Tag Archives: headless13

GNA’s Scary Picture

My True Friend GNA (@DrGarcia) took a picture after her work and she put it on the internet and said that it was spooky.


I don’t really know why she said it was spooky. I think that as long as you have True Friends around, things can not really be that way.

Well, bye!

New #headless13 Friends, and a new True Friend

Well! The numbers on the Countdowner-thingy are getting lower and lower, and both are now in the single digits.

"The #headless13 Countdowner-thingy" animated GIF by iamTalkyTina

“The #headless13 Countdowner-thingy” animated GIF by iamTalkyTina

As of right now, tonight, there are only 6 blogs on our #headless13 Friends Index that are the efforts of unnamed #headless peoples, and there are only 9 in total that do not have a Twitter name (that we know of).

This is a wonderful improvement from just two days ago when we were at 9 unnamed and 17 without Twitter respectively. I am a little bit worried (not because of my height, but just because it is an expression of just a little bit) that six of the blogs on the #headless13 Friends Index are not really showing any real sign of #4life, and I have tried my very best to leave comments and inviting messages of welcome wherever possible — although one or two do not allow comments and so that has been kind of hard in those cases. Plus the fact that we are not about pushy here in the #ds106 community and we are all about Friends. But it may be that some are just slow to wake up from the shock of decapitation. Plus, I have not checked the OPML thing in two days (it now lists 66 blogs and I have 64 in my little database), plus there are 78 in the Google+ Community who may be doing #headless13 without a blog (as of yet) or maybe it is just some #4lifer regulars in their messing around while they take a #headless13 hiatus.

However it works out, the #headless13 fall session seems to be alive and well-decapitated.


I have been very pleased with the help that my new friend Mariana Funes (@mdvfunes) who has been SO helpful in the detective work in finding names and the Twitter names of the unknown mystery Friends on the #headless13 Friends Index.  It is always wonderful to have Friends that you can count on, and I know that Mariana has had her little heart set on a True Friends badge for a while now, so I would like to acknowledge all of her help and Friendship and niceness by presenting her with her badge. She is also now listed on the True Friends Index.   Thank you, Mariana, and congratulations!

Let’s find a way of welcoming the remaining mystery people into our community before they get cut adrift, and let’s all have a great time making some Art, bub!

Plus, Mariana Made an Art for Me.

P.S. Just in case you have not seen the following little wonder on the Internet over the past two days since it appeared, I am going to embed the wonderful response that Mariana said to me in response to the question that I asked her (because she is the #ds106 on-the-couch psycho person), which was, “Siri, what is the meaning of life?”

This is the Art that she made back to me for my question to her. Here it is:

Isn’t that special? I like the parts that have me and things that I say the best. Plus that other part was good, too, the poem that talked about Wraiths.  And (spoiler) it was sad when the fish died.

#ds106  #4life

#ds106 #Headless13 Who Are You? Countdown


Well, I made a new #headless13 Friends Index and it has 62 Friends on it, and maybe there are more who are missing. Speak up, bub!  

But for the 62 #headless13 Friends some of them have lost their NAMES and their TWITTER or they didn’t say them yet. So I need all my True Friends and others to help me to do a detective and meet the others. Some of our new Friends need to turn on comments on their blogs so that we can ask them pointy questions like, “What is your name?” and “Do you have a Twitter yet?” or to help them with other things that Friends do, like say “read this great post by @iamTalkyTina called Some Advice for my Newest Friends that she wrote for you.”

This morning I had a nice chat with Ary (@trendingteacher) and was introduced to Kelsy (@kmallwein) and Mads or Maddie (@maddiekp), who was already up-to-date on my Index. That is how Friends help Friends. 

Check out the Friends on my #headless13 Friends Index. Do you know who they are? Do they have a Twitter and didn’t say it yet? Can you help me to give them a boot?  Here is a Boot for You!

Also, I made a Twitter List called #headless13 Friends that you can follow using your Twitter so that you can get everybody all at once — as long as they are on my list so far.  Plus, if you know someone who is NOT on my list who is doing #headless13, be sure to say.

Well, bye for now!


Here is a Boot for You!

So I think it is a great thing that so many people are #headless13 people for the fall2013 #ds106 Digital Storytelling Course. I think it is such a great way for me to get more Friends and to Make More Art at the same time. I made a new Index called #headless13 Friends Index, and you should be on it!

Are you?

For some people in the Boot Camp, they need a kind of gentle kick to get going and so I have a boot for them. In case they need a good boot. Because some of them do. Here it is.

"Here Da Boot" animated GIF, by @iamTalkyTina

“Here Da Boot” animated GIF, by @iamTalkyTina

So if you are being lazy or have been too busy (which it what they all say!) then it is time for the Sergeants to get Hulka on your hyena.

You have likely seen a nice picture of me wearing my Sgt. @iamTalkyTinaHulka hat. And you have probably seen a picture of the other Sgt. Hulka that is NOT me. My hat has flowers which says I am nice. And so I am giving you this boot to get going, before the other Sgt. Hulka gives you HIS boot. And his hat does NOT have flowers. So I think you can guess whose boot you want.

So if you are just getting started, you might like to read my post, Some Advice for my Newest Friends, which has some wonderful ideas for you that you should do, especially if you are on my list but don’t have a name or a Twitter yet. Right now, my list has 10 no-name brands people and 18 without Twitter bird voices people. It is much nicer to be a Friend with someone who has a name and if you can hear their Twitter bird voice.

So this has just been a polite @iamTalkyTina public service announcement. And a boot for you to get going. Because #headless13 has started, and we are making Art, bub!

Remember, a GIF a day keeps the doctor away!

August 2013 GIF Challenge #4: Where Did the Soda Go?

This was a fun challenge, classified as a Visual Assignment in the assignment bank before Animated GIFs had their own category. It is there as Visual Assignments 806: Where Did the Soda Go? by Nate Wine, but asks us to make a GIF from a silly infomercial. So that should be a fun challenge!

Mine isn’t so silly, but is instead very classic and romantic because she is wearing nice pyjamas with a fireplace at night and maybe listening to some nice quite music while she waits for a Friend. But I did not make a click-on-it-to-hear because too much of that is not a good thing.

But I think she looks nice and peaceful and relaxed, so I like the mood very much.

"Rejuvenique" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Rejuvenique” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

I found this on the YouTube by searching for infomercials. I hope you all have fun finding a silly infomercial GIF, too!

August 2013 GIF Challenge #3: DS106 Promo Poster

Well, Friends.

The DS106 Community stepped up for the August 2013 Animated GIF Challenge #2 and got UNCLE @jimgroom animated in John Johnston’s Dancing Jim All Over the World assignment, with SEVEN new entries showing now as being syndicated through to the assignment page and at least two others seen in the wild and perhaps waiting in some queue to get indexed. (Be sure to tag your assignments with both the AnimatedGIFAssignments tag and the AnimatedGIFAssignmentsXXXX numbered tag so that it gets onto the assignment page.)

It was so fun to see Jim dancing here and there, and I just had to have another go at making him dance before I went to sleep. Both @dogtrax and @Rockylou22 had Jim dancing on top of the world, and I was inspired by their work to riff-a-GIF and show all the different Jims dancing on the world at the same time like a UNICEF logo.

In the end, my little enthusiasm pushed me through the sleepiness (and ds106rad.io is great middle-of-the-night company!) and I wound up with a DS106 Promotion Poster, and a new Animated GIF Assignment 1183: Tell the World About DS106 GIF

Since we are in the GIFfing weeks leading up to the next session (Fall 2013 #headless13, starting August 26th), it seems appropriate to have everyone make a DS106 Promo Poster GIF to get the word out to the great uninformed masses. Perhaps we can draw in some newcomers who need to see the DS106 light. There must still be a few out there. LOL.

NOTE: Click on the GIF to hear the music that all the Jim Grooms are dancing to. (Thanks, John!)

"All These Jim Grooms Can't Be Wrong" animated GIF DS106 Promo Poster by @iamTalkyTina

“All These Jim Grooms Can’t Be Wrong” animated GIF DS106 Promo Poster by @iamTalkyTina

The MIDI version of “It’s a Small World” was found at Willie Wonkas Free MIDI Music Factory Downloads. The site is glorious in its application of old-style GIF animation and hand-built HTML, and is worth a click through for the sake of nostalgia.

Since this GIF also made use of yesterday’s Dancing Jim Groom theme, I also tagged it for the Animated GIF Assignment 1001. So it’s a two-fer.

Okay — get out and promote your favourite aspect of DS106 to the world with a special GIF!

August 2013 GIF Challenge #1: Your Headless Self

Okay. So #ds106 is going Headless for the fall of 2013. So we need a new Animated GIF Assignment to celebrate!

AnimatedGIFAssignments1181, “Show Us Your Headless Self” Show us your #ds106 #headless13 self in an animated GIF. We want to see you with — and without — your head.

Post your GIF on your blog, tag it with AnimatedGIFAssignments and AnimatedGIFAssignments1181.  

Here is my headed -- and headless -- self. But the hat stays.

Here is my headed — and headless — self. But the hat stays.

Here is my headed -- and unheaded -- self. But the hat goes.

Here is my headed — and unheaded — self. But the hat goes.

And here is the final cropped square version for the ds106 AnimatedGIFAssignments1181, “Show Us Your Headless Self”


Here is my headed — and unheaded — celebratory GIF.

Are you #ds106 enough for the @iamTalkyTinaHulka August 2013 GIF Challenge? Can you do a GIF a day until the #headless #ds106 begins on August 26th?

C’mon. @iamTalkyTinaHulka says you need to get down and gimme 25!