Tag Archives: Google

What Does it Look Like to Have a #thoughtvector?

"Steve Martin Having a Thought Vector" image found on the Internet

“Steve Martin Sharing a Thought Vector” image found on the Internet

So, in addition to being the person who told one of my favourite jokes a long time ago that mentioned googol first before Google spelled it wrong (punch line, “ Hey, maybe it’s the needle!“), Steve Martin used to share visible #thoughtvectors in his head during his stand up routine. That is what it looked like in the picture above.

My True Friend Bill (@byzantiumbooks, on Twitter) shared with me a link to a picture of what his thoughtvectors looked like today.

I am working on my picture of what it looks like when I share my #thoughtvectors. I will share it here on my blog when it is done.

But I am wondering if this is like a kind of mini-Assignment for #thoughtvectors people, and whether other people might want to be sharing a picture of themselves having #thoughtvectors? Maybe it could even be a GIF of them sharing #thoughtvectors like mine will be?

August 2013 GIF Challenge #14: Fruedian Alphabet

"Friends are True Friends" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Friends are True Friends” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

Well, I went to the Assignment Bank to get today’s assignment, and the Animated GIF Assignment 977 “Fruedian Alphabet” by Tom Woodward (@twoodwar)looked like fun, except for the typing in “I Hate …” part, so I changed mine to a nicer one “Friends Are True Friends” and I got a whole bunch of nice stuff to make a great GIF for my Friends, New Friends, Open Friends, True Friends, Super True Friends, Still True Friends, Real Friends, and other people who aren’t my Friend yet but will be one day.

I hope you like it as much as I had making it for you.  All the words came with the pictures just the way they appear, except for if I changed them like I say below. But the words right at the end are my own words to my Friends.

All of the Images I Found

Here listed down below is where I found the images using the Google. Some of them I tidied up a bit to make them look less pixel-ly or whatever the problem was. Or made them bigger. Or smaller. Or square to fit. Or got rid of a border. Or re-did the text in a cleaner font. Or made the colours more the same if they weren’t. Or made a transparent back. Or like I said before, whatever.

But they’re not in the same order as in GIF. I leave that as an exercise for the reader.


My message at the end is true.