Well, today was a very nice day for Friends.
Wonderful Music
It was so wonderful when I woke up this morning and heard that wonderful song “Look What Happened to Tina” that my wonderful True Friend Vivien Rolfe (@VivienRolfe, on Twitter) made for me. Plus, that dog, Spike (not on Twitter, I don’t think) was doing dog singing. But not that David (@dkernohan, on Twitter) this time he said. It was all Viv, he said. He was doing other stuff.
So in case you didn’t hear it, here is the wonderful song that Viv made for me. It is about me. And Art. And Friends. Plus, noir.
Wonderful Game!
Then, while I was listening to that song over and over again, and dancing, it was that David‘s (@dkernohan, on Twitter) time so shine.
So he had made a great game called 2048 Super MOOC Pioneers Edition which lets you put MOOC people together to make more MOOC people.
It was fun to play it and a made for a happy time every time I saw @downes or @audreywatters or @davecormier, or UNCLE @jimgroom, and I even got a George Siemens (@gsiemens, on Twitter)!
Wonderful Friends
Then, David said I should make a True Friends one of it.
I said, “OK, I will.” But it was kind of a hard task for me. I have many True Friends!
In the end, I had to pick and choose just some of my True Friends to put into my own 2048: @iamTalkyTina’s True Friends Edition game. I made the icons all into #noir106 ones because of #noir106. It looks like this when you start to play.
You can play it on the Internet anytime you want!
I was thinking that it might be fun one day to have it randomize the game pieces from my True Friends Index, so that each time you played the game, you would get a different set of True Friends. It would even be fun to have the game pieces change DURING the game! You know, just for added adventure and excitement!
But in the mean time, you can play the game just the way it is!
Can you get to the Top True Friend?
Wow! I’m amazed by your creativity! Great Job!