Tag Archives: Cynthia Garcia

One Story / Four Icon Twilight Zone #2

Here is another challenge for Design Assignment 358: One Story / Four Icon assignment. See if you can get this Twilight Zone episode:

One Story / Four Icon Twilight Zone Episode Challenge #2

One Story / Four Icon Twilight Zone Episode Challenge #2


Again, I found my icons on thenounproject.com where I have an account and so the SVG files are free.

I used icons by these people, but I won’t say what the icons are called because that takes away all the guessing fun!!!

Can you guess my challenge? I hope it is not too hard for you! Please put your answers in the comments below. If you are right, I will say “You Got It!” but I will remove your answer so it does not give away the fun for my other friends.  Remember, to get ALL of the POINTS, you need to correctly say the Season, the Episode, the Title, and who was the star of the episode.

Winners will be happier for having played along with my challenge. See yesterday’s One Story / Four Icon Twilight Zone challenge. Can you figure out BOTH of them for double points?
