Well, my good Super True New Old Radio Friend @scottlo (where IS he, anyway?) has said that I need to leave off with all the stairs gags. I guess even a good running (or falling) gag runs its course after a few decades of use. It was a bit of a surprise today to find this little remake video on YouTube — I had thought that little secret was buried in the never ending expanse of the web.
Oh well, as they say, “What happens on the Internet, stays on the Internet.”
But on the upside, as a positive NEW 2014 New Year’s real resolution (not a 2014 Non-Resolution), I have decided to dial back on the Stairs metaphor a bit in the coming year. Not completely, mind you, but a significant bit. (I bet you will still be able to hear me think it, even if I don’t say it …)
I blame John Johnston (@JohnJohnston) (google is) and Tom Woodward (@twoodwar) for setting me on this little path today, and so, in the spirit of getting a good thing out of my system in preparation for the coming period of abstinence, (and as a final (temporary) bow in their (the stairs) direction), I present:
Stairs Are A-Z (plus, no secrets on Google)
Although my final search turned up 0 results (you have to watch the GIF to the end to see that), I did manage to come across the YouTube video through some extra-advanced Tina-ninja Google digging, and so my illustration of the search is the GIF of the stair fall that appears at the beginning of this post.
I think I’ve done this autocomplete-as-a-GIF assignment before, but I wasn’t able to find it just now in the ds106 Assignment Bank. Maybe someone can help me find it?