Monthly Archives: October 2013

My ds106 True Friends Commercial


Now that I have a bit of time for making some Art again, one thing that I wanted to do for audio week was a commercial for #ds106 and True Friends. I think that #ds106 is a great way to find enthusiasm and creativity and energy and fun, and it is a great way to have True Friends, too.

So I made a radio commercial for #ds106 and True Friends. Here it is.

Once I got my mic working again, it was an easy thing for me to make it in short order. To make it work really well, I found a nice piece of gentle music on Jamendo to have in the background. It is a nice song by Oscar Avila called nenezko-es-princesa from his album Nenezko, cuaderno I and is shared with the public under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 which is a nice thing for a Friend to do.

I think that many new Friends will start #ds106 because of my commercial and I will get some more True Friends, too.



GNA’s Scary Picture

My True Friend GNA (@DrGarcia) took a picture after her work and she put it on the internet and said that it was spooky.


I don’t really know why she said it was spooky. I think that as long as you have True Friends around, things can not really be that way.

Well, bye!

Tina is Taxed While Tackling the Script

Well! I have been having a bit of an Art Lack recently, but I think that it will be done soon and I will be back to my usual self, making Art on a more regular basis.

I have been trying to find time to work on our group radio play, Shrinking the Big Questions with Mariana, Christine, Karen, and Jess. I won’t say too much about our show now, except to say that it is about Shrinking the Big Questions.

I know that I am a bit rusty at making Art because I had a really difficult time getting my microphone to work right AND I had a rough time reading my script that was written for me. Listen to this difficult time that I had. It is an outtake or a blooper:

Would you believe that even after all that mumbling, jumbling, I still managed to get the line not quite right in my final recording? When the show comes out next week you can listen to when I say this part and hear how I still had a problem.

Oh well, what is it that they say about get back on the horse and then you can find water so he can have a drink? Or something like that?

Plus, I was doing some of my recording in the back of a truck inside a Shipping Container when I was going home from The Big Meet-Up with Jim Groom. But I will write about that soon. (with pictures!)

Well, bye!