Category Archives: Video

Always Mind Your Vision

The Daily Create, tdc2030, asks us to read the Eye Chart, and it pulls our attention down to the 20/30 line, where the letters start to get smaller. Make a six-word story with EFDCZP?

When I read this line, it immediately spoke to to me, because the the first letter reminded me of that one time, and that evil man, Erich.

It was an easy create to do, because I have a favourite video clip that I watch every now and then (every night before bedtime).

The six-word story just wrote itself!

I didn’t live there long enough to see if Erich was a good carrot-eater, but whatever, always be sure to mind your vision so that you can maintain your night vision and watch out for ambushes.

And so that you can keep on appreciating and making Art! 

iamTalkyTina embeds in The Village

“My Village Information Card,” by Talky Tina, on Flickr

Well, hello there Friends. It will be such a nice time to be with you this summer in The Village here with ds106 Summer 2015 Edition. It was a happy time to see my old friend Rover when I got here and to know that she is back doing what she loves. It was too bad that that Number 2 was such a boring one but I hope the NEW Number 2 will be a more funner one.

So when I got back here, I moved back into my lodgings (I don’t have a bungalow, but rather a separate secure quarters beneath the green dome — but I say too much) and checked into The Office to get my badge (it’s up there to the right at the top, unless you are on a mobile, in which case you have to scroll down toward the bottom) and to fill out my Visitor Information Card. I filled mine out as an example to all the other peoples so that they would know. It was the first one on the Residents‘ page. I will see if I can find one of my old ones from one of the other times that I was here (I’ve popped in and out over the years on various contracts), but it is probably in an old shoebox back in my office from years ago. Anyway, I already had my Flickr all set up from before times, so I posted it there and have embedded it here (up above) so that you can see it here without having to click on a text link, but I have also set it up so that you can click on the picture up there and go straight to my Flickr there to see it where it is. That is how we were taught to do it in the ds106 way because Jim and Martha and b and Paul all say no just linking, you have to do embedding. But when you get to Flickr, remember to follow me. Plus, Bill made a Flickr group for all the Prisoner106 peoples which you can put your stuff into for INFORMATION.

Next, I recorded a little audio greeting for all of my ds106 Friends and True Friends (do you have your True Friend of me badge?) and then I put it up on my Soundcloud because I already had that set up too from before, and then I embedded it right here so that you can listen to it right here by clicking. but if you want, you can also see it on Soundcloud. While you are there, follow me on Soundcloud if you aren’t already doing that.

Next up was a Video one. For this one, I decided to tell a little bit of the story of me and ds106, just in case you don’t know all about me yet. But most of you should already, and if you don’t, then it’s about time! So watch the video which I posted onto my YouTube and then I embedded it here, just like I should. Because I learned some things while I was making this video, I will make a separate post about the Making of Becoming @iamTalkyTina where I can share some of what I learned.  But you should be prepared because this video is a little bit of sad one to start before it gets happier at the end.

To finish off, I am also putting some of my Twitter ones in here, just so that you can see that it is also a thing that you can embed. All of these embed ways are important to help you pull all of your stuff together. It is important that you pull your stuff together for good learning.

And then here is another one from a couple days ago:

And then one more good one of @jimgroom where I made a GIF out of him.

So that is all about showing how to embed all of my “Hello and Welcome to the Prisoner106 Village” stuff. So now I can go make some GIFs and watch some episodes because now you know all about me through all those types of ways: pictures, audio, video, and tweeting.

Well, bye!

If I Could Go Back and Change ONE Thing

Well, If I could go back and change ONE thing, it would be a thing that happened many, many years ago when I was working in Hollywood.

I had a feature part in an episode of a famous television series in the sixties, and something happened back then during that time that has kind of haunted me ever since. Not that I let it bother me too much, but still it is a thing that I look upon as a black thing on my career.

It happened when I was filming an episode of “The Twilight Zone.” The episode was Episode 6 from Season 5, and I was the star of it.  It was called Living Doll, and like I said, I was the star of it. In it, there is a part near the end, where, without giving away too much, there is an action scene with me in it and kind of the climax of the episode. After that scene and the episode was on TV, I had a kind of sad time for a while. After a bit, I was getting typecast and peoples were saying that I was too short and it was hard for me to get work. I wrote about all of that in my book.

But anyway, the thing that I would change if I could go back and change ONE thing is in that episode and in that part of it what has to become known as “Tina’s famous stairs scene.” It is one of my best work, but there is that one thing I would change.

Watch this clip, and I think you will see what I would change if I could go back and Change ONE Thing.


Well, bye!