Songs for True Friends

"What DS106 Music Means to Me" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“What DS106 Music Means to Me” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina based on this image

This is my The Daily Create for today, tdc1161 which says, “Write a poem about how music changed your life.” (pausing as I type — oh, a poem? oh well I already posted this but when I try to link to my specific post, it is broken like 404, what’s up with that, @cogdog?)  So here it is on my blog, plus with a GIF and embedded soundcloud ones.

Well, it is always nice when True Friends make songs. Because songs are a kind of music, but with words so you can understand why Friends are Important.

Like one time I wrote a song called “Tina Made Groom” after he was trash talking me and I needed to set the record straight.

Or another time, when I wrote a song called “Tina Don’t Like the Mean Word” after that Savvy man Ben kept using the Mean Word even after I was trying to be nice.

Another time, when it was New Years, I made a special version of the New Year’s Song called “Make Art for Your True Friends, My Bub!” that was a really nice thing for me to do.

But then, my True Friend Vivien made a wonderful song, just for me, called “Look What Happened to Tina” that was just such a fantastic piece of music that it almost made me cry. But not really, I am tough.

And then, just when I thought it wouldn’t get any nicer, my True Friends Vivien and that David did another song for me called “GIFfing is Without You” that made me want to sing along all day and play my double-bass. That remix is in the studio now, awaiting some final vocal embellishments.

I could go on an on about how nice it is that music makes you feel. But it is about making vibrations that other peoples can feel, plus when they make vibrations, you feel them too. Plus, at the same time it is even better. Like, LIVE.

So music is a kind of Art, and that is what we like to make. So Make some Art, bub.

And Make Some Music Art, Bub, too!

6 thoughts on “Songs for True Friends

  1. Alan Levine

    you are prolific with the music, bub! And such a true friend to ds106.

    That’s strange and not funny that the TDC links do not work. Unfortunately I am not near a computer for a while. You might want to be contacting Uncle Jim or Aunt Martha with site related questions as I do not work on it much (although this portion is my own concoction and I should fix).

    Oh well

    1. iamTalkyTina Post author

      Well, I did 3 of them and Vivien did 2 of them. But it is still a fun thing to make music with friends. Plus, guitar ones.

      About that link, I wondered one time if it was because I put a ! at the end of my title if that is why the link of it broke. But today’s one didn’t have a ! in the title so that theory went down the stairs kerplop.

  2. Viv Caruna

    I’m just so pleased I have a friend who appreciates my music. I usually make the dog howl. And I must say Miss Tina is quite a rock chic also. Well that David is out on a gig. I have beer. Spike is in fine voice. So I’ll look for some more inspiration.

    1. iamTalkyTina Post author

      Well, that Spike was certainly singing up a storm in that last one. He must really like the GIF!

      Maybe one day we can do a duet song with two parts where I sing one part apart and you sing one part apart and then we together put them together??? That would be a fun one!

      Plus, you guys made such great Headless Inkspots #noir106 songs for the #noir106 Fatal Femmes show!

        1. iamTalkyTina Post author

          It would be easiest, I think, if once you choose the song, I record my part first. And then you harmonize with me??


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