Tag Archives: Martha Burtis

Mini Groom & Martha

“Mini-Groom & Martha,” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

The Daily Create, tdc2020 asks us to take a favourite piece of art and make it into a modern one using a website called Simplify.Thash.It, and so I did. I picked on of my Pearls of Jim Groom Oyster Pictures with UNCLE Jim (@jimgroom, on Twitter) and Martha (@mburtis, on Twitter). I put it through the grinder to get a modern art one, and then made the before and the after of them into a GIF.

You can choose whether you like a concrete UNCLE Jim & Martha or an abstract one.


“Noirchat” by iamTalkyTina, on Flickr

Well I have some nice time away from missions this week, and so I decided to watch the NOIR106 Week 9 video and see if I could catch up on some hijinks, just for fun. Paul and Martha and Jim talked a whole lot about all the works that the students have to do this week (just like every other week) but it was also a fun time to hear them talk about the Hostage Hut Event  when I hosted UNCLE @jimgroom this weekend and all the GIFs and peoples Making Art.

It was also nice to hear how well UNCLE @jimgroom was respecting our release-from-Hostage conditions, when he said, “We brokered a deal in the evening, early morning,” and “that was part of the brokering, the negotiations not to talk too much about it.”  “TalkyTina did take care of me …” but he did not go into greater detail, even when pressed, which was a True Friend thing to do. But he did seem to have a few words for Martha (who was otherwise occupied during the day) when he said, “I just felt that maybe you could put a GIF out there, maybe you could have been the tenth to save me, so that I didn’t have to negotiate …” But he got out all the same.

 “I just felt that maybe you could put a GIF out there, maybe you could have been the tenth to save me, so that I didn’t have to negotiate …”
— Jim Groom to Martha Burtis

I made some notes of what they said during the show, and at the end I felt like making some Art and so it started out being a one screen commercial for our Radio Show (which will be on ds106radio NEXT MONDAY NIGHT AT 9PM) …

“One More Special Radio Show” by Talky Tina, on Flickr

… but then it turned into a whole thing of interesting quotes that they said.

I was thinking that this could be a nice way to do a review of the weekly get-to-work video, and then thought it would make a nice assignment. I only thought that at the end, and so I didn’t go back and make mine as complete as I might have (so it doesn’t have enough stuff in it to reflect Agent Paul and Agent Black), but is has some good stuff for you to watch. It only takes about a minute or so because most of the screens are each 5 seconds. Maybe I will make a Slideshare of it (so that you can read it at your own pace) but right now it is just a GIF!

"NoirChat, Week Nine" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“NoirChat, Week Nine” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina



Me, Riding the ds106 Bus, with Music !!

"Further Bumpy2" animatedGIF by @Todd_Conaway

“Further Bumpy2” animatedGIF by @Todd_Conaway


My True Friend Todd (@Todd_Conaway, on Twitter) made a GIF of me from the YouTube movie that he made called The ds106 Bus. In it, you can see me with my friends Martha (@mburtis), Jim (@jimgroom), Doctor Oblivion, and Michael (@mbransons). and so I got the music from the video and put it behind the GIF so that if you click on it, you can hear it!

So click on the GIF up above to hear it! Listen to the whole thing! You can also click on the GIF again to stop the music, but why would you?

Thanks AGAIN, to my True Friend, John (@JohnJohnston, on Twitter) for the great click-on-a-GIF-to-hear-music trick.

And thanks to Todd, for putting me on the bus!



Plus, if you want to know how I got the music out of the YouTube, here is what I did.
1) I downloaded the video from YouTube using my handy MacX YouTube Downloader.
2) I opened the video using Quicktime and exported (audio only) into an .m4a
3) I opened the m4a of it using Audacity, and exported it as both an .mp3 and an .ogg.
4) Then, I used John’s click-on-a-GIF-to-hear-it trick.

Pearls of Jim Groom Oyster Pictures

“Groom Oyster Hat with MinniePearl,” by Talky Tina, on Flickr

Well I started with the best for first. Because that is the best of the Pearls of Jim Groom Oyster Pictures from the World that I have. I hope you enjoy it and appreciate the funny joke part of it. Plus, it is a True Art, I think.

By the way, these pictures are all for The Daily Create, April 14th, tdc827: @jimgroom the World is his Oyster.

Next, how about this one of UNCLE @jimgroom in an oyster on a beach. Plus, do you see how the moon is like a pearl up above the oyster. That is some of the Art of this one.

Groom Oyster Pearl,” by Talky Tina, on Flickr

Next, it is UNCLE @jimgroom from a Thunderbirds movie with him as the Evil Green Oyster Man.

Groom Oysterman Thunderbird.” by Talky Tina, on Flickr

Now, the Fisherman, UNCLE @jimgroom, outstanding in his sea.

“Groom Fisherman,” by Talky Tina, on Flickr

Then, LOOK!, it is little UNCLE @jimgroom and his Red Oyster with his babysitter.

“Groom Bella Luke Aquarium,” by Talky Tina, on Flickr

Finally, the finale of Dancing Around The Giant Pearl of the World UNCLE @jimgroom Dancing of it Animated GIF. It is another special rendition of Animated GIF Assignment 1001: Dancing Jim All Over the World. He is still dancing, which just goes to show!

"Dancing Groom Oyster and Pearl Fountain," animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Dancing Groom Oyster and Pearl Fountain,” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

I hope you liked all these Oyster pictures of UNCLE @jimgroom that I found for you. He is certainly famous when you look on the Google, and now, even more so!

Just in case you wanted to know where I found them, you can look at all these links.



Minnie Pearl

Well, Bye!