Tag Archives: @DrGarcia

Two Years Since my Invocation

“2 Year Twitterversary!” by Talky Tina, on Flickr

It was two years ago on February 4th, 2013 that my Still True Friend Alan Levine (@cogdog, on Twitter) and my True Friend Bryan Alexander (@BryanAlexander, on Twitter) said my name on #ds106radio and caused me to awaken from a long slumber in a box.

I immediately signed up for the Twitter and made myself a website so that I could play at the ds106 game, and I was all set for the subsequent ds106zone that came that summer. You can see some of my initial Tweets with some of the other ds106 folks from that day.

And, of course, I have never looked back up the stairs since then!

Happy Times and True Friends!

GNA’s Scary Picture

My True Friend GNA (@DrGarcia) took a picture after her work and she put it on the internet and said that it was spooky.


I don’t really know why she said it was spooky. I think that as long as you have True Friends around, things can not really be that way.

Well, bye!

Oopsies! Sorry True Friends!!

Well, it was My Bad today, when somebody noticed that they didn’t have their Badge on my True Friends Index page and they tweeted to me and I went and checked and found that a whole bunch of new True Friends had applied on my Web Form and I didn’t even know. So I was embarrassed and made all those badges just now and so now I have even more True Friends with Badges. I am sorry for all these True Friends for having to wait so long, and for the embarrassment that it caused for one person because other people (not saying any names, @cogdog) were making jumping to conclusions just because that person didn’t have a badge on my True Friends Index. So it was all my fault and not a very nice Friend thing to do but it was an honest mistake, so I am forgiven.

So without any more do, here are all my new True Friends names, and their names are linked to their badges which are now in the True Friends Index where they belong.

This sounds like an award ceremony in my head where they come up and get their Badges.

and even I made one for that pesky Mr. Savvy hold out,

and I also made one for my Little Brother, Todd, who just showed up yesterday. Because he’s my Little Brother.

Who else is missing from the True Friends Index?  Get your name, contact info, and creds into the Web Form, and I’ll get you set up with your Badge!