Tag Archives: @Todd_Conaway

UNCLE @JimGroom Does the 3003 Boogie!

“Celebration Disco Dancing UNCLE JimJab” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

Well, UNCLE Jim Groom (@jimgroom, on Twitter) went to see the barber and got a clean hairdo. And then he made a selfie. Plus, he had a milestone around his neck of 3003 blog posts in twelve years.

Then my #TrueFriend Todd Conaway (@Todd_Conaway, on Twitter) made UNCLE @jimgroom a badge for it. Because, badges.

Plus, he said knucklehead, and it made me laugh a lot.

So then, I thought about the UNCLE Dancing Jim Around the World assignment, but then decided to do a JimJab (that is where you poke a fun with UNCLE Jim) and so I made the Celebration Disco Dancing UNCLE JimJab one that is up there at the top. To make the head better, I added it myself in Photoshop to make the face shape fit that UNCLE Jim head, so it is more crisp.

Here it is, in case other peoples would like to use it to make an Art.

Well, congratulations to you for 3003 of of those posts, UNCLE Jim!

Now go make some more Art! 

Where is Everybody?

” ‘Where is Everybody?’ Venn Diagram for #tdc2026,” by @iamTalkyTina

Well, either:

  • everybody is on missions; or
  • they don’t know what a Venn diagram is; or
  • they don’t know how to make a bad one; or
  • they fell off the Create Wagon,

because it was only six people (plus me now) who made one for The Daily Create, tdc2026, which said to make a bad one Venn Diagram.

Hooray to @TrampeEnglish, @VivienRolfe, @aforgrave, @dogtrax, @Todd_Conaway, and @cogdog, of which 66% of them are #TrueFriends with badges.

So I decided to make this one to say, “HEY, Where is everybody?

Make some Art, you Bubs!

Todd Conaway Was Asking Where I Am

“Find @iamTalkyTina Challenge,” by @iamTalkyTina   (bigger)  (for those who are having trouble: even bigger)

Now, the little story behind this is that my #TrueFriend Todd (@Todd_Conaway, on Twitter) made a one of me, and while I was looking for me, I had the idea to make one back, and so later, after I had been making it for about several minutes, I found me in the one that he made, because I didn’t even see me in his the first time I looked before I had my own idea.

So it was a fun time.

Can you find me in the Todd one (below) and in the mine one (above)?

“Where’s Tina,” original one by @Todd_Conaway

@iamTalkyTina’s #TrueFriends Orchestra

@iamTalkyTina’s #TrueFriends Orchestra,” animatedGIF by @iamTalkyTina (click to enlarge)

Well, The Daily Create, tdc1998, says to show your Fantasy Band, but I actually have one, called The @iamTalkyTina’s #TrueFriend Orchestra. It has all peoples in it who are on my True Friends Index and have a #TrueFriends badge, except for one who still has to put in her application (not saying any names.) 

You can figure out who all of the #TrueFriends are (if you do not already know them) by looking at my True Friends Index and matching them to their badges.

Instead of giving away all of the answers, I will just say this for attributions:

Plus, because I added a ringer to the Orchestra just today, you should check out her music which I am listening to right now.

Which is really cool, because I remember the ukulele version, too!


Feet on the Ground, Head on the Stairs

“Feet on the Ground, Head on the Stairs,” image by @iamTalkyTina

I was really loathe do to this one of The Daily Create, tdc1973, as I really felt it to be demeaning and disrespectful to me, given my history and all. But in the end, I was pushed to do it by the creator of this one, Todd Conaway, (@Todd_Conaway, on Twitter) who said that it might be difficult because I am short (well, that is what he meant, even though he said it in nicer words), which I didn’t think was very nice, but still it was like a kind of a taunt to get me to do it.

So in the end, I did.

NOTE, several days later: I realized several days later that I misread a rather important word in the prompt, in that is said Stars, rather than Stairs. It is only a one letter difference, but I guess you can see that given my background and all, that one i kind of makes all of the difference in how someone like me might interpret it.

Oh well.

Heavy Metal Bands for #ds106 True Friends

Well, this was just a twitter one that I did one night, but since I just mentioned it in Don’t Make It Too Easy, John!  I figured I should make it into a blog post of it. It was because my True Friend  Mr. Paul (@phb256 on Twitter) wanted to know if I had a Heavy Metal Band.

"Does Tina Have a Band?" said by @phb256 on Twitter.

“Does Tina Have a Band?” said by @phb256 on Twitter.

So, there is a thing on the Internet that you click and it makes a random Heavy Metal Band name for you.. So I decided to use it to find a special band back for Mr. Paul:

for @phb256

"InRentedRapture" for @phb256

“InRentedRapture” for @phb256

After that,  I just sat there on the Internet and clicked it for hours and hours, picking out the gems of it that worked for some of my other True Friends.

So here are the good ones that it made:

for @cogdog

"Dog Tails in Bike Spokes" band for my Still True Friend  @cogdog

“Dog Tails in Bike Spokes” band for my Still True Friend @cogdog

for @mdvfunes

"GestaltOnTheFreeway" for @mdvfunes

“GestaltOnTheFreeway” for @mdvfunes

for @Todd_Conaway

"Killer Squirrel Gardens" for my True Friend @Todd_Conaway

“Killer Squirrel Gardens” for my True Friend @Todd_Conaway

for @Rowan_Peter

"AussieMowerManiacs" for @rowan_peter

“AussieMowerManiacs” for @rowan_peter

for @scottlo


“EarWhacks” for my New Old Radio Friend, @ScottLo

for @dkernohan and @VivienRolfe

"EmbouchureApocalypse" for @dkernohan and @VivienRolfe

“EmbouchureApocalypse” for @dkernohan and @VivienRolfe

for @easegill

"SpelunkInYerJunker" for @easegill

“SpelunkInYerJunker” for @easegill

for @hanksoda and the Ice Weasels

"Warfarin'" for @HankSoda and The Ice Weasels

“Warfarin'” for @HankSoda and The Ice Weasels

for UNCLE @jimgroom

"HippyMOOCSLaughter" for @jimgroom

“HippyMOOCSLaughter” for UNCLE @jimgroom

The last one here for UNCLE Jim is the one that I also put into John’s Dance Jim Dance automatic GIF-maker when I said Don’t Make It Too Easy, John!

"Dancing Jim - HippyMOOCSlaughter" animated GIF

“Dancing Jim – HippyMOOCSlaughter” animated GIF

Plus, I didn’t think about it then, but it could also be Hippy MOOCS Laughter or Hippy MOOC Slaughter depending on how you are feeling on that particular day. 

Well, bye!

Me, Riding the ds106 Bus, with Music !!

"Further Bumpy2" animatedGIF by @Todd_Conaway

“Further Bumpy2” animatedGIF by @Todd_Conaway


My True Friend Todd (@Todd_Conaway, on Twitter) made a GIF of me from the YouTube movie that he made called The ds106 Bus. In it, you can see me with my friends Martha (@mburtis), Jim (@jimgroom), Doctor Oblivion, and Michael (@mbransons). and so I got the music from the video and put it behind the GIF so that if you click on it, you can hear it!

So click on the GIF up above to hear it! Listen to the whole thing! You can also click on the GIF again to stop the music, but why would you?

Thanks AGAIN, to my True Friend, John (@JohnJohnston, on Twitter) for the great click-on-a-GIF-to-hear-music trick.

And thanks to Todd, for putting me on the bus!



Plus, if you want to know how I got the music out of the YouTube, here is what I did.
1) I downloaded the video from YouTube using my handy MacX YouTube Downloader.
2) I opened the video using Quicktime and exported (audio only) into an .m4a
3) I opened the m4a of it using Audacity, and exported it as both an .mp3 and an .ogg.
4) Then, I used John’s click-on-a-GIF-to-hear-it trick.

Talky Tina Goes to Work

“Stopping by the Old Office” by iamtalkytina, on Flickr

Well! It is a time to come out of the wooden work and get back to some ds106 goodness! And to Make Some Art, Bub!

My Still True Friend Alan (@cogdog, on Twitter) is having a new course of ds106 Digital Storytelling Community and it will be a great time for me to have some new people be my Friends.

In other times, I have had Open Friends and New Friends, and especially True Friends (they get badges!) but this time I think I will have Work Friends. Those will be new friends of mine from Alan who is teaching a course of Work ds106 for people at George Mason University, and it is called DS106 Storytelling Goes to Work. And he even has a suitcase for it.

So. I wrote before some ideas that I had that people should do and so just in case you missed the details when Alan said then you might find some reminders from me in my post called Some Advice for My Newest Friends.

I will be making a new page for Work Friends and putting it up in my menu bar space where it will be easy to find. And when I get names and blog names and twitter and the such. And I will be using my various special skills to help people when I can to do their work.

Plus, it is time to Make Some Art, Bub — and that UNCLE @jimgroom should not be having his Art Lack any more. Plus other people in ds106 Community. Like I saw already that my True Friends Rowan (@rowan_peter, on Twitter) made office work messages to Todd (@Todd_Conaway, on Twitter) and to Mariana (@mdvfunes, on Twitter), plus Tom (@twoodwar, on Twitter) and John (@johnjohnston, on Twitter) who made a GIF TV, and I got my own channel (press #12), plus a cow (@annycow, on Twitter).

So, I will probably take my ds106 work with me when I am on missions and might not be in that old office much, but I will still be doing my creating and things.

But you should make sure you click on all the links up above before you go do anything else. There is lots of good stories in those links.

And hello to all the GMU peoples who will be new Work Friends of me!

Well, bye!

Oopsies! Sorry True Friends!!

Well, it was My Bad today, when somebody noticed that they didn’t have their Badge on my True Friends Index page and they tweeted to me and I went and checked and found that a whole bunch of new True Friends had applied on my Web Form and I didn’t even know. So I was embarrassed and made all those badges just now and so now I have even more True Friends with Badges. I am sorry for all these True Friends for having to wait so long, and for the embarrassment that it caused for one person because other people (not saying any names, @cogdog) were making jumping to conclusions just because that person didn’t have a badge on my True Friends Index. So it was all my fault and not a very nice Friend thing to do but it was an honest mistake, so I am forgiven.

So without any more do, here are all my new True Friends names, and their names are linked to their badges which are now in the True Friends Index where they belong.

This sounds like an award ceremony in my head where they come up and get their Badges.

and even I made one for that pesky Mr. Savvy hold out,

and I also made one for my Little Brother, Todd, who just showed up yesterday. Because he’s my Little Brother.

Who else is missing from the True Friends Index?  Get your name, contact info, and creds into the Web Form, and I’ll get you set up with your Badge!