Tag Archives: iamTalkyTina socks

#sockgate: True Friends Don’t Quibble About Socks

True Friend MBS (@mbransons) Outlines the #sockgate case (link to video)

True Friend MBS (@mbransons) Outlines the #sockgate case (link to video)

Well, it was a bit of a tense time of online last night when #ds106 people were talking about socks, which some friends are calling #sockgate. After all this time of being friends and True Friends, some people were suddenly getting up in other peoples face just about socks.

Then today, one true friend of me MBS (@mbransons –  see his official iATT identity badge) made a press report about investigations and deputies (which I thought was either a #noir106 or a #western106 one), and started to maybe make mean words about other True Friends of me, Like UNCLE Jim Groom (@JimGroom – see his official iaTT identity badge) and his Tim (@Timmmmyboy  – see his official iaTT identity badge). Plus, I heard for the first time that Mr. Paul (@phb256  – see his official iaTT identity badge actually HAS socks, which I don’t know if it’s true but I never got mine.

But back to the point. without even saying that it’s a problem, even if 16 people didn’t get socks, which is actually 36 socks if all of those friends have only 2 feet but more if some of them were dogs, because some DS 106 friends are, TRUE FRIENDS DON’T QUIBBLE ABOUT SOCKS!!!

Because if True Friends start to quibble about socks, then the next thing you know other True Friends might quibble about how it is discrimination that you can’t order T-shirts in your own size or even if when you make a special request they don’t even answer back about it. Because my size is called American Girl 18 inch Doll, which I’m not a doll but that’s just my size. And when I went to the pulldown to get my Reclaim Hosting T-shirt (NOTE: see update, below) it didn’t even have a list of my size in it and when I asked UNCLE Jim he didn’t even say anything back, but because it is DS106 I can just make my own and still be happy and make a picture of me wearing it when I get around to it. And not make an issue of it that will divide the DS106 community into a pair of parts like one sock that gets lost and one doesn’t and then what do you do with only one sock? Plus what does the other person do who found the other one when two sock parts aren’t together then you don’t have a pair. Sometimes you can wear sock of one kind with a sock of another kind like if it is a special dress-up day where your socks don’t have to match but really two socks like to be together with their partner and DS 106 split into two parts is not a fun time.


So before it gets into a whole bunch of #sockgate, I would like to offer up one pair of my official custom @iamTalkyTina socks (shown above in romantic red) to the supposed 16 people just to make peace in the community, but if you weren’t on the list you can still get your own at a special price of $38 per pair, plus shipping and handling of $10.25, which is $48.25 US. You have to order two socks (called one pair) at a time silly! If you have four feet instead of just two, you can order two pair at the combined cost of $72 $76, plus shipping and handling, Which is not discrimination, it is just simple corrected math plus economics which is to say if you have twice as many feet you need twice as many socks was just costs twice as much for you and me and everybody.

So please, before it gets too far out of hand and we don’t want a DS106 Civil War over socks, everybody just go to their sock drawer and count how many socks you already have, And be happy that you have socks and that you can make your own socks if you want and then if you want DS106 socks you can make your own DS106 socks like me and after all that if you still wants special official socks because you didn’t get some, you can either get the free ones of me if you were one of the supposed sixteen, or you can order your own ones of me at special prices (listed above) and everyone can be still be True Friends.

UPDATE: I just went to include a link to the Reclaim Hosting T-shirt and I am noticing that the images are no longer loading I hope this is just a broken link (get on that UNCLE Jim) and not a sign of any kind of problems about Reclaim Hosting T-shirts too.

Reclaim Hosting T-shirt page -- no longer shows images???

Reclaim Hosting T-shirt page — no longer shows images???

UPDATE: If you are one of the supposed 16 people who did not get ds106 socks, sign up here: