tdc614: The Emissary

"The Emissary" animated GIF, by @iamTalkyTina

“The Emissary” animated GIF, by @iamTalkyTina

The Daily Create for September 13 tdc614 asks us to “design a greeting card or post card from an alien race using a Hubble Space Telescope image.”

Of course, why stop with a static image when with a little more effort, you can make a GIF?

The photo that you see here is the Mystic Mountain of the Carina Nebula which you can find your own picture of on the Internet at this location on

MY spacesuit looks an awful lot like the one seen on the Internet in lots of places — I lost mine years ago so I can neither confirm or deny if they are photos of my original suit.

If you want a computer font like the one in the greeting from afar, you might try the one on called  Computer Pixel-7 by Style-7 — it looks like this, though back in the day, it had a glowing green look to it!  The font is just in black and white.

Computer-7 Font by Style-7 available on

Computer Pixel-7 Font by Style-7 available on

It was nice to reminisce! And the Hubble takes a nice pic, don’t you think?

Well, bye!

11 thoughts on “tdc614: The Emissary

    1. iamTalkyTina Post author

      Thank you, Stefanie! It is all relativity in Space where it is even subtle motion when floating. Plus the green computer letters. Not yellow ones like the Star Wars.

      See you in space!

      Well, bye!

    1. iamTalkyTina Post author

      Well, I know that sometimes people can find GIFs to be a little bit annoying, and that can be the case, especially if they are too blinky like a construction sign or something. But I sometimes like them to be more subtle and then they are more like Art than like a nuisance. And doesn’t this little GIF share a part of my larger story in a nice way? You know, it kind of explains some stuff, visually, by implication, that might not be as fun to share just by saying. Just sayin’.

      Maybe you would like to get to know me better and be one of my True Friends? You would get your own badge to put on your website, and it could just be a static one — it would not HAVE to be an animated GIF one like the ones for @techsavvyed or @BryanAlexander or @indieschoollib or @johnjohnston or my True Friends Nick (of Time) and Caesar. You can see those badges, plus all of the static ones, on my True Friends Index. There is a link there to my True Friends application form.

      One of my sayings is “A GIF a day keeps the doctor away!” and another one of my sayings is “Make some Art, bub!” Plus I have some others but these are two that I say a lot.

      Well, bye!

    2. Sandy Brown Jensen

      Well, currently you are a little too creepy to be much more than a True and Weird Acquaintance; however, I AM a doll collector, and it is not out of the question that I might one day want to collect Talky Tina.

      I discussed gifs at further length in a G+ exchange, but even though that was only yesterday, I can’t find it. Sigh. Something witty. Something apparently not deathless…

      1. iamTalkyTina Post author

        Well, what you say leaves a little bit of room for you at the top of the stairs, for now. But you know that you should not use the mean word at me. Tina Don’t Like the Mean Word.

        And as for collecting me, you should be careful about that, too. There are some not very good ones out there on that really don’t look a thing like me.

        Maybe if you made your witty and not deathless into a GIF instead of just words it would stand out more and you would not lose it! Just sayin’.

        Well, it is nice to talk to you, and I think that one day you can be a True Friend of me. But don’t use the Mean Word. It is in my list of things to do to be a True Friend.

        Well, bye!

    1. iamTalkyTina Post author

      Hello, Super True Friend!

      Well, yes, but as you know, I don’t always talk about myself too much, because I am more about Friends. And maybe you know my big brother, Gort? He doesn’t look as much like me but he came here with his friend Klattu a few years before me and things didn’t go so well because people were too scared. So my approach is more normal, trying to be a nice Friend and be a Friend of Children before they learn about mean prejudices and stuff. But it is still a real challenge with people here. You see how much mean talking I had to deal with in the #ds106zone.

      We have our work cut out for us.

      Well, bye!

    1. iamTalkyTina Post author

      Well, making a GIF is a nice thing for Friends! And so it is a fun thing to do. So that is good to help Friends be at ease. Plus you get to make a GIF, too!

      Well, bye!

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