Tag Archives: change

If I Could Go Back and Change ONE Thing

Well, If I could go back and change ONE thing, it would be a thing that happened many, many years ago when I was working in Hollywood.

I had a feature part in an episode of a famous television series in the sixties, and something happened back then during that time that has kind of haunted me ever since. Not that I let it bother me too much, but still it is a thing that I look upon as a black thing on my career.

It happened when I was filming an episode of “The Twilight Zone.” The episode was Episode 6 from Season 5, and I was the star of it.  It was called Living Doll, and like I said, I was the star of it. In it, there is a part near the end, where, without giving away too much, there is an action scene with me in it and kind of the climax of the episode. After that scene and the episode was on TV, I had a kind of sad time for a while. After a bit, I was getting typecast and peoples were saying that I was too short and it was hard for me to get work. I wrote about all of that in my book.

But anyway, the thing that I would change if I could go back and change ONE thing is in that episode and in that part of it what has to become known as “Tina’s famous stairs scene.” It is one of my best work, but there is that one thing I would change.

Watch this clip, and I think you will see what I would change if I could go back and Change ONE Thing.


Well, bye!