Tag Archives: iamTalkyTina

30 Uses for My ds106radio T-Shirt

The Daily Create for Tuesday, June 25th asks for a list of 30 uses for a T-shirt, useful or ridiculous.

Because I just got my new ds106radio shirt today, I thought it would be nice to show you my picture of me wearing my shirt AND to also give you my list of 30 things that you could use a T-shirt for. I probably would NOT use my ds106radio T-Shirt for all of these things because it is a special shirt, but would use just a regular T-shirt.

  1. TT_ds106radioSHIRTA place for you to show your love for #ds106radio.
  2. A place for you to show your love for #ds106.
  3. A place for you to show your love for the #ds106zone.
  4. A place for you to keep your scissors hidden under.
  5. A thing to wear (if it is a black one) with your Ninja Suit when you are playing Window Friends.
  6. A thing to wear (if it is a black one) with your Ninja Suit when you are doing Night Work.
  7. A thing to wear (if it is a black one) with your Ninja Suit for any other kind of Night Missions.
  8. A thing to wear under your regular clothes (if it is a black one) when you have to put on your Ninja Suit later on that night for playing Window Friends or doing Night Work or going on a Night Mission.
  9. A thing to use for a towel if you have to clean up some kind of emergency mess or something.
  10. If you forget your ribbons, you can put it where you normally stretch your ribbons.
  11. For a mask, if you have to put something over your face for a while.
  12. A place for you to keep your knife hidden under.
  13. A thing to make a rope out of with knots if you need to climb out of a garbage can if someone puts you in there.
  14. A thing to use as a neck protector when they aren’t looking so they are confused when they can’t cut your head off with a table saw.
  15. For a brace to keep your neck from getting hurt if someone puts you in a vise (like who would ever do that if they weren’t a maniac) but just in case.
  16. A thing for you to use (if you have more than one of them, and they are black) to make a temporary Ninja Suit if you need one for Emergency Night Work or Emergency Night Missions.
  17. A thing for you to use (if you have extra ones and they are black) to make a Ninja Rope out of with knots if you need to do climbing work during an Emergency Ninja Night Work or Emergency Ninja Night Mission.
  18. For a temporary pillow if you are on a stakeout during a Night Mission.
  19. For a temporary hammock if you are on a stakeout during a Night Mission.
  20. For a blind where you can camp out if you are on a stakeout during a Night Mission.
  21. A thing to use to build a trampoline out of if their windows are kind of high up and you need to see inside.
  22. For making an Emergency Backpack if you are away from home and need to make an Emergency Ninja Kit (it can hold all your stuff).
  23. A thing to use to make a swaddling blanket out of (if it is white) if you need to blend into a toy display or a cradle or a nursery or other place where you can blend in by looking like a doll or a baby.
  24. A thing to use to make a catapult out of for when you need to get to the other side of a high fence or wall when you are on a Ninja Night Mission or doing Ninja Night Work. Or just for fun.
  25. To wear for pjs.
  26. To use as a temporary gas mask if they try to slow you down with gas when you are on a Ninja Night Mission or doing Ninja Night Work.
  27. To use as a bag for carrying candy during Hallowe’en if you tie the arms and neck shut.
  28. To use as a bag for carrying other things if you tie the arms and neck shut and it is NOT Hallowe’en.
  29. To use as a bag for carrying other things if you tie the arms and neck shut and it IS Hallowe’en but the things are NOT candy.
  30. To use as a blank canvas for self-expression if you make a T-shirt design and then put it on the blank canvas.

When I get my summer 2013 ds106zone T-shirt, I could probably use it for most of these things but I would not because it will also be special like my ds106radio T-shirt.

Well, Bye!

My Fair Tina

I think the experiment has been a success.

The task was to take a misunderstood, outcast, marginalized character and transform her into a more powerful, independent, and self-managed member of the ds106 community.


I remember the evening when I was sitting around chatting about the prospect with my good friend Hastings, and he challenged me on a number of items during our conversation, and threw down the gauntlet, as it were, suggesting that it would not be possible to rehabilitate a character out of The Twilight Zone, such that the character would be accepted as one of the ds106 own. I took umbrage at this, and immediately decided that it my focus for the next few months to do just that.

And so, back in February 2013, my work began.

It was not easy work. The character I had selected had a lot of very negative press — often derogatory comments flowed easily off the lips of various members of the ds106 crew, and it was very easy for her opponents to use a mean word and reduce her to tears. Of course, she rarely (if ever) showed how deeply these actions truly hurt her — the years of accumulated mistreatment had built a strong shell around her — but it was just this strong shell that I had to work with and draw her from. In the end, I believe we were successful.

We started with a new image — working to overlay the existing perceptions with new, friendly ones, building up a preponderance of positive digital identity — a new, Friendly identity for the 21st Century. We built up a network of Friends — and Tina worked with them to gain their acceptance and trust. Yes — there were still naysayers, but we worked on a plan for them, too, and things culminated last night, in grand style, and with great success!

And now, at the end of the road, @iamTalkyTina stands on her own. She took on ALL #pretenderTinas in the Rumble and defeated them wholeheartedly, not with mean words or fists, but with kisses and love. Not a single one stood at the end that was not now a Friend.

And so my work is done. I will now bow out, and leave Tina to stand on her own. She is her own person. She has the strength and the friends to carry on. And I wish her all the best.

The #ds106zone LoDown #34 Part 2 @iamTalkyTina Takes on All #pretenderTinas: The Rumble

Man, it was a true labour of love finishing my “#ds106zone LoDown #34 Part 2 @iamTalkyTina Takes on All #pretenderTinas: The Rumble” podcast.

In the end, in true just-like-@scottlo-said fashion, it took me hours longer than anticipated to finish the final edit of part 2. I had problems with my Audacity files when I was working on what was originally going to be a single part episode. After recovering and having to re-do The Rumble, I just kept going and it got longer and longer and better and better. At least I hope you think so. Things like the dog yelping and the whole @techsavvyed video battle were new additions when I (thought I) had more time to work on it. It still went late I was making changes after midnight while listening to @scottlo doing a #drive-by show.

So here, without any more to-do, is Part two, featuring the glorious Sensational Epic Event, The Rumble, wherein @iamTalkyTina Takes on All #pretenderTinas,” and really teaches them a lesson they won’t easily forget. Not that I want to give too much away before you listen, but the outcome is just as you would expect! I RULE!

Let that be a final lesson to all those Mean-Word-saying #pretenderTinas!

Memoirs: Looking Back on a Life

Cover Shot of my new book, "The Stairs, They Go Both Up and Down"

Cover Shot of my new book, “The Stairs, They Go Both Up and Down”

I have released my memoir. Documenting my life in show business from the late fifties through to the early seventies, my book shares some passionate emotions that have framed my experiences in working in “the biz,” and offers guidance for the starlet (or even star) just starting out in the Hollywood of today.

In this moving, honest, and often gritty recount, I break down all the barriers and challenge all of the nay-sayers and #pretenderTinas in my own special @iamTalkyTina way, giving you, my reader Friends, new insight into my motivations, my desires, and my special attitudes about Friends.

This is one book that you won’t want to miss, and once you pick it up, it is one you won’t dare put down until you have finished reading it through to the complete end. Twice. It is that good, and besides, True Friends know what is good for them.

Pick up a copy today. A fine booksellers and Wal-Marts everywhere.

Don’t You Forget About Me, True Friend!

I do not know what is bothering my True Friend @cogdog. He has used the Mean Word a lot about me the last few days (he changed the title of my poem, putting the Mean Word in twice!! three!!! FOUR!!!! times ), and he went into a desert pit to try and get some exorcise and says he threw me in a river chasm (but that is NOT true, I am right here and am just fine) and he said that that he doesn’t want to hear me any more. But that is just silly.

"Don't You Forget About Me, True Friend" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina based on @cogdog's picture

“Don’t You Forget About Me, True Friend” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina based on @cogdog’s picture

He made a picture about remembering me and I looked at it and if HE REALLY looks at it then he will NEVER FORGET ABOUT ME, TRUE FRIEND!

Your True Friend, @iamTalkyTina

I am updating Alan’s badge to “STILL TRUE” friend status. Because even if he is going through a tough time and feeling different about me right now (and saying the Mean Word all the time), I am still a True Friend to him, and he can still be a True Friend to me again.


I have posted TWO comments in response to @cogdog’s claim that I went swimming in the Colorado river and he did NOT try to save me, but he has not approved the comments yet.  As I feel that they share important information of public record, I am providing them here while he get’s his head on straight.

AwaitingModeration tAwaitingModeration2

I hope my True Friend is feeling better soon.


Real Friends are Important !!

FedEx advert, from the old days. Me, with Calli, Bob, Rick, Sarah, Hal, and Fred.

FedEx advert, from the old days. Me, with Calli, Bob, Rick, Sarah, Hal, and Laney.

It is important to have Friends. And it is important to know that you can count on them. While some people may say they are friends, or maybe jump through some hoops just to get to be recognized as a certain kind of Friend, we always need to keep in mind the importance of Real Friends.

I had an opportunity to ask a Real Friend for help yesterday. While other people (who don’t seem to want to be ANY KIND of friend and get themselves crossed off the list) were stranded at airports with no means to travel, I was able to continue on my merry way, because of Friends. And the view from the cockpit is waaaaay better than YOUR cramped little-window view from YOUR seat in coach!

At one time, I worked in a not-so-glamourous job helping to pack freight. I had a knack for optimizing the packing density in cargo containers. Somehow I was always able to find extra spaces where we could fit some extra shipments and get them on their way even faster. I made a lot of bonuses that way, and got quite a nest egg set aside for retirement as a result.

But even more important than the money and the bonuses was that the people I worked with were the best, and I made a lot of Real Friends, friends who looked out for me and made sure that I was there with them at the end of the shift. (Although it was kind of funny that one time they got distracted by that last-minute load-on and I got the free trip to Mumbai.) But it was the Friendships that made that job such a joy!

When I got home last night I dug up the advert that was made when I was working out of Memphis years ago. It’s nice to see the faces of my friends and remember those good times.

Real Friends are Important!

I AM @iamTalkyTina !!!

Contrary to a report that just started circulating on the Internet thing, HE is not ME! He is NOT @iamTalkyTina and I AM @iamTalkyTina!! It is just a funny JOKE that my True Friend is saying that he has snapped and said that. But he didn’t really because who makes a screen capture that is just photo-shopped as proof anyway and anyway I would NEVER call myself that word so nice try, bub, but PEOPLE WON’T BUY IT!! Especially my True Friends and my Open Friends and my New Friends and everyone’s.

So it’s maybe a little joke and didn’t make ME snap crazy or anything. But don’t use that word, okay?

Well, bye!

—–UPDATED: June 13th, One Day Later—–

People who yesterday said they were me. Sillies!  There is only ONE me! And that’s ME!

First, Alan Levine (@cogdog) started it with this post, and John Johnston (@johnjohnston) played along with a great animated GIF. Then we had a little Twitter chat. And comments on their blogs.


Brian Bennett said he was being me to bother Ben Rimes.

Then, Ben Rimes (that @techsavvyed guy who doesn’t want to be a friend and got himself crossed off the Open Friends Index for using the Mean Word in every single tweet about me ALL THE TIME) said that he actually created Brian Bennett, along with having said that he was me. Double Silly!

David Kernohan (@dkernohan) said he was being me to bother Jim Groom (@jimgroom) but wound up bothering Leslie (@onepercentyellow). I hope she has a better sleep tonight.


Then Brian Short (@heystorytellers) wrote a post saying he was me, and then Jim Groom (@jimgroom) did a copycat.


Bill Smith (@byzantinebooks) was nice and said that they were all just joking their egos or something. He even clarified that he was NOT using the Mean Word about me. That is a nice Friend thing to do. Thank you, Bill! It is always good to make sure I understand your intent.


The one True Friend who clarified yesterday that she is NOT me is my (now) Super True Friend Christina Hendricks, @clhendricksbc. Thank you for sticking by me, Super True Friend.


All in all it was a fun day, and in the end, I am still clear here at my end as to who I am. I am me.

I am @iamTalkyTina! Hooray! Yay, ME !!!!!!!!!

It is nice to have Friends! 🙂




Hello to my New Friends (and my True Friends)

It’s the beginning of Mr. Groom‘s summer version of ds106 and he is doing it ALL ABOUT THE TWILIGHT ZONE! It is called ds106zone That is so neat! I like that and Mr. Groom is one of my True Friends. (You can see his badge on my True Friends Index page. Apply for yours today.)

I was up working on my scrapbook, and I realized that I hadn’t done my introduction photo and post for my New Friends, and so I took a picture and posted it to my Flickr account. Here it is.

“Midnight Scrapbooking” by iamtalkytina, on Flickr

I’m going to use this picture for both the Monday and the Tuesday The Daily Create assignments, too. — I hope that my True Friends won’t think too badly of me for doing that. It’s NOT cheating! And I’m not a cheater.

So, for Monday, I was supposed to take a picture of myself to introduce little ol’ me to the new summer ds106 students. The rest of you (especially those of you who have signed up for your True Friends badges) know who I am already. Or you better. But for my New Friends, I am @iamTalkyTina. And The Twilight Zone is one of my favourite shows, because I worked for Mr. Rod Serling back in 1963 on a special episode called Living Doll. I have lots of friends in The Twilight Zone. So this is my photo for #tdc498 “Welcome to the ds106zone! Take a photo that introduces yourself to the class.” Hello, New Friends!!!

And for Tuesday, #tdc499 “Take a picture of where you are right now from a weird point of view, like an ant, an alien, or a ghost.” Well, I hope that ant comment isn’t about my height, but like I said, I just happened to be up at midnight working on my scrapbook when I remembered The Daily Create and so I took this selfie in the hallway. I didn’t seen any aliens or any ghosts, bub.

I am looking forward to seeing and hearing all of your wonderful work, both from my New Friends and my True Friends.
Remember, some say True Friends are #4life, but really the True Friends are #4ever. If they aren’t really True Friends, then the friendship ends at the end of their life.

Bye!! 🙂

Discrimination. But I’m Not Bitter

Not too bitter.

Well, yes. I am bitter. 

Why couldn’t they have hired ME for The Sound of Music, instead of that Julie!

I knew there was a reason I left all those photos locked away in that box and didn’t open them for decades. Too many bad memories! But then I took out that Black Sunday photo (I liked that one) and then ol’ Hatchet Jack made that nice flowers picture which reminded me of testing for The Sound of Music.

And then I found these other screen test shots with the rest of the cast.

from the "So Long" scene, with me standing on the floor.

from the “So Long” scene, with me standing on the floor.

When we tried that, they said I looked like one of the kids.

The "So Long" scene, with me standing on a box, beside Chris Plummer.

The “So Long” scene, with me standing on a box, beside Chris Plummer.

They weren’t too keen on that shot, either. They said it looked like I was standing on a box. Which I was, but still, it wasn’t nice to say that.

We then tried this shot outside, and I thought it turned out very well. The way we were staring into one another’s eyes, I think the love connection between the characters was nicely captured.

My screen test outside on the patio with the rest of the cast of The Sound of Music.

My screen test outside on the patio with the rest of the cast of The Sound of Music.

But the next day, when Chris Plummer complained that his neck was aching, after that Julie had arrived, and then she went over and started rubbing his neck, I kind of got the message that they were going do discriminated against me because I am height efficient.

What a disappointment. That film could have re-launched my career. And in a good way, too.

Still Nice and Wholesome, Just Not Seen That Way

After I wrote about my screen test for Mario Bava and his film Black Sunday back in 1960, and posted a still photo from that test, my dear friend ol’ Hatchet Jack made a beautiful piece of artwork  and shared it with the world for all to see. I was quite taken aback. That ol Hatchet Jack certainly has gotten over the severe trouncing I gave him in Roshambo.

But I am not one to gloat.

Here is the picture he made of me. And he said some nice words about me too.

A beautiful picture of me, made by my friend, ‘ol Hatchet Jack

This immediately reminded me of another film I tried out for, shortly after my famous role in that Twilight Zone  episode (the one that made me typecast for life as a cute-little-doll-that-kills) , where I would have run through a mountain meadow, laughing and singing with other children.

Now, again, I’m not one to harp on the same old issue over and over again, but they did finally give the role to someone who was taller than me (by a head or three), but I still think you can imagine my beautiful voice ringing throughout the mountain meadows just as prettily has hers, and I could have shot the kissing scenes with Captain von Trapp using some lifts or maybe standing on a little box or something. Or camera angles. I would have just had to be careful not to stand too close to Gretl (or especially Liesl) when I was giving her matronly advice. It would have worked.

Anyway, I tested for the role on a Tuesday, and that Julie girl showed up the next day, saw my screen test, and went ahead and down-right mimicked me, in style and pose and everything.

Jinxed by Julie, another screen test photo, this from  1965 (animated GIF by iamTalkyTina)

Jinxed by Julie, another screen test photo, this from 1965 (animated GIF by iamTalkyTina)

AND SHE GOT THE ROLE! Can you believe it???

I still think my beautiful red, flowing locks were much nicer than her Joan-of-Arc-I’m-a-nun-hack-job haircut.

I did enjoy hanging out in Austria that summer, though. Although when they offered me a bit part as the lonely goatherd’s love interest, I told them to shove it!  Sheesh!