August 2013 GIF Challenge #3: DS106 Promo Poster

Well, Friends.

The DS106 Community stepped up for the August 2013 Animated GIF Challenge #2 and got UNCLE @jimgroom animated in John Johnston’s Dancing Jim All Over the World assignment, with SEVEN new entries showing now as being syndicated through to the assignment page and at least two others seen in the wild and perhaps waiting in some queue to get indexed. (Be sure to tag your assignments with both the AnimatedGIFAssignments tag and the AnimatedGIFAssignmentsXXXX numbered tag so that it gets onto the assignment page.)

It was so fun to see Jim dancing here and there, and I just had to have another go at making him dance before I went to sleep. Both @dogtrax and @Rockylou22 had Jim dancing on top of the world, and I was inspired by their work to riff-a-GIF and show all the different Jims dancing on the world at the same time like a UNICEF logo.

In the end, my little enthusiasm pushed me through the sleepiness (and is great middle-of-the-night company!) and I wound up with a DS106 Promotion Poster, and a new Animated GIF Assignment 1183: Tell the World About DS106 GIF

Since we are in the GIFfing weeks leading up to the next session (Fall 2013 #headless13, starting August 26th), it seems appropriate to have everyone make a DS106 Promo Poster GIF to get the word out to the great uninformed masses. Perhaps we can draw in some newcomers who need to see the DS106 light. There must still be a few out there. LOL.

NOTE: Click on the GIF to hear the music that all the Jim Grooms are dancing to. (Thanks, John!)

"All These Jim Grooms Can't Be Wrong" animated GIF DS106 Promo Poster by @iamTalkyTina

“All These Jim Grooms Can’t Be Wrong” animated GIF DS106 Promo Poster by @iamTalkyTina

The MIDI version of “It’s a Small World” was found at Willie Wonkas Free MIDI Music Factory Downloads. The site is glorious in its application of old-style GIF animation and hand-built HTML, and is worth a click through for the sake of nostalgia.

Since this GIF also made use of yesterday’s Dancing Jim Groom theme, I also tagged it for the Animated GIF Assignment 1001. So it’s a two-fer.

Okay — get out and promote your favourite aspect of DS106 to the world with a special GIF!

5 thoughts on “August 2013 GIF Challenge #3: DS106 Promo Poster

    1. iamTalkyTina Post author

      Well, True Friend John, it certainly was fun to do, and once it got started, it just would not stop. And I wouldn’t have tried to stop it if I could have have. And it wasn’t really an all nighter, because I didn’t start until the middle of the night, so it was kind of a all-of-the-second-half-of-a-nighter, which wasn’t as bad because I had already had some sleep.

      I am so glad that you wrote in your blog post Tina Sounds how to add the song to the GIF because for when people are dancing in a GIF, it just makes it so much more fun to sit and watch the GIF over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over because when the music loops you just listen to it again. and you keep laughing. and you watch it again. So it is even more funny than just silence. So thank you again for that sharing is caring for Friends. And people can learn, too.

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