Category Archives: Design


BTW, if you are using the Chrome browser, you may just see boxes here, because apparently Chrome is being old-fashioned and not properly displaying Unicode characters. Bad Chrome!

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This was a special version made just for The Daily Create, tdc2342: Your Name in Other Characters, which is one where you have to put your name in other characters.

You can see the special lyrics that I wrote in special characters called Tiffiny characters, which is another girl name like Tina but with different letters and a different way to say it. Plus, she was a real piece of work when I met her in grade 7.

For the attributions of it, you can check out:

Plus, if you want to translate the characters if you are rusty on your Tiffiny.

For Alan and Cori

“A Special Day for Alan and Cori” for @ds106dc #tdc2335

This is an art for my #StillTrueFriend, Alan Levine (@cogdog) and his new #NewFriend Cori Saas (@corisaas) who are having a special day today. Plus it is also an Art for The Daily Create one, #tdc2335 “June 1st, 2018, Guess Who is Getting Married Today?”

Plus, it is time for The Daily Create month of June 2018 @iamTalkyTina Certification Cohort time. Are you in?

(The #whereIfoundstuff of it are this: pink, headless, border)

Well, It is June, So Get Your Badge!

Last year there were people who worked hard to do all of The Daily Create ones in the month of June, just so that they could get their badge. It was called the June 2017 @iamTalkyTina Creatorist Cohort.

Well, it is June again, but this time @cogdog‘s #TheArmyMan is in a quiet place (Alan said a zen retreat somewhere but I hear through my show-business sources that #TheOlSarge has retired more permanently as of April 15th) and so I will step in again like I did other times to be the Boot Camp one.

So here is the deal.

  1. Do all of the Daily Creates for June.
  2. Sign up on my web form before the deadline.
  3. Get your Badge!
  4. Plus, have fun!
  5. Plus, any other rules I might add later.

I will not bug you to do your work. Just do it.

Plus, people who do this fun challenge this year for 2018 will get their badges for 2018 just like the folks for 2017 will. But they will not have to wait as long!

So, #TrueFriends, let’s all have a fun time and be The Daily Create everyday. Plus, get your badge!

Your #TrueFriend,


A Doctor Kit for UNCLE Jim

“A Doctor Kit for UNCLE Jim,” by @iamTalkyTina

The Daily Create, tdc2011 said to make a ds106 Doctor Kit for a person of ds106, and so I have made one for UNCLE Jim (that is, UNCLE @jimgroom, on Twitter).

It has all kinds of useful things that he should have with him when he is on missions, if he is well-prepared.

It has things like scissors and tape and glue for making GIFs and other art, plus a lightning connector cable for his phone when he forgets it all the time. Then, band-aids in case he gets a boo-boo, string in case he needs it for that special time, things like sunscreen to avoid the bad rays when hiking up in the pretty mountains that he is always making pictures of, plus 3D glasses for looking at my 3D art. It is always good to have a snack along if you are on a mission, so I put in crackers and some cheese strings. I have left a bit of room in the bag for him to add some other things.   But plus, so that he can keep his self hydrated, I gave him his very own water bottle from the ds106zone store, from when we did The DS106ZONE back in 2013.

The Attributions of Stuff

Follow My Drift

“Making Art from Stairs,” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

The Daily Create, tdc2010, asks us to start with one word and end with another by chasing a phrase.  Chose to start with the word Stair and have ended with Art. Plus, I made an Art out of it using The Noun Project.  Plus, it is a bonus GIF.

The Attributions of It

Trip with Tina

Draft Promo Poster for ‘Take a Trip with Tina Travel Company,” image by @iamTalkyTina

Well, there are lots of different modes of transportation that you can go on a trip with, and you can see me in my nice red uniform waiting for you at the top in all of the pictures, waiting for you to take a trip.

This is a poster for The Daily Create, tdc2009, which says “Show us your poster for your travel company,” and so I did, for my company called Take a Trip with Tina Travel Company.

Badges On Hold — I Was Moving!

“cPanel Van,” image by @iamTalkyTina (click to view larger to really appreciate the Art)

Well, the last time I was working on our @iamTalkyTina Certification in Creatorist June 2017 Cohort Application Process Reviews, but then I took a screen break and had dinner.

The next thing I knew, my landlord was banging on the walls and telling me that she didn’t like me playing my music at all hours and that my dancing moves were knocking the plaster off her downstairs ceiling. She just kept going on and on and really started to make a nuisance of herself. She said I had too much stuff, and so when I paid her more money to rent out some more space, it was in a different building and she didn’t even realize that!  She didn’t get to the point of threatening to keep all of my stuff, but it was getting a bit testy. Then she kind of stopped talking to me altogether, which was a bit worrying.

(I should mention that I have never had any problems with my landlady before, and that I have had my stuff there for many, many years (like maybe 15 years?), and her service has always been top notch, and I moved other stuff there over the years because of all of that, and that she has always kept the place up to great standards, but maybe there was a change in management, I don’t know.)

Perhaps she really just wanted me out so that she could triple her income by renting my flat out as an AirB&B, but whatever!

I decided to reclaim my independence from her.

I got to packing, and then called up a guy that I know about getting a new home base.

Now most of you #ds106 folks probably know this fellow, because he is one of the founding fathers of #ds106, or, as I like to call him, UNCLE (because he said UNCLE to me back in the day read all about it here) called Jim Groom (@jimgroom, on Twitter) and he and his good friend Tim Owens (@Timmmmyboy, on Twitter) have a thing going where they rent out co-working space on the land where they farm servers. So I managed to arrange to move all of my stuff from where it was to where UNCLE Jim and Tim have their stuff, and it took less than 24 hours and it was a smooth ride. We used a cPanel van and it made the whole thing just fine, like Tim and Lauren (@brumface, on Twitter) said. So now I store my stuff there.

But now I am checking to make sure my cell phone lines are still connected and then I can get back to doing the @iamTalkyTina Certification in Creatorist June 2017 Cohort Application Process Reviews when I get around to them.

Where Stuff Came From (kind of like “Attributions”)

On The Mean Word

“On The Mean Word,” public service announcement by @iamTalkyTina (B&W)

The Daily Create, tdc1994, submitted by @NomadWarMachine, says, Cartoon Yourself, and so I made myself into a Public Service Announcement comic strip cartoon, starring me! My Public Service Announcement has the topic of “On The Mean Word,” and it is me telling about how #TrueFriends don’t use The Mean Word.

To make this Art, I posed for some different pictures using my iPhone, and then I made myself into a cartoon using an app called Toon Camera. Once I had a bunch of pictures to tell the story, I put them into my computer and then built the comic strip using Comic Life. It is a nice program that does panels and speech bubbles and fancy comic letters and stuff.

After all of that, I opened it up in Photoshop and tried it out as an even more black & white one than the more monochromatic one that my original photos gave me. I liked the black and white one, so that is the one at the top. Down below, in case you want to see it, is the one with the original colours of my photos.

“On The Mean Word,” public service announcement by @iamTalkyTina (original)

Make a CREATORIST Lune! Get Certified!

“Creatorist instruction Lune,” by @iamTalkyTina

So, today’s The Daily Create, tdc1991, says to make a Lune . A Lune is like a special haiku that is words instead of syllables, and 353 instead of 575.  That means it needs to be three words, five words, three words, instead of five syllables, seven syllables, five syllables.

My true friend @johnjohnston made a website called Flickr Lunes to help you make a loon. All you have to do is search a picture from the Internet that is already pre-approved for remix. Then you type in your words.  The you pick top, middle, or bottom, and then press the button to make it. Then you just download it and post it on your blog post.

Good luck to all the peoples! Only nine more to go (except for all the ones that you missed and you have to go back and do still!)   But if you need a little extra incentive, then here it is because when it is all done, there will be a special commemorative T-shirt that you can order that will have all of the certified peoples on it so that you can show off your CREATORIST certification to strangers.  Join the privilege of being in this special first cohort!

Keep on creating, bub!



The Rise and Fall of Stairless Society

“Album covers from my 1980’s pop-synth band,” by @iamTalkyTina

Today’s The Daily Create, tdc1990 asked us to remember a favourite band that was about “without something,” like the example Men Without Hats didn’t have hats.

It reminded me of one of my favourite pop-synth bands that I was in of the eighties which was called Stairless Society.  Over the course of our career arc, we released several albums which produced zero hit singles or didn’t even get on the charts, but still I thought we had a great concept and of course we had a funky beat.

“Self-titled debut album, Stairless Society, 1983,” image by @iamTalkyTina

We had fun touring with that first album, but along the way, some of the bandmates got discouraged, and by the time we re-grouped to cut a second album, we were down to two members, me and one other.

Second album, ‘Superramp,” sadly took a dive,” image by @iamTalkyTina

Unfortunately for some bad press that arose just during the release of our second album (an overeager reporter dug into my history and dredged up all the news related to the court cases back in 1963-65), we struggled to get gigs. After a few weeks, it was just me up there on the stage trying to run all the different instruments by myself as well as acting as the face of the band.

“Our third album, SS: Start to Finish,” was a compilation album of previous releases,” image by @iamTalkyTina

By the end of that tour, we (I) decided to give it one more go by releasing a retrospective album, but it went nowhere, and so I moved on to more exciting dreams.

But it was still a fun time!