Jim Groom never really sent me any kind of personal Valentine card
back when I made mine, I think
he must be a very interesting man, like my friend
Hatchet Jack, and also that
Bryan Alexander fellow who
has a hatchet, too, and he mentioned me after all on #ds106radio when he was visiting with
who also chops wood for his wood stove (and so
he must have a hatchet, too), because he (Jim Groom) posted a picture of a hatchet when he
wrote about a film festival that he is going to be having about his all-time fascination director called Mario Bava who seems to like all kinds of things scare you and jump out and that make screams and blood come out of you. I just cleaned it up a bit by removing the bloody part.
Anyway, when I saw that, I put the dates on my fancy Google calendar so I would not miss a single one. You can subscribe to the calendar about the Jim Groom’s 10-Week Mario Bava Film Festival — if you like that kind of thing, after all.
(Calendar ID:
The dates are in my sidebar, too —->>> (look!!) I wound up using a plug-in called iCalendar Events Widget because when I transferred my blog from to my own self-domain-of-my-own-installation (Look at me, I’m independent and self-sufficient, after all!) I had to find a plug-in that worked and this one did. I had to fiddle a little with some thing called CSS to make it look okay, but I was able to figure it out.
Even though all of my Nice Friends always think of me as gentle and polite and nice and a really beautiful and lovely doll, sometimes people often see me as being younger than I really am (that’s so flattering!), and they forget that I had an acting career way back in 1964, and this is 2013. Now a lady never mentions her age (and so you WON”T do the math on that, will you, my good friends?) but I feel that I am mature enough to enjoy the Bava Film Festival without fear of you all saying I’m too sensitive for something so rich in energy or intensity. I know you will respect and support my decision around this.
So I’m down for bavatuesdays.