9 thoughts on “Let’s Rumble!

  1. scottlo

    I am nearly hyperventilating from laughing at this amazing program/poster. There have been a ton of weirdly awesome moments during ds106zone but this takes the upside-down cake. Brilliant work Talky T.

    I wish you total success.

    Break a leg, or two.

    1. iamTalkyTina Post author

      If you put your face in a paper bag it helps you stop that. But not if you are Brian Short for some reason.

      Those #pretenderTinas will have a thing or ten coming to them this Saturday Night at the Rumble. I crafted the bars myself out of some Titanium I had lying around.

      All Tinas enter, one and only @iamTalkyTina leaves!

      All in good fun!

      Well, Bye!

  2. Brian Short

    This is so great. I’m working a bit tonite but i hope i get to listen. I can’t believe how little idea i have of where this is going. Can’t wait, yo

    1. iamTalkyTina Post author

      Don’t worry, Friend Brian. The WHOLE show will be recorded so you will be able to hear it again and again over and over as many times as you like! It will be epic! You will have fun!

  3. Ben

    The poster is amazing, especially given the limited range those por little arms of you have. Rest assured, we can pull them off where Mr. Streator failed 🙂

    1. iamTalkyTina Post author

      You are just a bunch of warm air — not even hot air! You and all of your Mean Word #pretenderTina buddies stand no chance up against the one and only original @iamTalkyTina (THAT’S ME!!!!)

  4. Ben

    Still waiting to hear you on the radio, Tina. If you’re so powerful, feel free to take the stream from me 🙂 If not, I have a whole list of awesome tunes lined up for you 🙂

  5. Pingback: Tina Don’t Like the Mean Word | I am Talky Tina

  6. Pingback: But Now We Are #TrueFriends | I am Talky Tina

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