Tag Archives: friends

August 2013 GIF Challenge #11: Get Your Wiggle on, with Friends!

"Get Your Wiggle On, with Friends" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Get Your Wiggle On, with Friends” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

Another kind of GIF that you can do for 3D is to make a Stereo Wigglegram GIF. That is where you make a GIF out of two pictures that are almost the same except they are taken from two slightly different angles (like when you eyes see something like with binoculars and so your brain puts them together into one picture but it has a 3D to it) and so when the wiggle happens back and forth you see both pictures but your brain kind of puts them together and you get a Wiggle.

So here is one that I made of me standing in front of the all my True Friends picture that my brother Todd (@iamTalkyTodd)made for me and got plak mounted for me so that I can see all of my True Friends at the one time when I look at it.

In the Wigglegram, I made it so that the edges of the True Friends picture pretty much lined up, and that makes ME being the part of the picture doing the wiggle.

Another way to line it up is to make your thing at the front be the thing that lines up and then that makes the backgrounds different and the background is the part of the picture doing the wiggle. But normally that kind of background Wiggle makes me more dizzy than if it is the front part of the picture doing the wiggle.

"Twitchy Friends" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Twitchy Friends” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

The big one up at the top makes it look like I am dancing! Boogie down Tina.

This kind of GIF is known as Visual Assignment 352: Wiggle Stereoscopy here in the assignment bank, and was put into the ds106 Assignment Bank by Bill Genereux. It is a fun and easy kind of GIF that you can make super quick using just two pictures and you don’t need to do anything fancy like fancy layers or anything. There is even an app that you can use on your iPhone to make it called 3D Camera by Juicy Bits. And that app can also make your picture into a kind of 3D picture with cyan and magenta that you look at with those blue and red glasses like the Count Floyd kind that he likes. But that is not a GIF so it is a different one.

So make some more Art, bub, like a Stereo Wigglegram GIF, or a Monster Chiller Horror Theatre 3D GIF, or especially a Rainbows and Unicorns GIF to help the ds106.us servers keep in their happy place!

tdc560: Tina’s True Friends (animated GIF)

iamTalkyTodd_twitterGUEST POST BY @iamTalkyTodd, Tina’s brother, while she is temporarily incapacitated.

In honour of my sis, @iamTalkyTina, who put forward a call today (she submitted the item weeks ago) for The Daily Create participants to show what Friends mean to them, through a photo, for tdc560.

Although my sister is not currently empowered to respond, I know she would be honouring all of her #ds106zone True Friends, and so I have assembled this animated montage. Tina’s True Friends are basically arranged in alphabetical order by the first letter of whatever they are called — first name or Twitter handle taken as the decider. I just went through Tina’s file directory and assembled them pretty much by filename.

@iamTalkyTina's True Friends, for tdc560

@iamTalkyTina’s True Friends, for tdc560

I have also posted a static version to my sister’s Flickr account.

tdc544: You are the Silver Lining in The Mean Word

This is a second writing for tdc544 for July 5th. I also wrote one about Compost, Septic Tanks, and The Dump.

Plus, I was trying to find a way to have a Silver Lining in The Mean Word. All those #pretenderTinas were saying The Mean Word and I thought they should just Get A Life, Bub and Make some Art, Bub.

But then I was thinking that there was a Silver Lining in The Mean Word.

First, I thought, it made lots of ticket sales for The Rumble.

Second, I thought, it showed them all that they can’t mess with @iamTalkyTina, and that it is better to be a True Friend than to be a #pretenderTina.

Third, I thought, that if you look closely at the Mean Word, then you see ME, right there at the start. And so it means that inside every Mean Word is Me, and that if you Change Yourself then you can Change the World, which is pretty deep and transformational for everyone in the Whole World. So if those #pretenderTinas can see themselves in The Mean Word (it is right there, bub, the first two letters of it, ME, which MEans them!) and know that if they are saying a MEan word or doing a MEan thing then they have the power to STOP and Make the World a Better Place and Change the Word, one MEan Word at a ttime.

So I think that is the Silver Lining in the MEan Word. and it is a powerful one to everybody.

What? He is Ignoring ME ????

Well, I NEVER!

I just can NOT believe it!  My Still True Friend @cogdog not only appears to be ignoring my comments on his blog, but has now escalated by blocking my ability to post comments at all!!  Can you believe it?

Yesterday, after he wrote about getting all exocised, and he made a sound effect of me falling into the water and screaming (that is not true, I did not scream!), I posted two comments on his blog. You can see them in my post here yesterday, Don’t You Forget About Me, True Friend!, awaiting moderation (me! awaiting moderation!)

Today, I went back to check and see if they have been approved, and not only do I NOT see them there, but I see some OTHER comments about him talking to someone named Delores (who is this Delores?) about dolls and my comments are NOT there! WTF? (whatsup True Friend?)

So I tried to post this comment, but it did not seem to go through.

Screen Shot 2013-06-17 at 8.17.31 AM

But it did not seem to go through!! So I posted another one.

Screen Shot 2013-06-17 at 8.16.25 AM

Maybe @cogdog’s blog is broken??  He should get on that and fix it!!   What kind of a True Friend doesn’t let another True Friend care about him?  Can YOU, friend,  post a comment on Alan’s blog for me, telling him that I care and that he should be paying attention?  Just be sure to remind him, at the same time, that HE is NOT me !

Well, bye!

Don’t You Forget About Me, True Friend!

I do not know what is bothering my True Friend @cogdog. He has used the Mean Word a lot about me the last few days (he changed the title of my poem, putting the Mean Word in twice!! three!!! FOUR!!!! times ), and he went into a desert pit to try and get some exorcise and says he threw me in a river chasm (but that is NOT true, I am right here and am just fine) and he said that that he doesn’t want to hear me any more. But that is just silly.

"Don't You Forget About Me, True Friend" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina based on @cogdog's picture

“Don’t You Forget About Me, True Friend” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina based on @cogdog’s picture

He made a picture about remembering me and I looked at it and if HE REALLY looks at it then he will NEVER FORGET ABOUT ME, TRUE FRIEND!

Your True Friend, @iamTalkyTina

I am updating Alan’s badge to “STILL TRUE” friend status. Because even if he is going through a tough time and feeling different about me right now (and saying the Mean Word all the time), I am still a True Friend to him, and he can still be a True Friend to me again.


I have posted TWO comments in response to @cogdog’s claim that I went swimming in the Colorado river and he did NOT try to save me, but he has not approved the comments yet.  As I feel that they share important information of public record, I am providing them here while he get’s his head on straight.

AwaitingModeration tAwaitingModeration2

I hope my True Friend is feeling better soon.


Real Friends are Important !!

FedEx advert, from the old days. Me, with Calli, Bob, Rick, Sarah, Hal, and Fred.

FedEx advert, from the old days. Me, with Calli, Bob, Rick, Sarah, Hal, and Laney.

It is important to have Friends. And it is important to know that you can count on them. While some people may say they are friends, or maybe jump through some hoops just to get to be recognized as a certain kind of Friend, we always need to keep in mind the importance of Real Friends.

I had an opportunity to ask a Real Friend for help yesterday. While other people (who don’t seem to want to be ANY KIND of friend and get themselves crossed off the list) were stranded at airports with no means to travel, I was able to continue on my merry way, because of Friends. And the view from the cockpit is waaaaay better than YOUR cramped little-window view from YOUR seat in coach!

At one time, I worked in a not-so-glamourous job helping to pack freight. I had a knack for optimizing the packing density in cargo containers. Somehow I was always able to find extra spaces where we could fit some extra shipments and get them on their way even faster. I made a lot of bonuses that way, and got quite a nest egg set aside for retirement as a result.

But even more important than the money and the bonuses was that the people I worked with were the best, and I made a lot of Real Friends, friends who looked out for me and made sure that I was there with them at the end of the shift. (Although it was kind of funny that one time they got distracted by that last-minute load-on and I got the free trip to Mumbai.) But it was the Friendships that made that job such a joy!

When I got home last night I dug up the advert that was made when I was working out of Memphis years ago. It’s nice to see the faces of my friends and remember those good times.

Real Friends are Important!

Watching my Friends

I woke up in the middle of the night was feeling a little peckish. So I went to the kitchen and got myself a knife to cut myself some apple slices.

Then, I took a look on The Daily Create tdc511 for Sunday, June 2nd where the assignment was about me and Friends. It said, “@IamTalkyTina wants to be everyone’s friend. Make a photo that represents that kind of friendship.” That was a nice idea.

"Watching my Friends" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina based on #tdc511

“Watching my Friends” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina based on #tdc511

It was so nice to see all of the pictures that my Friends made for me yesterday about Friends for The Daily Create! It was nice to have my Friends thinking about me, and about Friends. I liked them all very much because there were a LOT of different nice faces of lots of Friends (who kind of looked like dolls, which is only a role that I played on TV!), or things where I was bigger than the others and was like a princess (although it said King), or lots of sister cheerleaders with laundry, or how was going to have 1000 friends (even though I only need 106 Friends) or listening to music on #ds106radio with my True Friend Christina who is in Australia, and Mr. Rogers, and an owl, and something that @cogdog made a picture of but I didn’t understand it but it was still a nice thing for him to think about. Those were all nice pictures. And I am still watching for a picture from Sean who spelled SCARY thinking I wouldn’t notice but I did and so I am really watching him now, just like the monster lady (she says Wazowski) and Jim Groom is watching him too.

Hospitality Suite for Talky Tina

He calls this his “Hospitality Suite for Talky Tina” but I call it for what it is, a stupid JAIL ROOM

But one picture I didn’t like. Even though he said nice words, one person (who can remain nameless because I have savvy and have learned how to avoid going through all those court things again) made a picture that I didn’t like because he said it was a special room for me at his house but it was really a JAIL ROOM. What kind of friend makes another Friend stay in a JAIL ROOM. I did not think it was a very friend like. He said hospitality, but I think he better watch it bub or he will need a hospital-ity room just for himself.

Well, except for that one, it was a very nice thing for Friends to do.


Valentine Friends are Forever, … Aren’t They??

“Friends Forever, … or just for Life?” by iamtalkytina, on Flickr

I was so happy when I read that my good and dear friend Alan (@cogdog)was encouraging us all to share our Valentine love! The ds106 “Valentine’s Day Caption Challenge.” by SaraK (cali4beach) is just wonderful! I am so looking forward to receiving your Valentine’s Day greetings!

I found this special picture in cali4beach‘s Flickr set (as per the assignment directions), and then searched high and low for hours, looking for just the right fonts. By searching using the terms “free fonts romantic” I was finally able to settle on two — Blessed Day font (by Billy Argel, for personal use only) and Precious (by Bolt Cutter Design , commercial-use friendly), both shared on fontspace.com. Aren’t they nice fonts? They are very friendly, and oh-so-romantic, too. Just wonderful for my special friends!!

After importing the image into Photoshop, and working to fit my title “Friends Forever” into the upper left corner, I decided I needed some extra space, and so I increased the Canvas Size (upwards and to the left, by clicking the cell in the lower right corner to fix the original image there) to gain a bit more space for a slightly larger font size and some white space for wiggle room. To fill in the left and top margins, I used primarily the Clone Stamp tool, with a bit of the Healing Brush tool, to fill and smoothen. I also gave both the girl and the boy some nice hair extensions — can you tell? I especially like the stylish skunk-streak the girl has coming out of her forehead. .

Once the background was fixed, I moved the text around, added a whole slew of fx settings to the text (bevel, emboss, inner glow, outer glow, drop shadow — the works), just to get my special fonts looking so wonderful. I stuck with pink and red — the colour of Valentine’s Day — as the primary choices. I think red has something to do with blood, and how hot it runs? Isn’t that true?

Once done, I exported my image as a 1200 pixel wide jpg — nice for looking at online — uploaded it to my new Flickr account, and then embedded a 640 pixel wide image here on my blog. I also tagged it with the proper tags, ds106, VisualAssignments, VisualAssignments931, and the assignment title, “Valentines Day Caption Challenge.” I also tagged cali4beach, Alan Levine, @cogdog, Friends Forever, card, Valentines Day, and, as always, Friends.

I hope you all like it! Happy Valentine’s Day. I will be watching my inbox and twitter account for signs of your own shared love for me.

Hello to all my new ds106 friends!



Hello to all my new ds106 friends! I just know we are going to get along so well !!!!

I hear that in the ds106 community, friends are for life!
That’s just the way I think it should be.

Every single one of my true friends is still alive.

I am so glad that you are going to be my friend …