Tag Archives: AnimatedGIF

Move the Many Tinas Forward

"Move the Tina Forward," animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Move the Many Tinas Forward,” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

Well, it was my #GIFfight friend (why is he not a True Friend, it is just so simple to just apply to the web form?) Ryan (@ryanseslow, on Twitter) who made a GIF of many ladies moving forward (although some of them are moving backwards) on two days ago April 4 and it has over 2648 notes (which are the Tumblr of likes but they call it a reblog where someone just puts it on their Tumblr but they didn’t make it like @jimgroom doesn’t) AND IT ISN’T EVEN a LADY of ME!

So I made my own and it should have more likes I figure. Because not only am I a not cartoon lady like in his picture, but I am a real actress lady and a ninja, plus all my #ds106 True Friends.


Would You Like Pancakes with Planes?

"Would You Like Some More Pancakes, with Planes?" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Would You Like Some More Pancakes, with Planes?” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

Well, it was a while ago that I tweeted to @jimgroom saying he should make some Art, bub and make two things (thing 1, thing 2) into #ds106 assignments. And do them, too. But I was on a mission and I didn’t see if he was awake or whatever, but then this morning I saw Rochelle (@Rockylou22, on Twitter) made a 3D brain of it and so I was asking if other people had made an assignment of it or what.

So after reading about it again and besides I was done with a mission, I decided to try to make one using the 3D GIF that I already did without lines and made into an assignment already before called Monster Chiller Horror Theatre 3D GIF for the August 2013 GIF Challenge #10 last summer.

While I was adding lines to it, Mariana (@mdvfunes, on Twitter) and Tom (@twoodwar, on Twitter) were doing a chat on the Twitter about it. So when the tweets popped up and Tom said z-axis then I added some more lines on different planes to my GIF to see if it would help explain it to people with their eyes.

Does this one help with 3 lines on 3 different planes?

"Would You Like Some More Pancakes, with 3 Planes" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Would You Like Some More Pancakes, with 3 Planes” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

It it, the up-and-down line on the left is on a plane that is a little bit behind the plane that the up-and-down line on the right is on and they are both behind the plane that the back-and-forth at the bottom in on.

Plus, this GIF below has yet another line on a Plane flying in the back of him.

"Would You Like Some More Pancakes, with 4 Planes" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Would You Like Some More Pancakes, with 4 Planes” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

In the z-axis explaining of it, it is kind of like layers in photoshop, with a plane behind him with a one back-and-forth line on it and one plane way out in front of him with a back-and-forth line on it and two planes in between them with up-and-down lines drawn on them. And then when he moves in the 3D move, he keeps breaking the planes (like layers in his life) that are drawn on the different planes from behind him out to in front of him.

So when I was doing this I think it helps to have a good 3D GIF type clip to start with where the thing that is going to break the planes is coming out of the middle or away from part of the thing that is not coming out of the planes. Like in the video with the music that Mariana said (see below, just remember to turn down your sound if you don’t like a song, but as for me, I was dancing) when his foot was swinging around or when his hand was swinging around but part of his middle body wasn’t.

Plus in the Pancake GIF I was thinking of doing his belly too but it wasn’t forward enough like the Pancakes are unless I made a different line for it so I didn’t. But I had to see that the plane for the plate wasn’t the same as one for his belly. But it would be funny to do his belly, too. But it would have too many planes then and it would cause congestion and possibly an accident.

Well, so that is my first attempt at it and a kind of explanation of it, but who is going to make it an assignment? It could be called Making 3D GIFS with Planes.

Ancestors Found in the Tate Gallery

Portrait of Sidney Wells and Older Sister Silent Tatiana Wells" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

Portrait of Sidney Wells and Older Sister Silent Tatiana Wells” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

Well, you know that I am not one to talky about myself all the time. Because I am humble and stealthy like a ninja and a television star, and all.

But did you know that I have some of my ancestors that are in Art Galleries?

It was on ds106 website that there was thing called “The Tate’s 1940’s GIF Party” to find famous GIF paintings in a famous Art Gallery in the Tate Gallery (that’s in London, England) and so I took a little trip after my last overseas mission to check up on the family history. Because they want to have a special show of them.

Up above is one that I found, of my great great grandmother Silent Tatiana Wells. She was born in 1856 and had her portrait painted when she was only two years old which would make this picture from 1858 which was only a year before the artist also painted another picture that is in the Tate Gallery of her step-brother Little Sidney Wells, who would not sit still. You can see how the artist was hard up for inspiration and kind of just repainted some of it the same a year later for her little step-brother, maybe because he moved so much. I made it into an animated GIF so you can see the family resemblance and then the artist’s remixing. Plus, both Little Sidney and his mommy died very young. But clearly my great great grammy Silent Tatiana Wells did not!!  😉

But can you see the family resemblance to me?

Plus I did a little digging and found another picture that was done about 40 years later of my great grandmother Outburst Annie and you can see that she looks even more like me! Plus, I think that artist (it might have been her mommy, Tatiana) just used the same old ripped baby suit where you can see their shoulders sticking out of it. But people used to keep old stuff like those moldy old christening dresses back then, so I guess that explains it.

"Portrait of Sidney Wells and Outburst Annie" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Portrait of Sidney Wells and Outburst Annie” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

Well, I will do some more digging to see if I can find some other famous ancestor GIF paintings but if you are going to do it too then you have to hurry because the search will expire by February 2nd and then it will be over to have your GIF picture in the Tate Gallery exhibition with mine if they pick it.

Well, bye!

The Patience of Doctor Rolfe

"True Friend @Vivien Rolfe" animated GIF badge by @iamTalkytina

“True Friend @Vivien Rolfe” animated GIF badge by @iamTalkytina

Well, that David @dkernohan was bugging me about getting around to making the True Friend badge for my True Friend Doctor @VivienRolfe and he even defaced his own True Friend badge (technically a violation of his True Friend badge license) but I forgive him because I was taking a bit of a while but it was because I was on missions and then I left my Thunderbolt adapter in my other Ninja Suit.

Anyway, they always say that the squeaky stair gets the nail, and so I put a nail in him while he and Vivien were making a really great show of the #ds106radio birthday on #ds106radio during the #ds106radio birthday day.  Plus, he also sang a nice version of a poem that I wrote that wasn’t Tina Don’t Like the Mean Word but it was on the page that I sent him so it still counts. A bit.

But the credit goes to the patience of Dr. Rolfe (get it?) for waiting, just like a True Friend can. Plus, she put me in her research show at that conference, even though I wasn’t there. One day we will meet in person and have a nice chat.

So there, David. I made my great powers and comes great responsibility, just like I said.

Then, it was fun to hear @onepercentyellow and @JordanLeden playing songs, but right now it is just some guy talking so more people need to go on #ds106radio right now today because it is the birthday day.


It’s Time to Listen!

This is another image in the silhouette series where the “app up” of the image makes it even better (see “App Up Your Tina” for the full story). This time, I used Photoshop to “app up” the image into a GIF form.

"It's Time to Listen" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“It’s Time to Listen” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

I hope you like it. It shows me using some of my special powers to get them to listen to a special message. Like when I made that savvy guy stop using the mean word for months and months. It was The Rumble which was the final emphasis, but what was unseen at the time was all the amount of special time I spent helping him to understand while he was sleeping. (Of course, he didn’t see me when he was sleeping, and I used my ninja powers, too.) Some times, a lot of effort on your part pays off in the end of it.

And, as another bonus for you, here is a Cubomaniac version of my Cubomaniac Eyes picture from a couple days ago that I put into my True Friend John’s (@johnjohnstonCubomaniacal GIF web app that he made today.

Cubomaniacal GIF of iamTalkyTina" animated GIF made using @JohnJohnston'c Cubomaniac GIF web app, by @iamTalkyTina

Cubomaniacal GIF of iamTalkyTina” animated GIF made using @JohnJohnston’c Cubomaniac GIF web app, by @iamTalkyTina

Plus, you can see here how my True Friend Bill (@byzantiumbooks) put my picture back together again, just like a good egg should.

Bill Put Me Back Together Again

“Cubomania Tina” cc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo shared by Bill Smith

So that was fun stuff for a fun day!

Well, bye!

Looking Behind the Cubomaniac Eyes

So today The Daily Create tdc729 called it a Cubomaniac when you chop someone up into squares and then put them back together again.

First, I took my picture:

“Tina Awake” by iamtalkytina, on Flickr

Because I must have had an accident there was some kind of a filter turned on in my phone that made it look more yellow than normal. But that is okay.

Plus, before I did the next step, I had cropped the photo into a 1500 x 1500 square because it would be a Cubomaniac photo. Cubes are like squares, you know.

Then, I put the picture into Fireworks because it has some fancy tools for making slices (I don’t think it does chopping) so that I could make all of the squares square and all the same size as each other.  I made each one 300 pixels by 300 pixiels. Fireworks has snap-to-it guides (green lines that don’t show very well here) and slice-it lines (red lines) and then it made 25 square parts of me for remixing when I pressed the Export thingy.


Then I put the pictures all back into Photoshop, and made a GIF of them. That was just for fun.

"Cubomaniac Peek-a-Boo" animatiedGIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Cubomaniac Peek-a-Boo” animatedGIF by @iamTalkyTina

Then, I lined their layers all up with the original picture so that I could move them around to make the Cubomaniac picture.

But I decided that instead of messing up my face completely, I would just move a couple squares and then say that Photoshop broke.

“Cubomaniac Eyes by iamtalkytina, on Flickr”

So that is how I made my Cubomaniac photo. Plus, the GIF.

I hope you liked them.

Well bye


Stealth Mode GIF (Outography)

Well, so this is the GIF version of my Outography Stealth Mode picture on Flickr.

I was testing out some new functions on my Ninja Stealth Suit and it was working okay, I think. It is still a little rough around the edges, but it is really more for backup because people don’t see me when I use my Ninja skillz anyway.

Plus, this picture can be for The Daily Create tdc725 for January 2 which says to make an Outography picture which is kind of like what my Stealth Suit does when you can’t see me.

If you look at it really hard and use your imagination, maybe you can see me because I let you.

"Stealth Mode (Outography)" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Stealth Mode (Outography)” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

Well, bye!

GIFfight Trek Transporter

Well, everybody was doing sparkle clothes for this GIFfight, so I decided to do sparkle heads.

"GIFfight Trek Transporter" animatedGIF by @iamTalkyTina

“GIFfight Trek Transporter” animatedGIF by @iamTalkyTina

If you know Star Trek, then you know who the sparkle-heads are.

Plus, as one of my 2014 Non-Resolutions, I am not wasting time making GIFs work for Tumblr. MBS probably knows how he can post this to the GIFfight tumblr in a nice big size without me making it a small one.

Plus, I should say where the sparkle-heads came from.

I found them on the Internet, silly!

Well, bye!

Tina’s Stairs Redux


“Tina’s Stairs Redux” animatedGIF, by @iamTalkyTina

Well, my good Super True New Old Radio Friend @scottlo (where IS he, anyway?) has said that I need to leave off with all the stairs gags. I guess even a good running (or falling) gag runs its course after a few decades of use. It was a bit of a surprise today to find this little remake video on YouTube  — I had thought that little secret was buried in the never ending expanse of the web.

Oh well, as they say, “What happens on the Internet, stays on the Internet.” 

But on the upside, as a positive NEW 2014 New Year’s real resolution (not a 2014 Non-Resolution), I have decided to dial back on the Stairs metaphor a bit in the coming year. Not completely, mind you, but a significant bit.  (I bet you will still be able to hear me think it, even if I don’t say it …)

I blame John Johnston (@JohnJohnston) (google is) and Tom Woodward (@twoodwar) for setting me on this little path today, and so, in the spirit of getting a good thing out of my system in preparation for the coming period of abstinence, (and as a final (temporary) bow in their (the stairs) direction), I present:

Stairs Are A-Z (plus, no secrets on Google)


Stair Are A-Z (plus, no secrets on Google)” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

Although my final search turned up 0 results (you have to watch the GIF to the end to see that), I did manage to come across the YouTube video through some extra-advanced Tina-ninja Google digging, and so my illustration of the search is the GIF of the stair fall that appears at the beginning of this post.

I think I’ve done this autocomplete-as-a-GIF assignment before, but I wasn’t able to find it just now in the ds106 Assignment Bank. Maybe someone can help me find it?