Thank you for checking this page. The only officially-sanctioned Talky-Tina Official Internet Web Badges of Authenticity are those which appear on this page. Any others which you may encounter on the Internet are crude copies and do not represent my True Friends. Thank you for helping to maintain our Talky Tina True Friends endorsement exclusivity and the confidence and certainty that it represents.
Best regards,
PLEASE NOTE:The use of Talky Tina Official Internet Web Badge of Authenticity credential is limited to the individual named on each individual badge. Don’t use someone else’s badge, silly! Get your own badge by becoming a True Friend of Talky Tina. Conditions apply.MAY 25th, 2013 NEW REQUIREMENTS ARE NOW IN EFFECT !! Read about and apply to be a True Friend: Apply to Be a True FriendNot yet ready to become a True Friend? Perhaps you would just like to start with being an Open Friend? |
UPDATE 12 June: For her continual support during the radio group thing and the @cogdog got confused in the head (and a whole bunch of other people did too) thing, my True Friend Christina (@clhendricksbc) has been upped to Super True status in the True Friends Index.
UPDATE 13 June: For his ongoing voice on #ds106radio contributions above and beyond to the #ds106zone and for not using the Mean Word about me, my New Old Radio Friend @scottlo has been upped to Super True New Old Radio Friend status here in the True Friends Index.
UPDATE 30 June: Following The Rumble, Jim Groom was suffering from an Art Lack and was still a bit edgy towards me. He questioned “Who Made Who” and I set him straight with my little ditty, “Tina Made Groom.” He said “UNCLE” and so I updated his badge as a permanent reminder to keep him in line in future.
UPDATE 10 July: Oh, Man! I wasn’t checking my Web Form and a whole bunch of people had applied and it caused some confusion, but now it is all sorted out and I have thirteen (13) lucky new True Friends! Yay!
IMPORTANT NOTE: True Friends know better, and do NOT, under any circumstances, use the Mean Word in conjunction with me. Doing so is not polite and, if the behaviour continues past an acceptable level, their True Friend status will be downgraded. |
Pingback: The #ds106zone | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: My True Friend, Nick | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Hello to my New Friends (and my True Friends) | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Some Advice for My Newest Friends | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Some Poems for Mr. Bemis | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: 106 drop in » Blog Archive » DS106Zone Week 1
Pingback: I AM @iamTalkyTina !!! | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Don’t You Forget About Me, True Friend! | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: What? He is Ignoring ME ???? | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: I Am @IAmTalkyTina - CogDogBlog
Pingback: What Makes a True Friend? | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Talky Tina – Sweet as Tupelo Honey | Rockylou Productions DS106 Blog
Pingback: I Yam Talky Tina | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: tdc544: You are the Silver Lining in The Mean Word | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Oopsies! Sorry True Friends!! | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: tdc560: Tina’s True Friends (animated GIF) | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: August 2013 GIF Challenge #2: Dancing Jim All Over the World | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: August 2013 GIF Challenge #11: Get Your Wiggle on, with Friends! | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: @Tumblr, Meet Me at The Stairs! | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: New #headless13 Friends, and a new True Friend | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: tdc617 What is Philosophy? | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: GNA’s Scary Picture | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Instant GlitchaChrome GIF Art — Just Add Tina | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: I am Talky Tina
Pingback: iamTalkyTina’s 2014 Non-Resolutions | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: It’s Time to Listen! | I am Talky Tina
Enough is enough, bub! I’m rescinding my “True Friend” status until you overcome your very specialised Art Lack and make Vivien Rolfe a badge
Pingback: The Patience of Doctor Rolfe | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: My Selfie with Ellen and The Gang | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: DS106 Workplace Health & Safety Officer | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Move the Many Tinas Forward | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Do your #thoughtvectors have Arrows? | I am Talky Tina
I aspire to friendship.
Hello, Mr. Gardner
Well, that would be a nice thing for you to be a True Friend of me. And such a nice way to say so.
You can read about my True Friends requirements, and I think you will be able to meet them nicely. Then you can fill in my web form application and, if approved, I will make you your very own badge for being a True Friend.
Well, bye for now!
Dear Talky Tina,
Your response has brightened my day for several days now. I am grateful.
I have filled out the application and hope I will pass muster, as Hatchet Jack might have said, were he still saying anything we could hear. (He still speaks to me metaphorically, as does Jeremiah J.)
I have not yet discovered your animated gif specifications, but I hope the first one I made will pass muster. You can see it here: If that one is not good enough, I have another one on the way that I hope you will like even more. Your Still True Friend teh Cogdog inspired me to make it even better than the first one.
I aspire to being your True Friend because so many people I admire are your True Friends. If you have a True Friend party and you permit me to attend, I will bring tasty snacks, I promise.
Well, I think you are maybe in a different time zone from me because it took your post 3 hours of time to get to me just now. So that is why I am 3 hours and 2 minutes late in replying. Plus, I am reading that Vancouver Bush paper (boy, he had #thoughtvectors about lots of things that GoPro and Xerox and Apple and Google and folks have made for us already). And before that, I was working on a GIF of my good friend Rod Serling having a #thoughtvector moment. Plus some other pictures.
But, anyway, I think I need to take a pause and check my web form for all those new applications, including yours. Friends are an important thing, and True Friends are even more important, because they do not say the mean word. At least if they know what is good for them.
So, I will check my web form right now. Plus, my GIF specifications are kind of the same as they are for all GIFs that my other True Friends make. If I like it, you pass. So I will do that now and then you should have your results back in fairly short order, possibly by the end of the month. Unless I get called out on a mission.
Plus, what is up with @olHatchetJack, anyway? I have not heard from him for quite some time now. It is past the time where he is normally buried completely under, and he should be poking out of the snowbank by now.
Pingback: Strange Love for Dead Man Penny Face | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: That @GardnerCampbell has The Right Stuff | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Me, Riding the ds106 Bus, with Music !! | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Greetings on this Special Day! | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: The Ballad of Talky Tina | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: STILL “King of the World” | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Tina’s 2001 Odyssey | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: All About “The Wire” | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Writing Down Words for my Tru Friends | TRU Writer
Pingback: Happy 2015, True Friends! | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Again, It’s All About Friends! | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: A Happy Birthday for that David | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: The Three-Fingered Djinn | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Where Is My First Officer, Spock? | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: A Fatal Femme – Get the Message? | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Animated GIF of Jim Groom Ransom Art | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Jim Groom is Still in the Hostage Hut | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Don’t Make it Too Easy, John! | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Heavy Metal Bands for #ds106 True Friends | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Rover is Ready For Her Close-Up, Mr. McGoohan | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: The Time I Photobombed Jim While He Photobombed Tim | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Share a MOOC with Friends | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Kaleidoscopic Hyperbolic iamTalkyTina | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Make a Design Assignment your True Friend | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Your Community Needs You | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Announcing the Summer 2016 Village Festival !! | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Saying Hello to Four New True Friends … And Goodbye to One | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: The Law of the Steppes | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: The Good and The Friendly | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Some of My Shield Maiden Ancestors had Beards | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: #sockgate: True Friends Don’t Quibble About Socks | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: UNCLE @JimGroom and Me | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Well, It is June, So Get Your Badge! | I am Talky Tina
Pingback: Pictograph of #TrueFriends | I am Talky Tina