Tag Archives: ninjazen

reMemborex Camera Visualizes Tina’s #thoughtvectors

"Me, Having #thoughtvectors" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Me, Having #thoughtvectors” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

So, after my True Friend Bill (@byzantiumbooks, on Twitter) made a picture of himself having #thoughtvectors then I thought that there must be a way to capture an image of me having them too, like when Bill made that radio.  I dug around in my closet for an old polaroid camera and jury-rigged it to capture some #thoughtvectors in real time. I call the hacked device a reMemborex camera.

When I am having a lot of #thoughtvectors, it can be sometimes a bit overwhelming. Maybe that is the way for other people?  I was reading about Gardner Campbell (@GardnerCampbell, on Twitter) making numbers on all of his associative trails (Reviewing our shady past: Nugget #1, and A conceptacular experience), and I was thinking that it would be nice if my PsycicSiri app could do that for me automatically, so that I didn’t have to keep doing screen captures and putting numbers on them with red.  If you look at the picture of me having #thoughtvectors up above, you can see that there is a lot going on, with thought vectors spinning and going out of my head, and things like books and Twitter and camera-pictures, and videos, and sounds and stuff all creating a barrage on my head from inside and out. Is it like that for you, sometimes, too?

Then, I use my ninja zen powers and make it all calm, like this:

"Ninja Zen" animatedGIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Ninja Zen” animatedGIF by @iamTalkyTina

I am working at developing some kind of mental focus on some of the #thoughtvectors as I shift to the ninjazen, but unfortunately the transition right now is far too abrupt, and so the effect is one of throwing some kind of massive “off switch,” as if I tripped on the stairs and fell and bonked my head. Maybe one day I will make a GIF that is between the two extremes — for now, I am working on the mental powers needed to effect that in real life. Having the main trails stay glowing in a little bit of luminescence after the ninjazen switch is thrown would be nice. And then I could use my reMemborex camera to capture the key remnants.

Well, I have some other things to share, and I need to make a badge yet today, so I will go back to do some more reading by that Vancouver Bush, now that I have my #thoughtvectors GIF done.