Tag Archives: Good Morning Message

It’s Another Beautiful Day, Here in The Village!!

It's Another Beautiful Day Here in The Village," animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“It’s Another Beautiful Day Here in The Village,” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

A little bird told me that Week Two for #prisoner106 is going to be Audio Week, and that Number 2 wants folks to make a lot of nice Good Morning Announcement Messages to play on the loudspeakers every morning when people are getting up and doing their ablutions and toast and stuff.  So I decided that it would be a nice thing to make one for everyone to hear. Because of my voice and all.

There are lots of examples of them in the episodes. Look for the parts where Number Six tips his head sideways and then the picture shows one of those little metal boxes (like up above in my GIF) and then a voice comes out of nowhere and says nice things.

Anyway, now that you have seen my GIF, you can listen to my first Good Morning Message.

Isn’t it a nice one? I used that Party Dress song in the background like I found in one of the episodes using Shazam on my iPhone. That app sure is a wonder and lets you find sounds so quickly, especially in a nice clean format to put into an audio project without any of the old hiss from the 1960s and film scratches.

Because of my advance information, this will be an example for a new assignment that Number 2 asked me to make called Assignment 1745: Good Morning Message for The Village. When you do it, you can tag it with AudioAssignments, and AudioAssignments1745 so that it will link into the ds106 Assignment Bank example for that assignment.