Tag Archives: @iamTalkyTina’s #TrueFriends Orchestra

@iamTalkyTina’s #TrueFriends Orchestra

@iamTalkyTina’s #TrueFriends Orchestra,” animatedGIF by @iamTalkyTina (click to enlarge)

Well, The Daily Create, tdc1998, says to show your Fantasy Band, but I actually have one, called The @iamTalkyTina’s #TrueFriend Orchestra. It has all peoples in it who are on my True Friends Index and have a #TrueFriends badge, except for one who still has to put in her application (not saying any names.) 

You can figure out who all of the #TrueFriends are (if you do not already know them) by looking at my True Friends Index and matching them to their badges.

Instead of giving away all of the answers, I will just say this for attributions:

Plus, because I added a ringer to the Orchestra just today, you should check out her music which I am listening to right now.

Which is really cool, because I remember the ukulele version, too!