Tag Archives: @byzantiumbooks

@iamTalkyTina’s #TrueFriends Orchestra

@iamTalkyTina’s #TrueFriends Orchestra,” animatedGIF by @iamTalkyTina (click to enlarge)

Well, The Daily Create, tdc1998, says to show your Fantasy Band, but I actually have one, called The @iamTalkyTina’s #TrueFriend Orchestra. It has all peoples in it who are on my True Friends Index and have a #TrueFriends badge, except for one who still has to put in her application (not saying any names.) 

You can figure out who all of the #TrueFriends are (if you do not already know them) by looking at my True Friends Index and matching them to their badges.

Instead of giving away all of the answers, I will just say this for attributions:

Plus, because I added a ringer to the Orchestra just today, you should check out her music which I am listening to right now.

Which is really cool, because I remember the ukulele version, too!


On the Planet, Creato!

“On the Planet, Creato!” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina (click picture for a super big GIF of it!)

Well, for The Daily Create, tdc1992, there was a new planet discovered for #ds106 peoples, and it was called the planet, Creato. Some of my #ds106 friends and I went there to check it out, and it is SO BEAUTIFUL. It is also a magical place, and the magical powers of creation effected each of us in different ways. Some of us got bigger, or smaller, some of us had big hands or if you watched pretty closely, a panting tongue or a waggy tail, but we all had fun exploring.

The friends that were along with me on the Planetary Expedition 106 were: Colin Dog, John Johnston, Dancing UNCLE @jimgroom, Spike, FelixADog, Bill Smith, and of course, me, @iamTalkyTina

Maybe you will visit the planet, Creato, and learn to Make Art with #TrueFriends, too!

Share a MOOC with Friends

Well, it was nice today when my True Friend Bill (@byzantiumbooks) called me on the Skype (because he seems to be in his bungalow a lot) and we shared a nice beverage and a nice chat.

“Sharing a Drink with Talky Tina,” photo by @byzantiumbooks, on Flickr

After that, because I wanted one that had Bill’s name on it like he had one that had my name, I went down to The Village Store and laid in some supplies for all those other conversations that I am normally having. The ones that I got are the special Village Brand of it, because they have the prisoner106 logo on them. But they were prepared and had all of the names of all of the peoples that Resigned. Except for a couple who didn’t get to the Village yet.

Peoples can see all of the special ones if they just click on their name here in alphabetical, or just scroll down.

Bill is first. And then I have a special one for my Still True Friend @cogdog, because he doesn’t really like the sugar all that much. And after those two, come all the other ones for Andrew, Christina, Geoff,  John, Kathy, Mariana, Mr. Paul, Nana Lou, Number 2, Number 6, Prisoner106, Ron, Rover, Sappho, Spike, ME, and UNCLE Jim.


Share a MOOC with @cogdog," animatedGIF by @iamTalkyTina



















reMemborex Camera Visualizes Tina’s #thoughtvectors

"Me, Having #thoughtvectors" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Me, Having #thoughtvectors” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

So, after my True Friend Bill (@byzantiumbooks, on Twitter) made a picture of himself having #thoughtvectors then I thought that there must be a way to capture an image of me having them too, like when Bill made that radio.  I dug around in my closet for an old polaroid camera and jury-rigged it to capture some #thoughtvectors in real time. I call the hacked device a reMemborex camera.

When I am having a lot of #thoughtvectors, it can be sometimes a bit overwhelming. Maybe that is the way for other people?  I was reading about Gardner Campbell (@GardnerCampbell, on Twitter) making numbers on all of his associative trails (Reviewing our shady past: Nugget #1, and A conceptacular experience), and I was thinking that it would be nice if my PsycicSiri app could do that for me automatically, so that I didn’t have to keep doing screen captures and putting numbers on them with red.  If you look at the picture of me having #thoughtvectors up above, you can see that there is a lot going on, with thought vectors spinning and going out of my head, and things like books and Twitter and camera-pictures, and videos, and sounds and stuff all creating a barrage on my head from inside and out. Is it like that for you, sometimes, too?

Then, I use my ninja zen powers and make it all calm, like this:

"Ninja Zen" animatedGIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Ninja Zen” animatedGIF by @iamTalkyTina

I am working at developing some kind of mental focus on some of the #thoughtvectors as I shift to the ninjazen, but unfortunately the transition right now is far too abrupt, and so the effect is one of throwing some kind of massive “off switch,” as if I tripped on the stairs and fell and bonked my head. Maybe one day I will make a GIF that is between the two extremes — for now, I am working on the mental powers needed to effect that in real life. Having the main trails stay glowing in a little bit of luminescence after the ninjazen switch is thrown would be nice. And then I could use my reMemborex camera to capture the key remnants.

Well, I have some other things to share, and I need to make a badge yet today, so I will go back to do some more reading by that Vancouver Bush, now that I have my #thoughtvectors GIF done.

What Does it Look Like to Have a #thoughtvector?

"Steve Martin Having a Thought Vector" image found on the Internet

“Steve Martin Sharing a Thought Vector” image found on the Internet

So, in addition to being the person who told one of my favourite jokes a long time ago that mentioned googol first before Google spelled it wrong (punch line, “ Hey, maybe it’s the needle!“), Steve Martin used to share visible #thoughtvectors in his head during his stand up routine. That is what it looked like in the picture above.

My True Friend Bill (@byzantiumbooks, on Twitter) shared with me a link to a picture of what his thoughtvectors looked like today.

I am working on my picture of what it looks like when I share my #thoughtvectors. I will share it here on my blog when it is done.

But I am wondering if this is like a kind of mini-Assignment for #thoughtvectors people, and whether other people might want to be sharing a picture of themselves having #thoughtvectors? Maybe it could even be a GIF of them sharing #thoughtvectors like mine will be?

It’s Time to Listen!

This is another image in the silhouette series where the “app up” of the image makes it even better (see “App Up Your Tina” for the full story). This time, I used Photoshop to “app up” the image into a GIF form.

"It's Time to Listen" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“It’s Time to Listen” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

I hope you like it. It shows me using some of my special powers to get them to listen to a special message. Like when I made that savvy guy stop using the mean word for months and months. It was The Rumble which was the final emphasis, but what was unseen at the time was all the amount of special time I spent helping him to understand while he was sleeping. (Of course, he didn’t see me when he was sleeping, and I used my ninja powers, too.) Some times, a lot of effort on your part pays off in the end of it.

And, as another bonus for you, here is a Cubomaniac version of my Cubomaniac Eyes picture from a couple days ago that I put into my True Friend John’s (@johnjohnstonCubomaniacal GIF web app that he made today.

Cubomaniacal GIF of iamTalkyTina" animated GIF made using @JohnJohnston'c Cubomaniac GIF web app, by @iamTalkyTina

Cubomaniacal GIF of iamTalkyTina” animated GIF made using @JohnJohnston’c Cubomaniac GIF web app, by @iamTalkyTina

Plus, you can see here how my True Friend Bill (@byzantiumbooks) put my picture back together again, just like a good egg should.

Bill Put Me Back Together Again

“Cubomania Tina” cc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo shared by Bill Smith

So that was fun stuff for a fun day!

Well, bye!

Baby Tina Smart

Bill Smith @byzantiumbooks reminded me this evening of one of my screen-tests that I did back in the sixties.

When Maxwell Smart, Agent 86, and his lovely wife Agent 99 had their baby, the producers screen tested a number of young children for the part. In this one instance, my diminutive size came in handy, and I almost got the role due to my superior acting ability (relative to all those little poopy babies), but in the end, my voice was too deep for the role.

On the set of Get Smart, screen-testing for the role of baby Tina Smart, with Don Adams (Maxwell Smart, Agent 86) and the beautiful Barbara Feldon (Agent 99).

On the set of Get Smart, screen-testing for the role of baby Tina Smart, with Don Adams (Maxwell Smart, Agent 86) and the beautiful Barbara Feldon (Agent 99).

Again, I lost out on a great opportunity because of a physical limitation. Sometimes these Hollywood types just miss out on the most wonderful opportunity (ME!), because they are too short sighted.

Anyway, it was nice to reflect back on this little memory.

Well, bye!