wrote that wasn’t Tina Don’t Like the Mean Word but it was on the page that I sent him so it still counts. A bit.

But the credit goes to the patience of Dr. Rolfe (get it?) for waiting, just like a True Friend can. Plus, she put me in her research show at that conference, even though I wasn’t there. One day we will meet in person and have a nice chat.

So there, David. I made my great powers and comes great responsibility, just like I said.

Then, it was fun to hear @onepercentyellow and @JordanLeden playing songs, but right now it is just some guy talking so more people need to go on #ds106radio right now today because it is the birthday day.