Tag Archives: Secret Decoder Ring

Coding in Base DS106 is Where It’s At!


It was interesting yesterday when The Daily Create tdc1500 said to celebrate 1500 creates in some way, and my patented @iamTalkyTina Handy-Dandy Base-DS106 Secret Decoder Ring had just arrived in the post from Zazzle! It was so easy for me to test out my ring to translate 1500 into Base DS106 and get @jimgroom|@ds106radio.

But then today’s The Daily Create tdc1501 asked for a media representation of the Meaning of Life (which aficionados all know can be simplistically, yet fundamentally represented as 42) but @mdvfunes said that you can’t use 42. So I turned to my handy-dandy, brand-spankin’ new patented @iamTalkyTina Base-DS106 Handy-Dandy Secret Decoder Ring to convert 42 into Base-DS106.

And should there be any surprise?


So it is a wonderful thing to be able to use numbers and secret codes and Base-DS106, plus have an @iamTalkyTina Handy-Dandy Base-DS106 Top Secret Decoder Ring of it.