Your Community Needs You


I in going through some old files here in my quarters within The Village, I found an old something from quite a few years back that I though my True Friends might be interested in. I have made a small number of references to some aspects of my history with The Village, and while I cannot say too much, I have received permission to share the artifact with the Summer 2015 Residents, given that this is Design Week and all.  You will see that this poster is just a standard Village one where they put in a different picture whenever there is a changeover in the Green dome. I think you saw some of these posters in the A Change of Mind one.

I hope that you enjoy seeing it, and trust that you will see that it is just me, your good old, trusty True Friend, in acting in a very positive, supportive role. Which is so important!

Be Seeing You!


Well, after I found this and made sure it was safe to share it, then I realized that I might be a bit slim on the old Credit Units this week, and there really wasn’t a Design Assignment that I could tag this poster for. So I decided to take the Village one and turn it into a ds106 one. Because I can get Credit Units for a DS106 Propaganda Poster from Design Assignment 367 which is maybe almost a perfect fit because the original Village poster is kind of a propaganda one. Like the man with the stars and stripes hat needs you was.

So I added a bar at the bottom to say “ds106 digital storytelling community” and “make art #4life (and friends)” and so now I can get 3 Credit Units for the community!


“Your Community Needs You: ds106 edition” by iamTalkyTina

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