Tag Archives: youTube

Always Mind Your Vision

The Daily Create, tdc2030, asks us to read the Eye Chart, and it pulls our attention down to the 20/30 line, where the letters start to get smaller. Make a six-word story with EFDCZP?

When I read this line, it immediately spoke to to me, because the the first letter reminded me of that one time, and that evil man, Erich.

It was an easy create to do, because I have a favourite video clip that I watch every now and then (every night before bedtime).

The six-word story just wrote itself!

I didn’t live there long enough to see if Erich was a good carrot-eater, but whatever, always be sure to mind your vision so that you can maintain your night vision and watch out for ambushes.

And so that you can keep on appreciating and making Art! 

In This Case, It’s Other Reasons

“In this Case, It’s Other Reasons,” image by @iamTalkyTina for tdc1986

Well, The Daily Create, tdc1986 wants us to make an Unworthy one about trying not to scream, but with terrible terrible headlines, but make it fake, but if we can make it real, then we get bonus points. So I did a one like that, with a true commentary, and it has inclusion, plus I am speaking from my personal experience.

You can read more about Bathmophobia on this site, and you can read about Trump on all of the other ones. But don’t bother about the latter.

The Attributions of It:

I started like we were supposed to, by looking at the Upworthy Generator, to see what it was. After getting some ideas about how to make the words, I did a screen capture of it and then put it into Photoshop to change all the parts. Then I looked for bonus internet points to find an appropriate image to go with the headline that I made up all by myself. Plus, I put in lots of innuendo bits.

I used a font called Droid Serif for the headline. I used whatfontis.com plus my good judgement to make the selection.

I found the Upworthy logo and made a little editorial change to it.  I found the font Parafuse to use for the N after checking out other fonts like ChainsawGeometric, Blast-Beat, and DekoBlakk which all had a U like that but their N’s were wonky. For the little N in the big N, I just made it by hand out of pieces of the H. Today I found a lot of fonts on ffonts.net

“UNworthy,”  GIF by @iamTalkyTina

I also found out a really cool site for next time called FontsInUse.com which can tell you which fonts are in use on different things like sites like Upworthy.com. So that might save us all some time another time.

I made the play button by selecting it using the Quick Selection Tool in Photoshop from a screen capture of a video and put it over the picture and made it grey with a white behind it.

The picture was made out of a screen capture from a video on Youtube.

Full Disclosure:

I changed the word “President” in the original CNN headline to “Trump” to make it more truthful and less generic. Plus, that is what CNN called it on YouTube and it has 484,000 hits for that in 0.43 seconds so a lot of people have written it on the Internet already to make that many hits of it.

iamTalkyTina embeds in The Village

“My Village Information Card,” by Talky Tina, on Flickr

Well, hello there Friends. It will be such a nice time to be with you this summer in The Village here with Prisoner106.us ds106 Summer 2015 Edition. It was a happy time to see my old friend Rover when I got here and to know that she is back doing what she loves. It was too bad that that Number 2 was such a boring one but I hope the NEW Number 2 will be a more funner one.

So when I got back here, I moved back into my lodgings (I don’t have a bungalow, but rather a separate secure quarters beneath the green dome — but I say too much) and checked into The Office to get my badge (it’s up there to the right at the top, unless you are on a mobile, in which case you have to scroll down toward the bottom) and to fill out my Visitor Information Card. I filled mine out as an example to all the other peoples so that they would know. It was the first one on the Residents‘ page. I will see if I can find one of my old ones from one of the other times that I was here (I’ve popped in and out over the years on various contracts), but it is probably in an old shoebox back in my office from years ago. Anyway, I already had my Flickr all set up from before times, so I posted it there and have embedded it here (up above) so that you can see it here without having to click on a text link, but I have also set it up so that you can click on the picture up there and go straight to my Flickr there to see it where it is. That is how we were taught to do it in the ds106 way because Jim and Martha and b and Paul all say no just linking, you have to do embedding. But when you get to Flickr, remember to follow me. Plus, Bill made a Flickr group for all the Prisoner106 peoples which you can put your stuff into for INFORMATION.

Next, I recorded a little audio greeting for all of my ds106 Friends and True Friends (do you have your True Friend of me badge?) and then I put it up on my Soundcloud because I already had that set up too from before, and then I embedded it right here so that you can listen to it right here by clicking. but if you want, you can also see it on Soundcloud. While you are there, follow me on Soundcloud if you aren’t already doing that.

Next up was a Video one. For this one, I decided to tell a little bit of the story of me and ds106, just in case you don’t know all about me yet. But most of you should already, and if you don’t, then it’s about time! So watch the video which I posted onto my YouTube and then I embedded it here, just like I should. Because I learned some things while I was making this video, I will make a separate post about the Making of Becoming @iamTalkyTina where I can share some of what I learned.  But you should be prepared because this video is a little bit of sad one to start before it gets happier at the end.

To finish off, I am also putting some of my Twitter ones in here, just so that you can see that it is also a thing that you can embed. All of these embed ways are important to help you pull all of your stuff together. It is important that you pull your stuff together for good learning.

And then here is another one from a couple days ago:

And then one more good one of @jimgroom where I made a GIF out of him.

So that is all about showing how to embed all of my “Hello and Welcome to the Prisoner106 Village” stuff. So now I can go make some GIFs and watch some episodes because now you know all about me through all those types of ways: pictures, audio, video, and tweeting.

Well, bye!

A Fatal Femme – Get the Message?

I found this wonderful video with a fatal femme in it on YouTube that I wanted to share with all my True Friends.

I think that in it you can see how the fatal femme is mysterious, with attraction and a smokey voice one where she is in a bar or nightclub with shadows and palm trees wearing a detective costume with fedora and gloves and making a drop. Plus bead curtains and diagonal lines like blinds and she uses her compact mirror smartphone to contact the other detective man who is also wearing a trenchcoat and hat with smoke. And it is all in black and white with suspense music, plus a secret contact voice on a payphone with code words. The Macguffin is a top secret deodorant cold war creme with special no-stick 3M  ingredients.

My Super True Friend Christina (@clhendricksbc, on Twitter) and I will be doing a special interview about the Fatal Femme and a guy called Simon de Beauvoir in #noir106, plus I will be playing a fatal femme called Daphne de Beauvoir in our #ds106radio play called “You’re Soaking your Fingers in It! Relax, it’s Gin!

Tune in this coming week to the #noir106 Radio shows on our favourite radio station, #ds106radio #4life!!



Artway Iticcray Emay

Well, The Daily Create TDC913 for July 9th, 2014, said we had to do a snotty Art Critic review in Pig Latin, so I did one about that Jim Groom (@jimgroom, on Twitter). You can see the video up above, and you can read about it down below.

First, when I was in school, I didn’t have any courses in Pig Latin. So I just used my handy web translator for Pig Latin by Bill Donnelly that I found on the Internet. I just typed in my critic of what I wanted to say about Jim Groom and then pressed Translate, and then I just read it in my voice.

Here is what my critic said in Pig Latin:

Ellway, ethay Artway ofway Imjay Oomgray isway ometimessay
avinghay away Acklay. Utbay ehay ashay otslay ofway oodgay
ideasway, usplay dsay106 andway Uetray Imecray. Andway enwhay
itway isway away IFGAY, atthay isway away oodgay ingthay. Osay
atthay isway ymay Ootysnay Artway Iticcray eviewray.
Ellway,  yebay!

But still, I had to do some other things. Like add in some music from my hit single, Tina Made Groom, from way back in 2013. Here is the full song, in case you missed it. And for those of you who always want to hear it again!

Then I needed some Art to go along with my talking, so I got a whole bunch of GIFs and pictures that I made over the year about Jim and put them into the show part.

Then I had to make it into a movie to go into YouTube. That part was harder, because if I did an Export from Keynote to Quicktime then it didn’t save the GIFs with any movements (what’s the point of that?) and if I tried to do a Recording from Keynote to Movie then it got stuck and I had to Force Quit. That’s not a fun thing.

So in the end, I used my Snapz Pro X that I use and did a screen capture movie while I played the show by hand with the music and pig talking going on, too. Then I put it on my YouTube.

Well, I hope that you enjoyed my Pig Latin Art Critic of Jim Groom as much as I had making it for you. And Jim.

Ellway,  yebay!


Tina’s Stairs Redux


“Tina’s Stairs Redux” animatedGIF, by @iamTalkyTina

Well, my good Super True New Old Radio Friend @scottlo (where IS he, anyway?) has said that I need to leave off with all the stairs gags. I guess even a good running (or falling) gag runs its course after a few decades of use. It was a bit of a surprise today to find this little remake video on YouTube  — I had thought that little secret was buried in the never ending expanse of the web.

Oh well, as they say, “What happens on the Internet, stays on the Internet.” 

But on the upside, as a positive NEW 2014 New Year’s real resolution (not a 2014 Non-Resolution), I have decided to dial back on the Stairs metaphor a bit in the coming year. Not completely, mind you, but a significant bit.  (I bet you will still be able to hear me think it, even if I don’t say it …)

I blame John Johnston (@JohnJohnston) (google is) and Tom Woodward (@twoodwar) for setting me on this little path today, and so, in the spirit of getting a good thing out of my system in preparation for the coming period of abstinence, (and as a final (temporary) bow in their (the stairs) direction), I present:

Stairs Are A-Z (plus, no secrets on Google)


Stair Are A-Z (plus, no secrets on Google)” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

Although my final search turned up 0 results (you have to watch the GIF to the end to see that), I did manage to come across the YouTube video through some extra-advanced Tina-ninja Google digging, and so my illustration of the search is the GIF of the stair fall that appears at the beginning of this post.

I think I’ve done this autocomplete-as-a-GIF assignment before, but I wasn’t able to find it just now in the ds106 Assignment Bank. Maybe someone can help me find it?

Some Advice for My Newest Friends

Hello there!

My True Friend @cogdog said that I should use my dollish ways (he’s such a cut up, that was just a role I played once on TV years ago in 1963 on Mr. Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone show episode called Living Doll, I had the title role) and help my new friends to update their blogs and such.

So here is my post for you. I call it

iamTalkyTina’s ds106 Hints for My New Friends on ds106!!

1. In your WordPress blog, where it says “Hello World,” change it to something different like “My first blog post,” or “Starting ds106.” That way it will be original and not the same as all the others.  Maybe you can think up something even more original than my good suggestions.

2. Up at the top underneath it will probably say something like “Just another ds106 blog site” or something that says “Just another … <something>.”  It always says that on peoples’ blogs and it’s not very original so change it into something more catchy and fascinating that will make people want to read more. Try something that expresses your personality and keeps our attention. AND up at the top above where it says something like “Just another ds106 blog site” or whatever, make sure it says something different from “MY BLOG.” That is right out. Be your own person and use a title that will set you apart from all the other blogs. Do it now.

3. Plus, if you have made your Twitter account, be sure to put on a picture of something. If you are still a new egg then stop it!, it doesn’t tell us who you are or so and if you put your face on there then people can see who you are. Some people put on a symbol. That makes you more friendly. Friends are important.  Eggs are not very important.

4. And put your picture and a name that we can call you on your blog, too, by the way. Or something interesting. Because that is more interesting and tells us more about you than just “My blog” or “My ds106 blog.”  Be original and be creative and let your light shine. You can also make a nice “About” page that tells us a bit “about” who you are, what your interests are. You know, so we learn about you as a person, and not just a student.

5. Be sure to make lots of friends with other people in ds106. Friends are the most important thing and they will help you and be your friend when times are tough. Like if you forget to do an assignment until the last minute (don’t do that, Mr. Jim Groom warned you, didn’t he?) then your friends will be there to say something like, “Well, you should have done it sooner, ” or “Didn’t you hear Jim Groom when he said to not leave it until the last minute?” or “I will be a true friend and smack you up along side your head this time if you want so that you won’t do this again next time.” See? Friends are very helpful and kind.

6. Also, this goes back up to number 3 where I told you what to do about Twitter. I forgot to say to also put your blog address on your Twitter page, and put your Twitter name on your blog, and be sure to tweet out whenever you make a new post on your blog. All of these things go together to help your Friends read your work. So do that.

So there!

I hope that these helpful tips will get you going! Please remember, I am iamTalkyTina. You can follow me on Twitter at @iamTalkyTina. My blog is here at iamTalkyTina.com. I made a Flickr account for ds106 and my Flickr username is iamTalkyTina. I have a Soundcloud account and my username is iamTalkyTina. I made a YouTube account and my username is iamTalkyTina. I made a gravitar account and my name is iamTalkyTina. I made a WordPress account so that I can comment on WordPress blogs and my username is iamTalkyTina.  I probably have a few other accounts that I am not remembering right now, but my username for them is iamTalkyTina, because iamTalkyTina !!

I hope you enjoyed reading my advice to you. ds106 is #4ever — and is only #4life if you die first.