Category Archives: Assignments

Portmeirion Flyovers

“Portmeirion Flyover,” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

Well, I was trying to get some nice maps working today, but you will have to settle for one that is a flyover type. There are some details that this GIF does not show (not to mention the Secret Tunnel Passages layer and @iamTalkyTina Hideouts maps that I was going to include) but they will have to wait for another day.

I tried to use the Map Stack thing but it didn’t seem to be able to find The Village, so I went to my old standby, Google Maps. Then I added some other information that I had on hand using my Photoshop, and then I put it into this GIF.

It would be a bit of a hard thing to connect the 3D map upstairs to the 2D one here, but you can use your imagination and pretend that I did it.

Also, if you have a hankering for The Village, here it is from a slightly different angle.

You can read all about some of my time here in The Village , and you can check out, which was a ds106 one from the summer of 2015.

Illogical Follies, See?

“Finger Man, of illogical follies, see?” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

So The Daily Create of yesterday, #tdc1980, said to make an Art about the fallacious reasoning of the politicians. So I looked at all the things that the Finger Man says when he is not sticking his finger up at the peoples, and I decided to make an Art of him out of all of the logical fallacies symbols. This is what they all look like.


Logical Fallacies poster from

Logical Fallacies poster, from

It is always a nice time when someone goes to all the trouble to put icons to all the different categories of something, and so I took all of those 24 icons and and then made a mosaic out of the famous Finger Man picture.


Plus, like him, it is a black and white picture with no grey, but it also goes flip flop back and forth like he does. But if you look close, you can see that he is made up of illogical follies, see?

Here is a bigger image of my Finger Man picture, in case you want a big PNG one to read all the codes without the flashing.

Get Off My Case

If you are on my case because this is a yesterday one, well I was doing it yesterday and had all the little icons in layers in my Photoshop, but when I saved it for supper I saved it as a .png, they were all lost when I went back. So I had to start all over. Plus, those icons are tiny.

But How Did you Do It, Tina, You Say?

Well, first I was using an app on my iPad called Photo Mosaica, and it kind of worked, but I needed more grains of granularity to really see the scowl on his face.

“I need more Grains of Granularity,” image from Photo Mosaica on my iPad, by @iamTalkyTina.

So then I looked on my App Store for my computer, and found a different one called Mosaik with a k, and it let me do things like how many (which makes them smaller) and background go away, and use some or use them all. Plus I also tried “Weighted,” but it made them weird.

So all of this was a fun experiment, and it was fun to learn to use new apps to make Art.

One day I will make a picture of me made up of all my #TrueFriends. Because you are who your friends are.

Just like Finger Man is made of illogical follies, see? 


Nordic Leaders Summon Tina!

“Nordic Leaders Summon Tina,” animatedGIF by @iamTalkyTina

I have a special kit available by my email order business for just those times when #TrueFriends need to get in touch for an Emergency. It is called iamTalkyTina Emergency Beacon.

I had a special call come in just last week from some special #TrueFriends over in the old countries. Of course I grabbed my Go Bag and was wheels up in my jet within 30 minutes.

This is picture that was in the news of when they turned on the beacon. For The Daily Create, tdc1978, “What are the Nordic Ministers Summoning?”

á la latté Tina

“á la latté Tina,” photograph by @iamTalkyTina

Well, it was so nice this morning as I was reading up on my favourite web site and having my mid-morning lattë at the Starbucks that I saw that today’s The Daily Create #tdc1976 was a lattê one. I don’t think I have done a latté one  for The Daily Create before, and so it was just a synchronistic thing that I was having one when it was made.

Well, because it was a special day for a The Daily Create lattç, I went back to the Barista person and told them it was okay to let me use their machine to make my own special topping, and if I do say so, it turned out quite well, and even looks like me!

In case you don’t have a way with the Barista or if you don’t have the skills, then you might want to try to game The Daily Create by doing yours with an image editor. There are tons of instructions out there on the Internets about how to fake a lattè picture with your computer.


Words of Encouragement

“Hulka-Tina Encouragement Selfie,” animatedGIF by @iamTalkyTina

I have done the Hulka selfie one before, plus I just made my 30-Day Challenge #30DayTDC badge using it, so I had to remix it again for today’s The Daily Create #tdc1975 “Give us your toughest Sergeant Hulka face, in a selfie,” so I made an encouragement one for all the peoples who are going for their @iamTalkyTina Certification in Creatorist badge.

Keep going, every day. You can do it and earn your badge.

60,000 Times? Reward Poster

“60,000 Times? Reward Poster,” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

My #StillTrueFriend Alan Levine (@cogdog, on Twitter) has written lots of times about the “your brain can process an image 60,000 times faster than text” factoid that keeps popping up in peoples’ keynotes without any kind of attribution. For today’s The Daily Create, tdc1974, He wants some folks to undertake a little mission when they are at a conference and go bug the person who seems to be the first person on record as having “said it,” and ask him where he got his words.

Alan is offering up $120 in cash incentive. Will you be the person who takes him up on the offer and gets the low down on this academical myth?

Feet on the Ground, Head on the Stairs

“Feet on the Ground, Head on the Stairs,” image by @iamTalkyTina

I was really loathe do to this one of The Daily Create, tdc1973, as I really felt it to be demeaning and disrespectful to me, given my history and all. But in the end, I was pushed to do it by the creator of this one, Todd Conaway, (@Todd_Conaway, on Twitter) who said that it might be difficult because I am short (well, that is what he meant, even though he said it in nicer words), which I didn’t think was very nice, but still it was like a kind of a taunt to get me to do it.

So in the end, I did.

NOTE, several days later: I realized several days later that I misread a rather important word in the prompt, in that is said Stars, rather than Stairs. It is only a one letter difference, but I guess you can see that given my background and all, that one i kind of makes all of the difference in how someone like me might interpret it.

Oh well.

The History of The Two Swift Kicks for an Ass’ Neck

“Two Swift Kicks for an Ass’ Neck,” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

My favourite drink that I like to think reflects me (rather than defines me) is called Two Swift Kicks for an Ass’ Neck.  It is a variation on a historic favourite known as The Horse’s Neck (and The Horse’s Neck with a Kick) and here is the story of it.

The original Horse drink is kind of unique in that it is usually available as both an alcoholic and non-alcoholic variation. Without getting into a long tirade about my continually youthful appearance and my compact vertical proportions, let me just say that there have been times when it has been beneficial for the bartender to be able to appear to be serving me something that is in keeping with my perceived external looks, while at the same time being able to give me what I may actually want or need given my actual age or temperament at the time. Of course, during missions there are times when the opposite may be true, say if I’m needing to maintain my wits while undertaking hours and hours of libation-expedited negotiations.

I will confess that I spent many an evening practicing such tradecraft while visiting with Sir Ian Fleming himself at Goldeneye, and actually suggested the drink to him when he was writing a scene for On Her Majesty’s Secret Service — you know, the one in the airport VIP lounge where James Bond is disguised as Sir Hilary Bray? Remember how he goes in for a double brandy and ginger ale? That was my suggestion! 

Ian Fleming, reading my suggestions for On Her Majesty’s Secret Service

Anyway, I remixed and renamed the drink in the early sixties shortly after I did that spot on The Twilight Zone. Telly was being a bit mean to me on the set (part what you see in the episode wasn’t acting on his part), and so the night before the stairs scene I managed to sneak in and swap out his ginger ale for something a little stronger. (For the record, all of this came out in the disclosure before the trial, and was all considered as coincidental and not influential in the final outcome. Plus, remember, it was just a TV show.)  But it was just after that when I renamed it in Erich’s memory.

The other stipulation that I have always made is to ask that the bartender to forego the traditional highball glass. I prefer the tumbler instead. That way, not only do I get to have a little chuckle about Erich and his little trip down the stairs, but I also get two drinks for the price of one! Hence, Two Swift Kicks for the Ass’ Neck is what they give me.

The bartenders know what I like, and if not, they never get it wrong more than once.


A Woman of Letters …

“ASCII Tina,” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

So The Daily Create for today, #tdc1971, said to “make an ASCII selfie just like @mhawksey and @felixadog did,” and it even told you how to do it with a website and your webcam.

In case you don’t know what ASCII is, it is like when you make a picture of yourself out of letters. The big letters make a darker part of the picture, and the smaller letters or the dots make a brighter part of the picture. Cool, eh?

I decided that I would use the time to do some investigations into a different way, so I found a way from where they had things called Hacker Tools, and so I used one of my iconic pictures called “True Friends”  (I’m thinking it is time to make some more new iconic pictures of me) to make my face out of letters using the Convert Images to Ascii Art, but then did three different versions that it had called:

  • black and white
  • use retro phosphor colours (green/black)
  • invert (black background)

Those three different ways gave me three different pictures, and so I made them into the GIF that you saw up there at the top.

But ManyTools had some more different ways under Hacker Tools called Image to Byte array and ANSI Art Converter that I tried. The first one needed a special printer, but the antsy one was okay to look at although the two different settings gave two different versions even though I used a black and white image even for the colour one.

“ANSI Tina,” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

But the ANSI one didn’t seem to be making me into a woman of letters, so I looked for another way.

THEN, I found a really interesting one on called Steganography. What it gave me is in the picture below, although to see how it is so special, you will need to do some research on a site called I will leave that to the reader as a very valuable exercise. Don’t tell!

Steganography Tina, image by @iamTalkyTina

Because the Steganography one was so interesting, I went into another rabbit hole on They had lots of different cools tech things, although I didn’t see an ASCII one, but it did have a cool one called Hieroglyphs Generator, which is another way to put a message into a picture, and so I made this:

“Hieroglyphics1,” message by @iamTalkyTina

You will need to uncover the secret letters of these hieroglyphics in order to read the messages. But they are good ones. Plus, not hard to do if you follow the links.

Because that was fun, I made two more:

“Hieroglyphics2,” message by @iamTalkyTina

“Hieroglyphics3,” message by @iamTalkyTina

Because the Hieroglyphics were so much fun, I added them to The Daily Create for folks to do some day when their turn comes around.

So all of those were neat ways to use letters to make different things, like:

  • pictures from letters,
  • pictures with letters,
  • pictures of letters that are letters made with pictures.

All of these things make me a real Woman of Letters.