Tag Archives: Ninja

Don’t Try this at Home, Kids!

"Playing on the Stairs," animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Playing on the Stairs,” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

First, please understand that as a trained actress, stunt person, ninja, and generally responsible person, I have a deep understanding and heathy respect for stairs. Those of you who know me will understand this.

Second, know that as the designated and contracted Health and Safety Officer for The DS106 WorkPlace, I can only advocate for a most careful and proper use of any and all stairs. Stairs are not to be trifled with, nor treated without the appropriate caution. If there are handrails, hold onto them.

Third, please respect and follow my direction when I say, “Don’t Try This at Home, Kids!”

All that being said, I got a great piece of news today from my friend Mariana (@mdvfunes), who found me a beautiful set of stairs by S|PyroGIF on Tumblr (@BlobbyBarack on Twitter). I just had to try them out as soon as I saw them, and I must confess that I have been playing on them ever since.  Up and down, down and up, they are just SO MUCH FUN! I have been doing all of my special moves and and even trying out some new ones and I must admit that they are among the finest stairs I have ever encountered. Yes, there have been other stairs that are more aesthetic, or more historic, or more personally satisfying for reasons I will not mention. But these stairs are the most funnest!

And so, as I say “Well, Bye,” you can imagine me enjoying many hours yet to come of exploring this new find. Thanks, Mariana!

See ya!   😉

reMemborex Camera Visualizes Tina’s #thoughtvectors

"Me, Having #thoughtvectors" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Me, Having #thoughtvectors” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

So, after my True Friend Bill (@byzantiumbooks, on Twitter) made a picture of himself having #thoughtvectors then I thought that there must be a way to capture an image of me having them too, like when Bill made that radio.  I dug around in my closet for an old polaroid camera and jury-rigged it to capture some #thoughtvectors in real time. I call the hacked device a reMemborex camera.

When I am having a lot of #thoughtvectors, it can be sometimes a bit overwhelming. Maybe that is the way for other people?  I was reading about Gardner Campbell (@GardnerCampbell, on Twitter) making numbers on all of his associative trails (Reviewing our shady past: Nugget #1, and A conceptacular experience), and I was thinking that it would be nice if my PsycicSiri app could do that for me automatically, so that I didn’t have to keep doing screen captures and putting numbers on them with red.  If you look at the picture of me having #thoughtvectors up above, you can see that there is a lot going on, with thought vectors spinning and going out of my head, and things like books and Twitter and camera-pictures, and videos, and sounds and stuff all creating a barrage on my head from inside and out. Is it like that for you, sometimes, too?

Then, I use my ninja zen powers and make it all calm, like this:

"Ninja Zen" animatedGIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Ninja Zen” animatedGIF by @iamTalkyTina

I am working at developing some kind of mental focus on some of the #thoughtvectors as I shift to the ninjazen, but unfortunately the transition right now is far too abrupt, and so the effect is one of throwing some kind of massive “off switch,” as if I tripped on the stairs and fell and bonked my head. Maybe one day I will make a GIF that is between the two extremes — for now, I am working on the mental powers needed to effect that in real life. Having the main trails stay glowing in a little bit of luminescence after the ninjazen switch is thrown would be nice. And then I could use my reMemborex camera to capture the key remnants.

Well, I have some other things to share, and I need to make a badge yet today, so I will go back to do some more reading by that Vancouver Bush, now that I have my #thoughtvectors GIF done.

tdc603 My Keys

The Daily Create assignment for Monday, September 2nd is the classic video start-of-course prompt, “Show us your keychain and tell us a story about the keys and/or things you have on it.” It is always such a wonderful way to get to know people!

Here is my video. I know you will like it!