It was a wonderful concept film, before its time, that pre-dated “The Man in the High Castle” and showcased a group of battle-weary but courageous army Marine Paratroop Combat Engineers battalion led by their fearless Sgt. Mermaid caught behind enemy lines in Manhattan who have to fight their way home to Brooklyn by fording the Hudson using their battle-ready flying docks to bridge the gap and get back to home soil.
We had some wonderful folks working on the film, including UNCLE @jimgroom in his first starring role (as Sgt. Mermaid), me, and @olhatchetJack, plus music soundtrack by that @dkernohan and @VivianRolfe, edited by my little brother @iamTalkyTodd, and with a host of other great talent rounding out the credits.
I think that The Daily Create. tdc1985 person must have just finished watching it because they must have been dreaming about it after eating too much popcorn and licorice and said to make a surrealistical movie poster about the basic plot of my film, ‘a mermaid rebuilds the Brooklyn Bridge out of paradoxes…” so I think you can see what I mean.
Attributions of it:
- I found a great picture of the bridge for an inspiration called Brooklyn Bridge Wall Mural by 1Wall
- I used the font called Sigmar One Regular by Vernon Adams for the film title;
- I used Adventure and Adventure Hollow by Neale Davidson PixelSagas for the Sgt. Mermaid part of it.
- I used the font called SteelTongs by WhoAmIDesign to get all the fancy movie credits part at the bottom.