Monthly Archives: July 2017

Always Mind Your Vision

The Daily Create, tdc2030, asks us to read the Eye Chart, and it pulls our attention down to the 20/30 line, where the letters start to get smaller. Make a six-word story with EFDCZP?

When I read this line, it immediately spoke to to me, because the the first letter reminded me of that one time, and that evil man, Erich.

It was an easy create to do, because I have a favourite video clip that I watch every now and then (every night before bedtime).

The six-word story just wrote itself!

I didn’t live there long enough to see if Erich was a good carrot-eater, but whatever, always be sure to mind your vision so that you can maintain your night vision and watch out for ambushes.

And so that you can keep on appreciating and making Art! 

Where is Everybody?

” ‘Where is Everybody?’ Venn Diagram for #tdc2026,” by @iamTalkyTina

Well, either:

  • everybody is on missions; or
  • they don’t know what a Venn diagram is; or
  • they don’t know how to make a bad one; or
  • they fell off the Create Wagon,

because it was only six people (plus me now) who made one for The Daily Create, tdc2026, which said to make a bad one Venn Diagram.

Hooray to @TrampeEnglish, @VivienRolfe, @aforgrave, @dogtrax, @Todd_Conaway, and @cogdog, of which 66% of them are #TrueFriends with badges.

So I decided to make this one to say, “HEY, Where is everybody?

Make some Art, you Bubs!

Mini Groom & Martha

“Mini-Groom & Martha,” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

The Daily Create, tdc2020 asks us to take a favourite piece of art and make it into a modern one using a website called Simplify.Thash.It, and so I did. I picked on of my Pearls of Jim Groom Oyster Pictures with UNCLE Jim (@jimgroom, on Twitter) and Martha (@mburtis, on Twitter). I put it through the grinder to get a modern art one, and then made the before and the after of them into a GIF.

You can choose whether you like a concrete UNCLE Jim & Martha or an abstract one.

Move Along, Bub!

“Shareski — Move Along, Bub!” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

Well, I was out in P.E.I. doing some volunteer lifeguarding at my favourite beach, and Dean came along and started making a nuisance of his self. I had to give him a warning ticket and tell him it was time to head back to the potato fields.

This Art is for The Daily Create, tdc2024 which says to tell off Dean using a speech bubble.


“Generals on the Steps,” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

It is a GIF that I made for The Daily Create, tdc2023, which said to make a better rhyme for a bad one that my TrueFriend (who has not yet applied for her badge) Audrey Watters (@audreywatters, on Twitter) said was the worst one in the world. But since I am a polite TrueFriend , I did not actually want to say it, so I made a GIF one instead and you can fill in the blank with your imagination.

For this Art, I used:

UNCLE @JimGroom and Me

“Uncle @JimGroom and Me,” animated gif remixed by @iamTalkyTina

One time I got myself some glasses and moustache just like UNCLE Jim (@jimgroom, on Twitter) and snuck in beside him for a photobomb. Then, when he did a wink, I did one too! It was a fun time. That UNCLE Jim is a #TrueFriend, and you can see how he is doing the finger thing to say that we are tight, like two peas in a pod.

This GIF is like the one on Reverend Devilhorns, by D’Arcy Norman. But in this one, you can see me, too. Plus, I wink, just like UNCLE Jim.

This picture is a glasses one, for The Daily Create, tdc2022.

A Doctor Kit for UNCLE Jim

“A Doctor Kit for UNCLE Jim,” by @iamTalkyTina

The Daily Create, tdc2011 said to make a ds106 Doctor Kit for a person of ds106, and so I have made one for UNCLE Jim (that is, UNCLE @jimgroom, on Twitter).

It has all kinds of useful things that he should have with him when he is on missions, if he is well-prepared.

It has things like scissors and tape and glue for making GIFs and other art, plus a lightning connector cable for his phone when he forgets it all the time. Then, band-aids in case he gets a boo-boo, string in case he needs it for that special time, things like sunscreen to avoid the bad rays when hiking up in the pretty mountains that he is always making pictures of, plus 3D glasses for looking at my 3D art. It is always good to have a snack along if you are on a mission, so I put in crackers and some cheese strings. I have left a bit of room in the bag for him to add some other things.   But plus, so that he can keep his self hydrated, I gave him his very own water bottle from the ds106zone store, from when we did The DS106ZONE back in 2013.

The Attributions of Stuff

Follow My Drift

“Making Art from Stairs,” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

The Daily Create, tdc2010, asks us to start with one word and end with another by chasing a phrase.  Chose to start with the word Stair and have ended with Art. Plus, I made an Art out of it using The Noun Project.  Plus, it is a bonus GIF.

The Attributions of It