Author Archives: iamTalkyTina

Badges On Hold — I Was Moving!

“cPanel Van,” image by @iamTalkyTina (click to view larger to really appreciate the Art)

Well, the last time I was working on our @iamTalkyTina Certification in Creatorist June 2017 Cohort Application Process Reviews, but then I took a screen break and had dinner.

The next thing I knew, my landlord was banging on the walls and telling me that she didn’t like me playing my music at all hours and that my dancing moves were knocking the plaster off her downstairs ceiling. She just kept going on and on and really started to make a nuisance of herself. She said I had too much stuff, and so when I paid her more money to rent out some more space, it was in a different building and she didn’t even realize that!  She didn’t get to the point of threatening to keep all of my stuff, but it was getting a bit testy. Then she kind of stopped talking to me altogether, which was a bit worrying.

(I should mention that I have never had any problems with my landlady before, and that I have had my stuff there for many, many years (like maybe 15 years?), and her service has always been top notch, and I moved other stuff there over the years because of all of that, and that she has always kept the place up to great standards, but maybe there was a change in management, I don’t know.)

Perhaps she really just wanted me out so that she could triple her income by renting my flat out as an AirB&B, but whatever!

I decided to reclaim my independence from her.

I got to packing, and then called up a guy that I know about getting a new home base.

Now most of you #ds106 folks probably know this fellow, because he is one of the founding fathers of #ds106, or, as I like to call him, UNCLE (because he said UNCLE to me back in the day read all about it here) called Jim Groom (@jimgroom, on Twitter) and he and his good friend Tim Owens (@Timmmmyboy, on Twitter) have a thing going where they rent out co-working space on the land where they farm servers. So I managed to arrange to move all of my stuff from where it was to where UNCLE Jim and Tim have their stuff, and it took less than 24 hours and it was a smooth ride. We used a cPanel van and it made the whole thing just fine, like Tim and Lauren (@brumface, on Twitter) said. So now I store my stuff there.

But now I am checking to make sure my cell phone lines are still connected and then I can get back to doing the @iamTalkyTina Certification in Creatorist June 2017 Cohort Application Process Reviews when I get around to them.

Where Stuff Came From (kind of like “Attributions”)

Todd Conaway Was Asking Where I Am

“Find @iamTalkyTina Challenge,” by @iamTalkyTina   (bigger)  (for those who are having trouble: even bigger)

Now, the little story behind this is that my #TrueFriend Todd (@Todd_Conaway, on Twitter) made a one of me, and while I was looking for me, I had the idea to make one back, and so later, after I had been making it for about several minutes, I found me in the one that he made, because I didn’t even see me in his the first time I looked before I had my own idea.

So it was a fun time.

Can you find me in the Todd one (below) and in the mine one (above)?

“Where’s Tina,” original one by @Todd_Conaway

Coming Soon: June 2017 Certification for Creatorist Cohort

“Hair Up and Ready to Work”

With the passing of the June 30th deadline (and one day, for grace), I got myself ready to go through the applications for the June 2017 Cohort for @iamTalkyTina Certification for Creatorist.  I put my hair, up, logged into my Official Certification Process app, and got ready to go!

“First Applicant — Me — Passes”

The first application in the queue was from someone familiar — ME!  I passed with flying colours!

“I’m Looking at You, RockyLou22”

After a bit of confusion with the sort order for the applications (some came in through the web form, while others were submitted earlier via comments in my June 1st web post), it turned out that Rochelle (@RockyLou22) was the next one to go under the inspection.

“Christina Has an ALERT”

My #SuperTrueFriend, Christina (@clhendricksbc) was the next one for review, and she did a great job except there was a nasty ALERT that came up on her screen because she didn’t put one in her stir fry.

We got that sorted out in minutes!

“Time for a Screen Break”

Then I had a different notification pop up on my screen, saying that it was time for a screen break. So I shut things down for the day and went to get some food.

Fall Down

“His Fall Down,” a two picture, two sentence story by @iamTalkyTina

Well, this is my last The Daily Create for June, 2017. It is called The Daily Create, tdc1999 two pictures, two sentences story. I have now completed the Alan Levine, (@cogdog, on Twitter) 30-Day Challenge, #30dayTDC.

I will now wait to see if I will be granted my @iamTalkyTina Certification in Creatorist accreditation and badge, for which the completion of the #30dayTDC challenge is a primary requirement. I have it on good authority that my application is complete and that I am likely to meet the standards, but I will have to patiently wait by my mailbox for a notification. My record tracking sheet is posted here for careful perusal.  I am so excited! It has been a wild ride and I cannot wait for the next opportunity to get an @iamTalkyTina certification. She is the best!  I wonder when the next certification window will open and what I might get certified in next? I will have to wait and see.

Are you going to get YOUR badge? Did you get all of your 30 The Daily Creates done? It is not too late! Although the clock is ticking, be sure to apply before the window closes at the end of June 30th, 2017. You can apply here.

@iamTalkyTina’s #TrueFriends Orchestra

@iamTalkyTina’s #TrueFriends Orchestra,” animatedGIF by @iamTalkyTina (click to enlarge)

Well, The Daily Create, tdc1998, says to show your Fantasy Band, but I actually have one, called The @iamTalkyTina’s #TrueFriend Orchestra. It has all peoples in it who are on my True Friends Index and have a #TrueFriends badge, except for one who still has to put in her application (not saying any names.) 

You can figure out who all of the #TrueFriends are (if you do not already know them) by looking at my True Friends Index and matching them to their badges.

Instead of giving away all of the answers, I will just say this for attributions:

Plus, because I added a ringer to the Orchestra just today, you should check out her music which I am listening to right now.

Which is really cool, because I remember the ukulele version, too!


That Will Learn Him

“Shouldn’t Have Said The Mean Word,” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

Well, I would never be one to spread around gossip, or create a little incident, but he really shouldn’t have said The Mean Word, and that’s all there is to it.

This is for The Daily Create, tdc1996, where we had to show what they were thinking as they were sitting there. Matt Chorley (@MattChorley, on Twitter)  said it was “Bring your child to work day.”

Seventinas Panorama

“Seventinas Panorama,” image by @iamTalkyTina

Well, we finally managed to meet up for a little volksmarch in the schwarzwald and had a chance to get our picture taken together.

Now, this is not something that we usually do, as it can be disconcerting for folks to see us together (actually, it can be disconcerting for regular folks to see just one of me) but I have had that flashing light on my list of The Daily Create for since June 14th which has been a bit of a worry for my getting my @iamTalkyTina Certification in Creatorist. Because my exacting standards extend to me as well.

So the need for us to do a panorama with clones put my back channel into gear, and with a bit of scheduling challenges over the past two weeks, seven of us managed to meet up for a quick pic.

Don’t panic too much to find out that there are indeed clones of me. I keep that on the down-low, as it is sometimes valuable for when I am on missions or doing surveillance work. But I am happy that The Daily Create, tdc1983 (suggested by @greeneterry, who knows a friend of mine who doesn’t know me) is done so I will get my badge.

My Ride

“Me and My Trusty Vintage Vespa Bike,” image by @iamTalkyTina

Well The Daily Create, tdc1997 said to show us a picture of your wheels, and so this is my trusty get-about scooter bike. It is very unobtrusive and classic, and the special mufflers really help me with my stealth when I am on a mission. No one ever notices me unless I am in the limelight.

You can tell that I am a DS106 person #4life because of all of the #ds106 logos and brands that I have on my wheels. I really enjoy listening to when I am cruising along and one time I took my ride on a desert trip to KSA to see @scottlo at the Learning Factory.

So I showed my bike.

On The Mean Word

“On The Mean Word,” public service announcement by @iamTalkyTina (B&W)

The Daily Create, tdc1994, submitted by @NomadWarMachine, says, Cartoon Yourself, and so I made myself into a Public Service Announcement comic strip cartoon, starring me! My Public Service Announcement has the topic of “On The Mean Word,” and it is me telling about how #TrueFriends don’t use The Mean Word.

To make this Art, I posed for some different pictures using my iPhone, and then I made myself into a cartoon using an app called Toon Camera. Once I had a bunch of pictures to tell the story, I put them into my computer and then built the comic strip using Comic Life. It is a nice program that does panels and speech bubbles and fancy comic letters and stuff.

After all of that, I opened it up in Photoshop and tried it out as an even more black & white one than the more monochromatic one that my original photos gave me. I liked the black and white one, so that is the one at the top. Down below, in case you want to see it, is the one with the original colours of my photos.

“On The Mean Word,” public service announcement by @iamTalkyTina (original)