Tag Archives: Third from the Sun

Window Friends

Do you ever play Window Friends? That is where you go to the house of a Friend and pop-up in their window when they aren’t looking. It is fun!

Mr. Carling, playing Window Friends in "Third from the Sun," Season 1, Episode 14

Mr. Carling, playing Window Friends in “Third from the Sun,” Season 1, Episode 14

I saw this man playing Window Friends with his work friends in the Third from the Sun episode and it reminded me of how much fun it is to play Window Friends. I was sometimes playing Window Friends at Mr. Savvy‘s house a while ago when I wrote that poem for him before he wrote the mean poem back. And then I wrote Tina Don’t Like the Mean Word.

Anyway, if you were in that house and I was wearing my Ninja Suit (which I like to wear when I play Window Friends because it is good for hiding at night when it is a good time to play) it would look like this if the man and I were playing at the same time.

Mr. Carling and I playing Window Friends

Mr. Carling and I playing Window Friends

In the show, the man wasn’t really their True Friend so they didn’t put him in the rocket when they went away at the end before their planet blew up. Too bad for him!

Well, bye!