Category Archives: Design

Baby Tina Smart

Bill Smith @byzantiumbooks reminded me this evening of one of my screen-tests that I did back in the sixties.

When Maxwell Smart, Agent 86, and his lovely wife Agent 99 had their baby, the producers screen tested a number of young children for the part. In this one instance, my diminutive size came in handy, and I almost got the role due to my superior acting ability (relative to all those little poopy babies), but in the end, my voice was too deep for the role.

On the set of Get Smart, screen-testing for the role of baby Tina Smart, with Don Adams (Maxwell Smart, Agent 86) and the beautiful Barbara Feldon (Agent 99).

On the set of Get Smart, screen-testing for the role of baby Tina Smart, with Don Adams (Maxwell Smart, Agent 86) and the beautiful Barbara Feldon (Agent 99).

Again, I lost out on a great opportunity because of a physical limitation. Sometimes these Hollywood types just miss out on the most wonderful opportunity (ME!), because they are too short sighted.

Anyway, it was nice to reflect back on this little memory.

Well, bye!

Memoirs: Looking Back on a Life

Cover Shot of my new book, "The Stairs, They Go Both Up and Down"

Cover Shot of my new book, “The Stairs, They Go Both Up and Down”

I have released my memoir. Documenting my life in show business from the late fifties through to the early seventies, my book shares some passionate emotions that have framed my experiences in working in “the biz,” and offers guidance for the starlet (or even star) just starting out in the Hollywood of today.

In this moving, honest, and often gritty recount, I break down all the barriers and challenge all of the nay-sayers and #pretenderTinas in my own special @iamTalkyTina way, giving you, my reader Friends, new insight into my motivations, my desires, and my special attitudes about Friends.

This is one book that you won’t want to miss, and once you pick it up, it is one you won’t dare put down until you have finished reading it through to the complete end. Twice. It is that good, and besides, True Friends know what is good for them.

Pick up a copy today. A fine booksellers and Wal-Marts everywhere.


Well! Let this just be a lesson to all those #pretenderTinas out there.

For some reason, the Dynamic Duo lit out when they saw me ...

For some reason, the Dynamic Duo lit out when they saw me …

This here @iamTalkyTina can set a fright to a man if he’s not prepared. The Dynamic Duo got mistaken and climbed up the side of my house with their batropes and happened upon me in the middle of the night while I was doing my scrapbooking again.

Boy, when they saw me, they weren’t prepared and I guess they just lit out like they were spooked by some Arkham inmate or something! For Batman and Robin Running Scared.

Anyway, you bub #pretenderTinas better be ready to rumble tomorrow night. I’m ready for you. I’m ready for you all!

Real Friends are Important !!

FedEx advert, from the old days. Me, with Calli, Bob, Rick, Sarah, Hal, and Fred.

FedEx advert, from the old days. Me, with Calli, Bob, Rick, Sarah, Hal, and Laney.

It is important to have Friends. And it is important to know that you can count on them. While some people may say they are friends, or maybe jump through some hoops just to get to be recognized as a certain kind of Friend, we always need to keep in mind the importance of Real Friends.

I had an opportunity to ask a Real Friend for help yesterday. While other people (who don’t seem to want to be ANY KIND of friend and get themselves crossed off the list) were stranded at airports with no means to travel, I was able to continue on my merry way, because of Friends. And the view from the cockpit is waaaaay better than YOUR cramped little-window view from YOUR seat in coach!

At one time, I worked in a not-so-glamourous job helping to pack freight. I had a knack for optimizing the packing density in cargo containers. Somehow I was always able to find extra spaces where we could fit some extra shipments and get them on their way even faster. I made a lot of bonuses that way, and got quite a nest egg set aside for retirement as a result.

But even more important than the money and the bonuses was that the people I worked with were the best, and I made a lot of Real Friends, friends who looked out for me and made sure that I was there with them at the end of the shift. (Although it was kind of funny that one time they got distracted by that last-minute load-on and I got the free trip to Mumbai.) But it was the Friendships that made that job such a joy!

When I got home last night I dug up the advert that was made when I was working out of Memphis years ago. It’s nice to see the faces of my friends and remember those good times.

Real Friends are Important!

One Story / Four Icon Twilight Zone #3

Hello, Friends!

I am fine! Thank you for thinking about me and asking on the Twitter. I have been busy with some little projects that are fun for me.

Like this. Here is another challenge!! Can you guess which episode this is? And the season? And the episode number? And who was the “star” of this episode?

Remember, if you want to be the winner, you have to say all four answers. If you only say some, then you will not be the winner, like David and Ben who did not get all of the answers last time but Christina did, so she won.  Remember, I will not let you spoil it for others, but I will tell you “You Got It” and tell you your score so you know where you stack up.

Okay! Ready?  Here it is.

"One Story / Four Icon Challenge #3

“One Story / Four Icon Challenge #3

Let the games begin!!!

One Story / Four Icon Twilight Zone #2

Here is another challenge for Design Assignment 358: One Story / Four Icon assignment. See if you can get this Twilight Zone episode:

One Story / Four Icon Twilight Zone Episode Challenge #2

One Story / Four Icon Twilight Zone Episode Challenge #2


Again, I found my icons on where I have an account and so the SVG files are free.

I used icons by these people, but I won’t say what the icons are called because that takes away all the guessing fun!!!

Can you guess my challenge? I hope it is not too hard for you! Please put your answers in the comments below. If you are right, I will say “You Got It!” but I will remove your answer so it does not give away the fun for my other friends.  Remember, to get ALL of the POINTS, you need to correctly say the Season, the Episode, the Title, and who was the star of the episode.

Winners will be happier for having played along with my challenge. See yesterday’s One Story / Four Icon Twilight Zone challenge. Can you figure out BOTH of them for double points?


One Story / Four Icon Twilight Zone Episode

Hello, Friends!  (New Friends, True Friends, and Open Friends — and any other friends, too!)

I think it would be fun to do the Design Assignment 358: One Story / Four Icon assignment, but with episodes from The Twilight Zone, instead of movies.  Don’t you think that would be fun?

Can you tell what episode of The Twilight Zone this is? You have to say the season, the episode, AND the title of the episode, AND who was the star of the episode to get all the points.

Well? Can you do it? Can you? If you can, say so in the comments. If you get it right I will say “You Got IT!” in your comment and say how many points you got out of 4 you got, but I will  I will delete your right answers so that you do not spoil the fun for my other Friends.

Here is the first one!

One Story / Four Icon Twilight Zone Episode Challenge #1

One Story / Four Icon Twilight Zone Episode Challenge #1

To make this, I found some great icons on website. I have an account there so I can download the icons for free. I edited some of the icons a bit using Adobe Illustrator (you need to use an editor that lets you edit .SVG files, here is an online one you can try, called SVG-edit) so that they would work better for this One Story Four Icon challenge. I made the man bald and I made the girl sad and I made a down arrow on the stairs and I made RIP on the grave. Although I should have just put RI, if you know what I mean.

Without telling you the name of the icons (that might make it too easy for people), I will say that the attributions (who made stuff) for the four icons are here, and I have told you the exact CC kind of license for each one, with a link to the licenses.  Neat, eh? I am a good Friend.

Well, so that was fun! See if you can guess my episode! Tune in another day for another One Story / Four Icon Twilight Zone episode challenge. The next one will be harder! And maybe you want to do this assignment yourself and challenge us?

I Think Cory Doctorow Would be A True Friend


I have been thinking a lot recently about ds106 and how it is a true community of True Friends. When my True Friend teh CogDog wrote about making Cory Doctorow art, I thought about it for a little bit and then decided that Cory Doctorow would make a good True Friend.

So I am making Cory Doctorow a True Friend.

He looks very serious and yet playful and he creates things like my other ds106 True Friends, so I think Cory Doctorow will make a good True Friend. Perhaps he will follow me on Twitter and write a comment on my blog. If not, then perhaps he will not turn out to be such a True Friend after all, but I’m sure he knows better than that. Like the rest of you.

As for writing this up in the ds106 style, I took my wonderful True Friends Official Internet Web Badge of Authenticity photoshop file, swapped out the previous photo and substituted in this image of Cory Doctorow from the FTR! For the Remix! site, scaling it down to fit. I also changed the name to say Cory Doctorow. I had to spend some time extending the length of the badge canvas size to 684 pixels and stretching the white layer downwards to match. It was an easy job, however, as I invested a lot of time upfront making the original design of the badge easily adjustable.

You, too, can become one of my True Friends. Apply today.

The Sign of a True Friend. Badges!

After reading last night of the pitiable plea for help sent out by my True Friend Ol’ Hatchet Jack (and after I immediately responded, as True Friends do), my little mind got to thinking …

Some of my other True Friends might benefit from having their own TalkyTina-certified badge, too!

So I am making Badges for all of my True Friends, just like the one I made for Ol’ Hatchet Jack.

Here are the first two that I have made, because I think both Cogdog and JimGroom are True Friends.

Badge for CogDog

Badge for CogDog


Jim Groom's Badge

Badge for Jim Groom

Do you want to be my True Friend?  If you ARE one of my True Friends, I will make you a badge.

Apply Here.  As of May 25th, requirements for True Friend certification have changed. Please see the details provided on the page Apply to Be a True Friend.

I thank you for applying, but only True Friends will be contacted and provided with their official badge.