Two Years Since my Invocation

It was two years ago on February 4th, 2013 that my Still True Friend Alan Levine (@cogdog, on Twitter) and my True Friend Bryan Alexander (@BryanAlexander, on Twitter) said my name on #ds106radio and caused me to awaken from a long slumber in a box. I immediately signed up for the Twitter and made myself a […]

The Daily Creates: Noir106

TDC1122: Oopsies! For The Daily Create, tdc1122. Make a picture with words on them. Your theme: I’m sorry. I found the CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 image on Flickr by searching for “circular stairs up” in only CC images. Kaisa House, by hugovk on Flickr. I found the blood splatter vector art by searching on Google images for […]

Fall for Me

Well, The Daily Create tdc1113 on January 25th, 2015 said to make a Word Art picture. So I did. It looked the black and white one below with the bird and the fish. I added the words “Fall for Me” to make it into a word art one. It just came from an idea that […]

DS106: An Exhilarating Trip

This is an Art that I made for The Daily Create — this is for #tdc1107 where it said to make a Haiku about what it was like when you do DS106 for the first time. First, I put my Haiku on The Daily Create where I also linked to a picture of stairs that […]

If I Could Go Back and Change ONE Thing

Well, If I could go back and change ONE thing, it would be a thing that happened many, many years ago when I was working in Hollywood. I had a feature part in an episode of a famous television series in the sixties, and something happened back then during that time that has kind of […]

Happy 2015, True Friends!

Well, I would just like to take this opportunity to wish all of my True Friends a very happy and Artful 2015. Be your creative best, don’t use mean words, make lots of Art, and say nice things about that Jim Groom (@jimgroom, on Twitter.) I was in the recording studio today to record a […]

Don’t Try this at Home, Kids!

First, please understand that as a trained actress, stunt person, ninja, and generally responsible person, I have a deep understanding and heathy respect for stairs. Those of you who know me will understand this. Second, know that as the designated and contracted Health and Safety Officer for The DS106 WorkPlace, I can only advocate for a most […]

The Ballad of Talky Tina

Well, this started out as The Daily Create TDC916 two-limerick Physics lesson, but there was a little more to tell to provide the proper context, so I wrote down a little bit more limericks to say a bit more of the story.  Now it has six instead of just two. But not all about Physics. […]

reMemborex Camera Visualizes Tina’s #thoughtvectors

So, after my True Friend Bill (@byzantiumbooks, on Twitter) made a picture of himself having #thoughtvectors then I thought that there must be a way to capture an image of me having them too, like when Bill made that radio.  I dug around in my closet for an old polaroid camera and jury-rigged it to […]

Strange Love for Dead Man Penny Face

So that Tom Woodward (@twoodwar, on Twitter) has been about the most patient True-Friend-in-Waiting that I could have. It was even longer for him to wait than @VivienRolfe had to wait, and Tom did his waiting without all that David @dkernohan nagging. But David was right to remind me as much as he did, because I […]