Well, I decided to add a couple more planes to my GIF from earlier today, plus some drop shadows to help you see the depth of the planes. Can you spot the missing plane?
Well, bye.
Well, I decided to add a couple more planes to my GIF from earlier today, plus some drop shadows to help you see the depth of the planes. Can you spot the missing plane?
Well, bye.
Well, it was a while ago that I tweeted to @jimgroom saying he should make some Art, bub and make two things (thing 1, thing 2) into #ds106 assignments. And do them, too. But I was on a mission and I didn’t see if he was awake or whatever, but then this morning I saw Rochelle (@Rockylou22, on Twitter) made a 3D brain of it and so I was asking if other people had made an assignment of it or what.
So after reading about it again and besides I was done with a mission, I decided to try to make one using the 3D GIF that I already did without lines and made into an assignment already before called Monster Chiller Horror Theatre 3D GIF for the August 2013 GIF Challenge #10 last summer.
While I was adding lines to it, Mariana (@mdvfunes, on Twitter) and Tom (@twoodwar, on Twitter) were doing a chat on the Twitter about it. So when the tweets popped up and Tom said z-axis then I added some more lines on different planes to my GIF to see if it would help explain it to people with their eyes.
Does this one help with 3 lines on 3 different planes?
It it, the up-and-down line on the left is on a plane that is a little bit behind the plane that the up-and-down line on the right is on and they are both behind the plane that the back-and-forth at the bottom in on.
Plus, this GIF below has yet another line on a Plane flying in the back of him.
In the z-axis explaining of it, it is kind of like layers in photoshop, with a plane behind him with a one back-and-forth line on it and one plane way out in front of him with a back-and-forth line on it and two planes in between them with up-and-down lines drawn on them. And then when he moves in the 3D move, he keeps breaking the planes (like layers in his life) that are drawn on the different planes from behind him out to in front of him.
So when I was doing this I think it helps to have a good 3D GIF type clip to start with where the thing that is going to break the planes is coming out of the middle or away from part of the thing that is not coming out of the planes. Like in the video with the music that Mariana said (see below, just remember to turn down your sound if you don’t like a song, but as for me, I was dancing) when his foot was swinging around or when his hand was swinging around but part of his middle body wasn’t.
Plus in the Pancake GIF I was thinking of doing his belly too but it wasn’t forward enough like the Pancakes are unless I made a different line for it so I didn’t. But I had to see that the plane for the plate wasn’t the same as one for his belly. But it would be funny to do his belly, too. But it would have too many planes then and it would cause congestion and possibly an accident.
Well, so that is my first attempt at it and a kind of explanation of it, but who is going to make it an assignment? It could be called Making 3D GIFS with Planes.