Tag Archives: Hippy

Are You Feeling Artsy, Hippy?

"Are You Feeling Artsy, Hippy?" animated GIF by iamTalkyTina

“Are You Feeling Artsy, Hippy?” animated GIF by iamTalkyTina

UNCLE Jim Groom (UNCLE Jim Groom, @jimgroom on Twitter, on Twitter) was writing today about a GIF that Spencer Scott made of him that was a Clint Eastwood one.

But when I saw it, I was thinking about when the Hippies where putting flowers in the guns and that UNCLE Jim would probably have a Hippy one with flowers in it. Plus a Hippies Flower Power badge of it.

UNCLE Jim’s flower came from this GIPHY garden.

So this is an AnimatedGIF Assignments 859 Riff-A-GIF based on Spencer’s picture but now is a GIF.