Well! The numbers on the Countdowner-thingy are getting lower and lower, and both are now in the single digits.
As of right now, tonight, there are only 6 blogs on our #headless13 Friends Index that are the efforts of unnamed #headless peoples, and there are only 9 in total that do not have a Twitter name (that we know of).
This is a wonderful improvement from just two days ago when we were at 9 unnamed and 17 without Twitter respectively. I am a little bit worried (not because of my height, but just because it is an expression of just a little bit) that six of the blogs on the #headless13 Friends Index are not really showing any real sign of #4life, and I have tried my very best to leave comments and inviting messages of welcome wherever possible — although one or two do not allow comments and so that has been kind of hard in those cases. Plus the fact that we are not about pushy here in the #ds106 community and we are all about Friends. But it may be that some are just slow to wake up from the shock of decapitation. Plus, I have not checked the OPML thing in two days (it now lists 66 blogs and I have 64 in my little database), plus there are 78 in the Google+ Community who may be doing #headless13 without a blog (as of yet) or maybe it is just some #4lifer regulars in their messing around while they take a #headless13 hiatus.
However it works out, the #headless13 fall session seems to be alive and well-decapitated.
I have been very pleased with the help that my new friend Mariana Funes (@mdvfunes) who has been SO helpful in the detective work in finding names and the Twitter names of the unknown mystery Friends on the #headless13 Friends Index. It is always wonderful to have Friends that you can count on, and I know that Mariana has had her little heart set on a True Friends badge for a while now, so I would like to acknowledge all of her help and Friendship and niceness by presenting her with her badge. She is also now listed on the True Friends Index. Thank you, Mariana, and congratulations!
Let’s find a way of welcoming the remaining mystery people into our community before they get cut adrift, and let’s all have a great time making some Art, bub!
Plus, Mariana Made an Art for Me.
P.S. Just in case you have not seen the following little wonder on the Internet over the past two days since it appeared, I am going to embed the wonderful response that Mariana said to me in response to the question that I asked her (because she is the #ds106 on-the-couch psycho person), which was, “Siri, what is the meaning of life?”
This is the Art that she made back to me for my question to her. Here it is:
Isn’t that special? I like the parts that have me and things that I say the best. Plus that other part was good, too, the poem that talked about Wraiths. And (spoiler) it was sad when the fish died.
#ds106 #4life
Thank you so much, Talky. I have been really touched by how inclusive this community has been and so glad to have become your true friend. You are not only a talented artist but very wise – it is a pleasure learning with you in this Headless run of the DS106 thingy. Glad you liked misery bear, I think you two would make a great couple. And also thanks for that super question on my blog too. I think you and I should do a radio show: ‘Talky and the Shrink shrinking the big questions of life’ – what do you think, true friend?
Talky, here is a link for the tapestry I made for you.
tapestry closed down but the nice people there are keeping our stories for ever and ever or until they need the server!
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