Tag Archives: Bryan Alexander

Two Years Since my Invocation

“2 Year Twitterversary!” by Talky Tina, on Flickr

It was two years ago on February 4th, 2013 that my Still True Friend Alan Levine (@cogdog, on Twitter) and my True Friend Bryan Alexander (@BryanAlexander, on Twitter) said my name on #ds106radio and caused me to awaken from a long slumber in a box.

I immediately signed up for the Twitter and made myself a website so that I could play at the ds106 game, and I was all set for the subsequent ds106zone that came that summer. You can see some of my initial Tweets with some of the other ds106 folks from that day.

And, of course, I have never looked back up the stairs since then!

Happy Times and True Friends!

Men Who Have a Thing for Hatchets …

"A Shortened Clip from Twitch of the Death Nerve, with the Blood Cut Out."

“A Shortened Clip from Twitch of the Death Nerve, with the Bloody Head- Getting-Cut-Off-Part Cut Out.”

Although Jim Groom never really sent me any kind of personal Valentine card back when I made mine, I think he must be a very interesting man, like my friend Hatchet Jack, and also that Bryan Alexander fellow who has a hatchet, too, and he mentioned me after all on #ds106radio when he was visiting with Alan, who also chops wood for his wood stove (and so he must have a hatchet, too), because he (Jim Groom) posted a picture of a hatchet when he wrote about a film festival that he is going to be having about his all-time fascination director called Mario Bava who seems to like all kinds of things scare you and jump out and that make screams and blood come out of you. I just cleaned it up a bit by removing the bloody part.

Anyway, when I saw that, I put the dates on my fancy Google calendar so I would not miss a single one. You can subscribe to the calendar about the Jim Groom’s 10-Week Mario Bava Film Festival — if you like that kind of thing, after all.

     (Calendar ID: 7ervo7h7p3186dthln5809f2ag@group.calendar.google.com)

The dates are in my sidebar, too —->>> (look!!)  I wound up using a plug-in called iCalendar Events Widget because when I transferred my blog from WordPress.com to my own self-domain-of-my-own-installation (Look at me, I’m independent and self-sufficient, after all!) I had to find a plug-in that worked and this one did. I had to fiddle a little with some thing called CSS to make it look okay, but I was able to figure it out.

Even though all of my Nice Friends always think of me as gentle and polite and nice and a really beautiful and lovely doll, sometimes people often see me as being younger than I really am (that’s so flattering!), and they forget that I had an acting career way back in 1964, and this is 2013. Now a lady never mentions her age (and so you WON”T do the math on that, will you, my good friends?) but I feel that I am mature enough to enjoy the Bava Film Festival without fear of you all saying I’m too sensitive for something so rich in energy or intensity. I know you will respect and support my decision around this.

So I’m down for bavatuesdays.