Tag Archives: @johnjohnston

It’s Time to Listen!

This is another image in the silhouette series where the “app up” of the image makes it even better (see “App Up Your Tina” for the full story). This time, I used Photoshop to “app up” the image into a GIF form.

"It's Time to Listen" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“It’s Time to Listen” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

I hope you like it. It shows me using some of my special powers to get them to listen to a special message. Like when I made that savvy guy stop using the mean word for months and months. It was The Rumble which was the final emphasis, but what was unseen at the time was all the amount of special time I spent helping him to understand while he was sleeping. (Of course, he didn’t see me when he was sleeping, and I used my ninja powers, too.) Some times, a lot of effort on your part pays off in the end of it.

And, as another bonus for you, here is a Cubomaniac version of my Cubomaniac Eyes picture from a couple days ago that I put into my True Friend John’s (@johnjohnstonCubomaniacal GIF web app that he made today.

Cubomaniacal GIF of iamTalkyTina" animated GIF made using @JohnJohnston'c Cubomaniac GIF web app, by @iamTalkyTina

Cubomaniacal GIF of iamTalkyTina” animated GIF made using @JohnJohnston’c Cubomaniac GIF web app, by @iamTalkyTina

Plus, you can see here how my True Friend Bill (@byzantiumbooks) put my picture back together again, just like a good egg should.

Bill Put Me Back Together Again

“Cubomania Tina” cc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo shared by Bill Smith

So that was fun stuff for a fun day!

Well, bye!

Tina’s Stairs Redux


“Tina’s Stairs Redux” animatedGIF, by @iamTalkyTina

Well, my good Super True New Old Radio Friend @scottlo (where IS he, anyway?) has said that I need to leave off with all the stairs gags. I guess even a good running (or falling) gag runs its course after a few decades of use. It was a bit of a surprise today to find this little remake video on YouTube  — I had thought that little secret was buried in the never ending expanse of the web.

Oh well, as they say, “What happens on the Internet, stays on the Internet.” 

But on the upside, as a positive NEW 2014 New Year’s real resolution (not a 2014 Non-Resolution), I have decided to dial back on the Stairs metaphor a bit in the coming year. Not completely, mind you, but a significant bit.  (I bet you will still be able to hear me think it, even if I don’t say it …)

I blame John Johnston (@JohnJohnston) (google is) and Tom Woodward (@twoodwar) for setting me on this little path today, and so, in the spirit of getting a good thing out of my system in preparation for the coming period of abstinence, (and as a final (temporary) bow in their (the stairs) direction), I present:

Stairs Are A-Z (plus, no secrets on Google)


Stair Are A-Z (plus, no secrets on Google)” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

Although my final search turned up 0 results (you have to watch the GIF to the end to see that), I did manage to come across the YouTube video through some extra-advanced Tina-ninja Google digging, and so my illustration of the search is the GIF of the stair fall that appears at the beginning of this post.

I think I’ve done this autocomplete-as-a-GIF assignment before, but I wasn’t able to find it just now in the ds106 Assignment Bank. Maybe someone can help me find it?

Instant GlitchaChrome GIF Art — Just Add Tina

GlitchaChrome ds106 Glitch GIF of @iamTalkyTina

My GlitchaChrome ds106 Glitch GIF of me

Well! It was very nice to read my True Friend John Johnston‘s (@johnjohnston, on Twitter) post, called Glitchachrome ds106 Glitch GIFs,  about how he made an app to make a GlitchAChrome ds106 Glitch GIF  to make GlitchGIFs like my True Friends Mariana (@mdvfunes) and Christina (@clhendricksbc) had been doing while I was having an Art Lack like UNCLE Jim, and then make it like a Chrome like Rochelle (@Rockylou22) did, and then all I had to do was download it and put in a picture and then press some buttons to make my very own instant GlitchaChrome ds106 Glitch GIF Artwork of me. That is what I made up above.

I started with my nice CGA (Club of Ghostly Avatars) picture from yesterday.  (Isn’t it just a little bit spooky of me? DUtMW. TDLtMW!)

“Tina Ghost Selfie” by iamtalkytina, on Flickr

This is what it looks like when you are making a GlitchaChrome ds106 GIF Art using John’s app.

John Johnston, Simple Glitch app

John Johnston’s Simple Glitch app interface, with ME!

You can see how I picked six different Glitch versions that it made for me down at the bottom (I had to keep pressing Reset Image and Ran String from Img buttons and then the big GLITCH IT! button and then pick the one I liked by clicking in that thumbnail box and did that six times and then I just pressed Export GlitchaChrome GIF button plus I made it 17 instead of 20 delay, just to be different.   You can read about how he made his app on his blog post, Glitchachrome ds106 Glitch GIFs. That is what I did and then I made my GlitchaChrome ds106 Glitch GIF of me!

Plus, you can download John’s app called Simple Glitch from his blog post so you can make your own of it like I did. It only took me longer to download than it did to make the Art. That is what I say is the easy way to Make Art. Plus, it is a fun way for Friends to make Art.

So now it is YOUR turn!

Well, bye!

August 2013 GIF Challenge #2: Dancing Jim All Over the World

As soon as I saw this one in the Assignment Bank, I just knew this had to be next on the agenda for the August 2013 Animated GIF Challenge.

UPDATE: Click on the GIF to hear Jim’s dance music! (Thanks, John!)

"The Jim Groom Horror Picture Show" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“The Jim Groom Horror Picture Show” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

I’ve been expecting a lot from our dear UNCLE @jimgroom over the past while, and am still waiting for him to address his significant Art Lack. Todd kept saying, “No Art from Groom” over and over, and it wasn’t until yesterday that I got a good enough feed from his blog to confirm that the Art Lack remains significant. However, despite the Art Lack, UNCLE @jimgroom has been posting a lot of writing bavatuesdays.com recently, and he makes some compelling cases for a whole bunch of stuff that is worth reading. So even though the Art Lack continues, his brain seems to be working okay. So there is that.

But he does need to crawl back out and Make some More Art, bub.

My True Friend John Johnston has rocked the Assignment Bank with Animated GIF Assignment 1001: Dancing Jim All Over the World — but so far only 2 ds106ers have shown the assignment some love. So the ds106 Community needs to step up and address that!

While I had thoughts of doing a “Where the Hell is Jim?” with Jim dancing in all the locations Matt does, in the end I decided to do an animated poster to celebrate Jim’s enthusiasm for #ds106.

I found some art for the original Rocky Horror Picture Show on the Google images. I had the greatest success searching fontspace.com for fonts with the tag “blood” and in the end selected Rocky AOE by the Astigmatic One Eye Typographic Institute as the best match for my poster.

I also tidied up John’s original dancing jim groom template file by removing vestiges of the microphone chord — now the Bava dances with a wireless mic in his hand in the modified template file.

Yesterday’s response to Animated 2013 GIF Challenge #1: GIF your Headless Self was good, with contributions from @RockyLou22, @Todd_Conaway, @heystorytellers, @bennettscience, and @byzantinebooks. Did I miss any?  But I know we can wake the #headless13 #ds106 Community giant even more in preparation for the official start of the fall 2013 headless ds106.

Make sure to tag your posts according to the usual Assignment Bank requirements, and your August 2013 Animated GIF Challenge contribution will syndicate through to the corresponding Assignment Bank page so we can easily track the responses. And be sure to tweet out your post, too!

Make some Art, bub!