Tag Archives: Jim Groom

Would You Like Pancakes with Planes?

"Would You Like Some More Pancakes, with Planes?" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Would You Like Some More Pancakes, with Planes?” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

Well, it was a while ago that I tweeted to @jimgroom saying he should make some Art, bub and make two things (thing 1, thing 2) into #ds106 assignments. And do them, too. But I was on a mission and I didn’t see if he was awake or whatever, but then this morning I saw Rochelle (@Rockylou22, on Twitter) made a 3D brain of it and so I was asking if other people had made an assignment of it or what.

So after reading about it again and besides I was done with a mission, I decided to try to make one using the 3D GIF that I already did without lines and made into an assignment already before called Monster Chiller Horror Theatre 3D GIF for the August 2013 GIF Challenge #10 last summer.

While I was adding lines to it, Mariana (@mdvfunes, on Twitter) and Tom (@twoodwar, on Twitter) were doing a chat on the Twitter about it. So when the tweets popped up and Tom said z-axis then I added some more lines on different planes to my GIF to see if it would help explain it to people with their eyes.

Does this one help with 3 lines on 3 different planes?

"Would You Like Some More Pancakes, with 3 Planes" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Would You Like Some More Pancakes, with 3 Planes” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

It it, the up-and-down line on the left is on a plane that is a little bit behind the plane that the up-and-down line on the right is on and they are both behind the plane that the back-and-forth at the bottom in on.

Plus, this GIF below has yet another line on a Plane flying in the back of him.

"Would You Like Some More Pancakes, with 4 Planes" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Would You Like Some More Pancakes, with 4 Planes” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

In the z-axis explaining of it, it is kind of like layers in photoshop, with a plane behind him with a one back-and-forth line on it and one plane way out in front of him with a back-and-forth line on it and two planes in between them with up-and-down lines drawn on them. And then when he moves in the 3D move, he keeps breaking the planes (like layers in his life) that are drawn on the different planes from behind him out to in front of him.

So when I was doing this I think it helps to have a good 3D GIF type clip to start with where the thing that is going to break the planes is coming out of the middle or away from part of the thing that is not coming out of the planes. Like in the video with the music that Mariana said (see below, just remember to turn down your sound if you don’t like a song, but as for me, I was dancing) when his foot was swinging around or when his hand was swinging around but part of his middle body wasn’t.

Plus in the Pancake GIF I was thinking of doing his belly too but it wasn’t forward enough like the Pancakes are unless I made a different line for it so I didn’t. But I had to see that the plane for the plate wasn’t the same as one for his belly. But it would be funny to do his belly, too. But it would have too many planes then and it would cause congestion and possibly an accident.

Well, so that is my first attempt at it and a kind of explanation of it, but who is going to make it an assignment? It could be called Making 3D GIFS with Planes.

Can You See Me Now, Bub?

"Can You See Me Now, Bub?" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina for GIFfight!

“Can You See Me Now, Bub?” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina for GIFfight!

For the GIFfight, “The Man With No Eyes,” it has a picture of a sunglasses face. And maybe the man wearing the sunglasses can’t see very well in the sun. So it is hard for him to understand communication, which is his failure.

So when the Terminator comes along, he puts on his glasses so the other guy will be able to see him in the eyes better to communicate you better get out of my way, bub. Because Arnie doesn’t use stairs, he uses stares.

Well, bye!

Plus, I had a bit of an Art Lack, like UNCLE Jim Groom (@jimgroom) did, but this GIFfight was a good one so I did it as soon as I saw it!

August 2013 GIF Challenge #3: DS106 Promo Poster

Well, Friends.

The DS106 Community stepped up for the August 2013 Animated GIF Challenge #2 and got UNCLE @jimgroom animated in John Johnston’s Dancing Jim All Over the World assignment, with SEVEN new entries showing now as being syndicated through to the assignment page and at least two others seen in the wild and perhaps waiting in some queue to get indexed. (Be sure to tag your assignments with both the AnimatedGIFAssignments tag and the AnimatedGIFAssignmentsXXXX numbered tag so that it gets onto the assignment page.)

It was so fun to see Jim dancing here and there, and I just had to have another go at making him dance before I went to sleep. Both @dogtrax and @Rockylou22 had Jim dancing on top of the world, and I was inspired by their work to riff-a-GIF and show all the different Jims dancing on the world at the same time like a UNICEF logo.

In the end, my little enthusiasm pushed me through the sleepiness (and ds106rad.io is great middle-of-the-night company!) and I wound up with a DS106 Promotion Poster, and a new Animated GIF Assignment 1183: Tell the World About DS106 GIF

Since we are in the GIFfing weeks leading up to the next session (Fall 2013 #headless13, starting August 26th), it seems appropriate to have everyone make a DS106 Promo Poster GIF to get the word out to the great uninformed masses. Perhaps we can draw in some newcomers who need to see the DS106 light. There must still be a few out there. LOL.

NOTE: Click on the GIF to hear the music that all the Jim Grooms are dancing to. (Thanks, John!)

"All These Jim Grooms Can't Be Wrong" animated GIF DS106 Promo Poster by @iamTalkyTina

“All These Jim Grooms Can’t Be Wrong” animated GIF DS106 Promo Poster by @iamTalkyTina

The MIDI version of “It’s a Small World” was found at Willie Wonkas Free MIDI Music Factory Downloads. The site is glorious in its application of old-style GIF animation and hand-built HTML, and is worth a click through for the sake of nostalgia.

Since this GIF also made use of yesterday’s Dancing Jim Groom theme, I also tagged it for the Animated GIF Assignment 1001. So it’s a two-fer.

Okay — get out and promote your favourite aspect of DS106 to the world with a special GIF!

August 2013 GIF Challenge #2: Dancing Jim All Over the World

As soon as I saw this one in the Assignment Bank, I just knew this had to be next on the agenda for the August 2013 Animated GIF Challenge.

UPDATE: Click on the GIF to hear Jim’s dance music! (Thanks, John!)

"The Jim Groom Horror Picture Show" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“The Jim Groom Horror Picture Show” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

I’ve been expecting a lot from our dear UNCLE @jimgroom over the past while, and am still waiting for him to address his significant Art Lack. Todd kept saying, “No Art from Groom” over and over, and it wasn’t until yesterday that I got a good enough feed from his blog to confirm that the Art Lack remains significant. However, despite the Art Lack, UNCLE @jimgroom has been posting a lot of writing bavatuesdays.com recently, and he makes some compelling cases for a whole bunch of stuff that is worth reading. So even though the Art Lack continues, his brain seems to be working okay. So there is that.

But he does need to crawl back out and Make some More Art, bub.

My True Friend John Johnston has rocked the Assignment Bank with Animated GIF Assignment 1001: Dancing Jim All Over the World — but so far only 2 ds106ers have shown the assignment some love. So the ds106 Community needs to step up and address that!

While I had thoughts of doing a “Where the Hell is Jim?” with Jim dancing in all the locations Matt does, in the end I decided to do an animated poster to celebrate Jim’s enthusiasm for #ds106.

I found some art for the original Rocky Horror Picture Show on the Google images. I had the greatest success searching fontspace.com for fonts with the tag “blood” and in the end selected Rocky AOE by the Astigmatic One Eye Typographic Institute as the best match for my poster.

I also tidied up John’s original dancing jim groom template file by removing vestiges of the microphone chord — now the Bava dances with a wireless mic in his hand in the modified template file.

Yesterday’s response to Animated 2013 GIF Challenge #1: GIF your Headless Self was good, with contributions from @RockyLou22, @Todd_Conaway, @heystorytellers, @bennettscience, and @byzantinebooks. Did I miss any?  But I know we can wake the #headless13 #ds106 Community giant even more in preparation for the official start of the fall 2013 headless ds106.

Make sure to tag your posts according to the usual Assignment Bank requirements, and your August 2013 Animated GIF Challenge contribution will syndicate through to the corresponding Assignment Bank page so we can easily track the responses. And be sure to tweet out your post, too!

Make some Art, bub!

@iamTalkyTina is “Back in the Box”

MyFairTinaGUEST POST BY @PuppetMaster106

Earlier this year, in February, 2013, @iamTalkyTina began interacting with the outside world after a hiatus of many years. In the months leading up to today’s date, she made a number of “Friends” via twitter, this blog, and the ds106 #ds106zone community.

This evening, @iamTalkyTina was returned to her cardboard box.

"Back in the Box"

“@iamTalkytina: Back in the Box”

Some will question the rationale and reason behind her sudden departure from ds106, and ask about her abrupt return to the box. In all honesty, and without apology, some will find the answers to their questions to be lacking. It is not the intent of this author to provide solutions or guidance to Tina’s “Friends,” nor will all be explained in the coming passage. However, you may find some consolation is some of what is to follow.

First, you may wish to review my previous guest post on this blog, entitled My Fair Tina, which outlines a good deal of my rational behind my involvement with @iamTalkyTina.

Second, you may take some solace in the fact that @iamTalkyTina is safe, within her cardboard box, in a secure and comfortable location, somewhere within close proximity to a regulated facility where regular monitoring of her status occurs. If you wish further details, see the information provided at the end of this post.

As to her departure, shall I simply re-state my comments made earlier this evening as reported in the media, “the ds106zone is over, Groom himself hasn’t made any Art in weeks, and @iamTalkyTina had just outstayed her welcome.

I will not comment a recent series of Twitter-uttered and blog-posted statements made by one member of the ds106 community about “grown men playing with dolls.” Such statements are nothing but inflammatory and are not respectful of the long tradition of puppets, figures, dummies, stand-ins, alternate personalities, mirror characters, foils, alternates, nom de plumes, etc within the historic span of storytelling in all of its many and various forms. Plus, other ds106 people have dolls, bub.

I will not comment on the well self-documented and drawn-out period of mental aberrations referenced by @cogdog due to his preoccupation with @iamTalkyTina in late June, nor comment on the fact that since his “trip to the canyon,” he has refused to approve or publish any of her comments posted to his webblog, cogdogblog.com — not even appearing to see or hear any of her Tweets.

I will not comment on the recently self-proclaimed stresses and appeals for a return to wellness that #ds106 course guru “UNCLE” @jimgroom has been sharing — noting only that he too has once again taken to claiming once again that “HE is @iamTalkyTina” and that “she completes him,” and that “HE does not need to do any new ds106 Art because SHE is HE and if SHE is doing it then clearly HE is and so HE does not need to do any.” After about ten syllables it starts to just get really weak and the result is that @jimgroom is getting a free ride off of @iamTalkyTina right when he needs to be getting back on the Art horsie and riding around the Art range corralling some new Art doggies.

I will not comment on the many and various other #pretenderTinas that appeared — Tina took them all to the cleaners in the Rumble. And as for that “other” rogue Tina that appeared in mid June, @RealTalkyTina — ha, ha, that four-tweet lifespan went nowhere. Heck, even I, @PuppetMaster106, have more than four tweets to my Twitter cred.

I will comment, however, on the question as to whether I, @PuppetMaster106, will now increase my web presence now that “the @iamTalkyTina character has been put away.” On this question, I have this to say, and you may quote me:

This talk of a ‘headless ds106’ this fall is all well and good, but you know that someone, somewhere, needs to be always at work behind the scenes, keeping things ticking, poking and prodding, feeding the unicorns, and all. And since I’m experienced with webs and scenes, and strings and such, there’s certainly a role for me in the coming months — whether it’s visible to the ds106 community, or not so visible, and rather behind the scenes.

And as to that little mention of unicorns just there, and whether that might in some way identify me to my ds106 friends, well, I’m smiling and have just this little closing comment — “Yeah, I just threw that in as a little red herring subterfuge.”

So, @iamTalkyTina is Back in the Box. And for the next while, I will be on hiatus. But I will not be far from the ds106 stage. The curtain will soon be rising, and the show will go on.

Final Notes on the State of @iamTalkyTina

"@iamTalkyTina: Back in the Box, Three Layers Deep"

“@iamTalkyTina: Back in the Box, Three Layers Deep”

In addition to being housed in a secure and comfortable location, somewhere within close proximity to a regulated facility where regular monitoring of her status occurs, @iamTalkyTina is resting comfortably within her cardboard box in a quiet and well sound-proofed location. Her sleeping compartment is encased in sub-zero ice-packing to keep her well protected from any untoward movements, and this ice-packing is, in turn, encased within a level four prototype Carbonite shield. These three layers (cardboard, ice, Carbonite) are intended to isolate @iamTalkyTina from any external disturbances that might upset her.

She is resting in comfort and quiet, and we are quite hopeful (VERY! hopeful) that nothing will disturb her.

The Sign of a True Friend. Badges!

After reading last night of the pitiable plea for help sent out by my True Friend Ol’ Hatchet Jack (and after I immediately responded, as True Friends do), my little mind got to thinking …

Some of my other True Friends might benefit from having their own TalkyTina-certified badge, too!

So I am making Badges for all of my True Friends, just like the one I made for Ol’ Hatchet Jack.

Here are the first two that I have made, because I think both Cogdog and JimGroom are True Friends.

Badge for CogDog

Badge for CogDog


Jim Groom's Badge

Badge for Jim Groom

Do you want to be my True Friend?  If you ARE one of my True Friends, I will make you a badge.

Apply Here.  As of May 25th, requirements for True Friend certification have changed. Please see the details provided on the page Apply to Be a True Friend.

I thank you for applying, but only True Friends will be contacted and provided with their official badge.

Men Who Have a Thing for Hatchets …

"A Shortened Clip from Twitch of the Death Nerve, with the Blood Cut Out."

“A Shortened Clip from Twitch of the Death Nerve, with the Bloody Head- Getting-Cut-Off-Part Cut Out.”

Although Jim Groom never really sent me any kind of personal Valentine card back when I made mine, I think he must be a very interesting man, like my friend Hatchet Jack, and also that Bryan Alexander fellow who has a hatchet, too, and he mentioned me after all on #ds106radio when he was visiting with Alan, who also chops wood for his wood stove (and so he must have a hatchet, too), because he (Jim Groom) posted a picture of a hatchet when he wrote about a film festival that he is going to be having about his all-time fascination director called Mario Bava who seems to like all kinds of things scare you and jump out and that make screams and blood come out of you. I just cleaned it up a bit by removing the bloody part.

Anyway, when I saw that, I put the dates on my fancy Google calendar so I would not miss a single one. You can subscribe to the calendar about the Jim Groom’s 10-Week Mario Bava Film Festival — if you like that kind of thing, after all.

     (Calendar ID: 7ervo7h7p3186dthln5809f2ag@group.calendar.google.com)

The dates are in my sidebar, too —->>> (look!!)  I wound up using a plug-in called iCalendar Events Widget because when I transferred my blog from WordPress.com to my own self-domain-of-my-own-installation (Look at me, I’m independent and self-sufficient, after all!) I had to find a plug-in that worked and this one did. I had to fiddle a little with some thing called CSS to make it look okay, but I was able to figure it out.

Even though all of my Nice Friends always think of me as gentle and polite and nice and a really beautiful and lovely doll, sometimes people often see me as being younger than I really am (that’s so flattering!), and they forget that I had an acting career way back in 1964, and this is 2013. Now a lady never mentions her age (and so you WON”T do the math on that, will you, my good friends?) but I feel that I am mature enough to enjoy the Bava Film Festival without fear of you all saying I’m too sensitive for something so rich in energy or intensity. I know you will respect and support my decision around this.

So I’m down for bavatuesdays.